Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

Avatar: The Last Airbender – 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See


Katara is one of Avatar: The Last Airbender’s most badass characters and these amazing pieces of fan art pay great homage to her personality.

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Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

For years, the water-bending Katara has been one of the favorite supporting characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender. With the show finally hitting Netflix and re-entering the sphere of popularity, fans are getting the opportunity to remember why her character was so great.

As everyone reminisces on the greatness and beauty of the show, it only feels right to show respect to some of the works of fan art inspired by the series. Sticking with Katara, here are 10 incredible pieces of fan art that show love to the series’ favorite female bender.

10 Sokka & Kotara

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

To be quite honest, it’s impossible to talk about Katara without briefly mentioning her older brother, Sokka, as well. Their relationship is one of the best aspects of the series. While they obviously have their fair share of disagreements, as siblings do, they always manage to stick together and keep in mind that family comes first.

This piece from Meramii is an incredible tribute to the water bending siblings, with wonderful renditions of each of them. Her artistic style is so smooth and aesthetically pleasing, while the picture itself doesn’t overdo it, just giving you a small showing of who each of these characters truly is.

9 Katara

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

Although a Katara piece at heart, this work of art, from Taratjah, manages to squeeze the rest of the show’s main characters in, as well. She still makes Katara the center of attention, as she bends the water of this lake.

Her style, as well, is incredibly smooth, while still being able to create a sense of motion in the picture, mainly in the water. It’s an outstandingly peaceful look at Katara, and just how soothing and calming the water bending can be portrayed.

8 Team Avatar: Katara

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

Artist UrLogicFails has done something incredible with his minimalistic pieces paying tribute to Avatar: The Last Airbender’s main characters.

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For Katara, her village and the iceberg she and Sokka found Aang in, are featured. The picture may seem simplistic, but it so perfectly captures some of the most characteristic elements of the show’s best characters. In the case of Katara, this piece effectively transports you back to the show’s very first episode.

7 Zutara Week

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

There are plenty of reasons as to why this piece from Solar-Sea is so fantastic. To start, the artistic style is gritty and undefined, yet so elegant and appealing. They create an incredible sense of motion, making the whole piece feel like its moving.

The piece also pays tributes to one of the most interesting parts of Katara’s character and a relationship that most people could’ve never predicted. Lastly, the piece is great as it portrays Katara and Zuko in their alternate personas, showing Katara as the Painted Lady and Zuko as the Blue Spirit. All in all, it’s layered with greatness and an incredibly cool depiction of two together.

6 Bloodbending

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

On many occasions, artists have given fans a look at the extent and range of Katara’s water bending abilities. Although most do this by showcasing her skill with water, others choose to showcase it with some other liquid form. In this particular case, and many others, they do it with blood.

None, however, do it much better than this piece from NanFe. She so easily creates a sense of horror in Katara, an otherwise seemingly harmless character, making it seem as though she’s creating magic and not even bending. On top of it all, she incorporates just a small hint of blue shining in Katara’s eyes with just a single tear, humanizing her while still portraying her in a terrifying manner.

5 Katara With Calligraphy Goodness

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

Another incredible series paying tribute to Avatar: The Last Airbender is this one from MyCKs. Their gritty watercolor style creates an elegance and they have done so for plenty of other great pop culture characters.

MyCKs’ style is a thing of beauty. In the words of the artist, their style is a Sumi/watercolor combination that incorporates both her mother’s Japanese calligraphy and her Sumi-e painting. It just so happens that the characters of the show work in perfect harmony with this style. Although the piece with Katara as its muse is among the best, the entire series is an outstanding testament to the beauty in each of the show’s characters and individual bending styles.

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4 Katara Speedpaint

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

Just as fan art pieces work in the more typical cartoonish style of Avatar: The Last Airbender, they also work amazingly with a more photorealistic look.

This piece, from RaidesArt, is obvious proof of this fact. With a more realistic looking Katara shining through bending strands of water, they’ve embued so much more life into the character. It even comes with a speedpaint video, showing the process of how this masterpiece was made.

3 Moonlight Katara

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

One of the coolest elements of this piece from Zarory is that the artist allowed fans to choose from a number of sketches, painting in great detail the winner. Well, it turns out the winner became a fantastic work of art.

Showcasing a smooth and brilliant painted style, he portrays Katara utilizing her water bending skill in the light of the moon. The bright notes of the water set against the dark colors of the night sky make this piece an amazingly contrasted beauty, with his clean style giving it yet another level of brilliance.

2 The Painted Lady

Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Katara Fan Art Pictures That You Need To See

As is the case for most aspects of her character, such as her brother or even her very water bending abilities, it’s hard to fully paint a picture of Katara without showing her time as the Painted Lady.

A small glimpse may have been seen before, but no fan art piece captures the true essence of the Painted Lady, the spirit of the Jang Hui River, as well as this one from Pegaite. In the unrefined watercolor style of the piece, you see the incredible flow of water, especially from the headpiece of the Painted Lady. This flow, along with the varied use of intense color and unbelievable use of lighting, make this an absolute masterpiece.

1 Avatar: Katara

Lastly comes a breathtaking realistic take on Katara, this time from Viccolatte. The piece truly showcases the vast and incredible beauty that can be created in each bending form. The detail of Katara herself, along with the incredible detail of the water, makes this piece all together outstanding.

This, along with the way Katara is brilliantly portrayed both in and out of the water, combines to show the power in her abilities. Every inch of this piece adds to its overall greatness, and its a wonderful depiction of Katara at her most powerful, along with the beauty that she can create in her water bending.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/avatar-last-airbender-katara-fan-art/

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