YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

Yu-Gi-Oh! 10 Things About Noah’s Virtual World That Make No Sense


The Virtual World arc in Yu-Gi-Oh! failed to make any sense in these 10 instances.

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YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

The Virtual World arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! is certainly a weird one. Midway through the Battle City arc, the entire cast is just ripped from the plot and thrown straight into Noah Kaiba’s Virtual World. Does it make sense? No, but it’s a memorable arc from the anime, so it’s worth figuring out what exactly is happening here.

In this arc, there are all sorts of absolute nonsense in the story, and the duels themselves have huge question marks surrounding their legitimacy. This will be a look back at the 10 most nonsensical things that happen throughout the Virtual World arc. There is plenty to get into, so let’s jump right in!

10 Deck Masters

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

In this arc, the main twist with duels is that each duelist chooses a Deck Master, a monster of theirs that is separate from the battlefield, unless called upon by their duelist to join the fight. All of these monsters have their own special effect that their duelist can activate when necessary. Why do they have these powers? Why does this happen at all? Did Noah just want duels that take place in his world to be extra exciting? There’s no reasoning to explain any of this in the arc. Rather, it’s just a new rule that happens and they’re all fine with it. None of the duelists even know what their Deck Master’s ability will be before choosing them.

9 Why Doesn’t Noah Just Take What He Wants?

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

Since Noah seems to rule everything in his virtual world, why doesn’t he just take a body and go? Why does he need to duel in order to take a body and escape to the real world? He mentions that he wants to prove himself as deserving of Kaiba’s body specifically, but he cheats in his duel against him anyway. Someone find the logic here because this just makes no sense at all.

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8 How Is He Able To Brainwash Mokuba?

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

On that same note, how is Noah able to brainwash a real, living person? It’s as if Mokuba’s mind just somehow stops functioning in Noah’s virtual world. How does that make any sense at all? It’s not like Noah was brainwashing people in the real world. Even though he has power in the virtual world, that doesn’t mean he can brainwash living people.

7 How Did The Big Five Get There?

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

Can anyone actually explain how The Big Five all ended up in Noah’s virtual world? Did they just walk there from the other virtual world that they were trapped in? Ignoring the fact that this foolish group somehow got themselves trapped in two different virtual worlds, it makes no sense as to how they ended up in Noah’s. They were also completely worthless to him, but that’s beside the point.

6 How Body Swapping Works

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

So, in this world for some reason, once a duelist wins a duel against someone, they’re able to steal their defeated opponent’s body and go to the real world. But how? There needs to be an explanation as to how that would work.

In what way would the functions of a virtual program allow someone to steal the body of someone else in the world? Noah might be smart, but he isn’t that smart. This is just one of many flaws in this season.

5 Marik Is Just There & Angry

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

A few times during this arc, viewers get quick snippets of Marik just being really angry because everyone seems to have disappeared. That’s very fair. Everyone straight-up dropped off the face of the earth in the middle of his takeover of said earth. Anyone would be mad in a situation like that. It’s just funny to think of Marik angrily searching the blimp, trying to find out where everyone went.

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4 How Long Did This All Take?

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

On that same note, how long did all of this take? Mai is currently in the Shadow Realm, trapped inside of an hourglass as she loses memory after memory while all of this is going down. How long were the main characters bumbling around in Noah’s world while Mai’s life was slowly ticking away? She was barely even mentioned at all, adding insult to injury. Good going guys.

3 Gozaburo’s Entire Plan

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

Gozaburo’s first plan is to keep his son’s mind intact after an accident by placing him inside of a virtual world, and continue with the plan of him taking over the company. Unfortunately for Gozaburo, his virtual child is simply not going to be able to run a company full of real people. They can literally just turn him off if he’s bothering them.

His second plan, after he ends up in the virtual world, for some reason, is to move everyone on the planet into the virtual world to rule over them all. How did he expect to pull that one off? In what way is that feasible?

2 How Is Serenity So Horrific At Dueling?

YuGiOh! 10 Things About Noahs Virtual World That Make No Sense

How is Serenity so horrific at dueling? During the Battle City finals alone, she watched duel after duel, and she doesn’t even know how to place a monster in defense mode? Did she ever watch and learn from her fellow duelists? Her eyes were fixed at this point, so she really had no excuse. She even killed Tristan for a minute with her antics.

1 Incredibly Specific Deck Master Abilities

On that same note, why are all of the Deck Master abilities so specific? Duke’s Strike Ninja, for example, is able to activate someone else’s set card as if it was his own. What kind of ability is that? Of course, that is part of what helps them win the duel in the end, but the plot armor with those Deck Master abilities is just too real.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/yu-gi-oh-noah-virtual-world-makes-no-sense-facts-trivia/

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