Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Harry Potter: 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies, Ranked


The wizarding world of Harry Potter is home to many fantastic beasts of varying strengths that never had the chance to face each other on screen.

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Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Throughout all of the Harry Potter movies, witches and wizards are focused on as being all-powerful when they master magic, whether they use it for good or evil. However, in the wizarding world, there are many other powerful entities that exist that could match or surpass most witches and wizards in a fight.

Some magical creatures are small, adorable, and peaceful, while others combine majestic looks and movements with overwhelming power and strength. Many are happy to live their lives in peace, but any aggravation or instigation will likely cause them to unleash their power on anyone.

10 Thestrals Are Graceful & Calm But Have An Ominous Aura & Origin

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Thestrals are equal parts beautiful and ominous. Only being visible to those people who have witnessed death, these winged horses are skeletal in appearance and somewhat gentle in nature. They are supposedly carnivores but pose no real threat to humans unless seriously provoked, which they are not during the Harry Potter movies. They are described as being clever beasts, but their appearances in the movies are limited to transporting witches and wizards and confusing those who can’t see them.

9 Hippogriffs Turn Hostile If Disrespected

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Hippogriffs are not necessarily stronger or more powerful than thestrals in the confines of the Harry Potter movies. Regardless, such a comparison is not directly made or explored. Hagrid’s friend and hippogriff, Buckbeak, is shown off in his first class as a teacher of Care of Magical Creatures, with special effects making it look especially impressive.

Hippogriffs are known to command and demand respect, with them becoming especially aggressive and dangerous if they are disrespected, as seen when Buckbeak attacked Draco Malfoy. Buckbeak later fights off a werewolf, no mean feat in itself, before transporting Sirius Black to safety.

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8 Acromantulas Give Arachnophobes Good Reason To Be Afraid

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Acromantulas are Ron Weasley’s nightmare but are not seen in direct combat until the final movie. Their appearance in Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets is ultimately limited to trapping Harry and Ron before subsequently hunting them down unsuccessfully.

Their intent to hunt and eat the students is reason enough to suspect the potential power and malicious nature of the giant spiders, and their services are enlisted by Voldemort in the attack on Hogwarts. With the size of Aragog and the revelation that they are poisonous, Harry and Ron were certainly lucky to escape virtually unscathed in their second year.

7 House-Elves Possess Magical Capabilities That Rival Those Of Witches & Wizards

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Other than their small stature, house-elves should be regarded similarly to witches and wizards, as they can utilize magic the same way that their masters can.

Dobby showcases his own talents on several occasions over the course of the Harry Potter movie franchise, causing problems for multiple wizards with his quick thinking and magical prowess, ultimately giving his life for his human friends. Dobby’s ability to outwit anyone while being seriously underestimated is an impressive trait in itself and is undoubtedly applicable to others of his kind.

6 Werewolves Are Unpredictable & Vicious

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

Two different werewolves are encountered over the course of the Harry Potter movies, Remus Lupin and the Death Eater Fenrir Greyback. One is a slave to his curse, while the other embraces it in order to commit acts of pure evil.

Lupin’s werewolf form was fought off by Buckbeak in Prisoner of Azkaban after injuring Sirius Black, while Fenrir caused panic and trauma by mowing down Hogwarts students in the final battle. Werewolves, like humans, can come in different shapes and sizes, with some posing more of a threat than others.

5 Grawp & Hagrid Are Rare Examples Of Kind-Hearted & Virtually Harmless Giants

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

While there are instances of giants like Grawp and Hagrid being gentle and not particularly threatening, albeit with the latter being a half-giant, giants are generally feared and revered for their sheer power and size in the Harry Potter universe.

This might is hinted at with Grawp’s clumsiness in Order of the Phoenix but is fully showcased in the battle of Hogwarts, with the giants fighting for Voldemort and smashing through the school’s defenses. Despite there not being much to giants beyond their physical strength, that alone is enough to position them among the most powerful magical creatures.

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4 The Phoenix Is Mysterious And Magnificent

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

The phoenix is not especially well known for its combat prowess, but any time a phoenix (Fawkes) appears in the Harry Potter movies, the mystical bird has a powerful and majestic aura about it.

From it bursting into flames and aiding Dumbledore in a daring escape from the Ministry to helping Harry against the basilisk, the phoenix is shown as a powerful entity that fans generally wanted to see more of. The fact that powerful wands are often constructed using phoenix feathers should suggest how powerful the creatures are.

3 Dementors Offer A Fate Worse Than Death

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

The general description of a dementor is enough to strike fear into anyone, even without seeing them in action. From the dark, cloaked figure and its floating movements, all the way to its terrifying ability to suck the soul out of their victims, dementors are the embodiment of death.

The ability to leave a human alive but a shell of their former self with no feelings, memories, or a general sense of being is a terrifying prospect, which is why it is used as a deterrent and punishment for criminals in the wizarding world.

2 The Basilisk Is Much More Than Just A Big Snake

Harry Potter 10 Most Powerful Magical Creatures Shown In The Movies Ranked

While Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, is terrifying and intimidating enough despite merely being a large snake in terms of size, the basilisk is in a whole different league. With the ability to kill someone simply by locking eyes with them, its size and sheer power, not to mention the sharp fangs, make those eyes nearly redundant.

Even while blinded, the basilisk still posed a threat to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, establishing it as a grave threat and one of the most powerful magical creatures in the Harry Potter movie franchise.

1 Dragons Come In All Terrifying Shapes & Sizes

Dragons come in all shapes and sizes in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, from Norbert the baby Norwegian Ridgeback to the ferocious Hungarian Horntail and the imprisoned Ukrainian Ironbelly that Harry and friends escaped from Gringotts with in The Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Although every breed has varying degrees of strength and firepower, on the whole, dragons are feared for their fire-breathing and explosively fast flying. Most breeds of dragons would dominate any other magical creature within the realms of Harry Potter.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/harry-potter-most-powerful-movie-magical-beasts-ranked/

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