Black Widow and Nick Fury Battle Immortal Gunslingers and Leopard Men And Too Much More

Black Widow and Nick Fury Battle Immortal Gunslingers and Leopard Men And Too Much More

What should should have been a standard mission for Black Widow turned into a one of the most bizarre adventures she and Nick Fury ever embarked on.

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Black Widow and Nick Fury Battle Immortal Gunslingers and Leopard Men And Too Much More

Black Widow and Nick Fury are among the most deadly people in the world. With an incalculable amount of experience between the two of them in all manners of espionage, warfare, and combat, Black Widow and Nick Fury are the two people no one wants to have come after them. But when an international drug dealer plunged the two heroes into a battle involving an immortal gunslinger and bioengineered leopard men, their skills as super spies were put to the test.

Fury/Black Widow: Death Duty, released in 1995 (by Cefn Ridout and Charlie Adlard), began with Black Widow escaping Moscow University, engaging with a handful of thugs up on the roof of the building. Defeating them, Black Widow interrogated one of the thugs, demanding to know the identity of an individual named Blackbird. She learned that the mysterious vigilante showed up within the Russain mafia’s inner circles without warning and began killing the thugs off with deadly precision.

Black Widow and Nick Fury Battle Immortal Gunslingers and Leopard Men And Too Much More

The man known as Blackbird was a young Native American boy who enlisted in World War I. As he grew older he put the skills he had learned during wartime to good use, adopting the persona of the vigilante Night Raven. He crossed paths with Yi Yang, disrupting her drug operations. In retaliation, Yi Yang exposed Night Raven to a chemical that made him immortal at the cost of being in endless pain. Scarred and wearing a mask to hide his disfigured face, Night Raven made it his sole purpose to find Yi Yang and make her pay.

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When Yi Yang’s fortress headquarters was discovered in the frozen depths of Siberia Black Widow and Night Raven understood that they’d only get one chance to launch their assault. Breaching Yi Yang’s fortress’s defenses, Black Widow and Night Raven were quickly overtaken once inside. Yi Yang herself greeted them, her personal army of genetically engineered snow leopard men at the ready. A massive battle took place within the heart of Yi Yang’s fortress, casualties mounting for both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the drug lord.

As Nick Fury parachuted into the heat of the battle, reinforcements in tow, Yi Yang attempted to flee her fortress by helicopter. Night Raven, finally gaining his chance at exacting revenge, took aim at Yi Yang’s helicopter and shot it out of the sky. Crashing to the earth, Yi Yang directed the helicopter into Night Raven, both disappearing in a giant fireball. Neither of their bodies was found in the wreckage, the two immortals presumed dead. The story ended with Black Widow lamenting the state of her homeland, how she had left with the hopes that it would become a better place when she returned. Nick Fury offered her support, commenting that at the very least Black Widow fared better than either Night Raven or Yi Yang, the fires from the destroyed helicopter still burning strongly.

The most interesting thing about the story, aside from the immortals and animal men, is that Nick Fury is barely in it at all. He makes a few brief appearances early on but doesn’t physically show up to engage with the enemy until the very end after most of the fighting has ended. Honestly, Black Widow should have had her name in the title by itself as it focused primarily on her adventure and her history in Russia. Nick Fury was just along for the ride which is both a disservice to Black Widow for having to share the title with him and also to Nick Fury fans who had hoped to see more of him in the story.

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Fury/Black Widow: Death Duty began as a standard spy thriller full of international espionage but took an interesting turn with the addition of Night Raven, an enigmatic and seemingly unkillable gunslinger. The story plunged straight into the deep end with its explosive climax; it might not have been the classic spy caper that some fans wanted, but it’s certainly one of the more unique adventures Black Widow ever embarked on. Night Raven hasn’t been seen since, but there’s always the chance Black Widow will cross paths with the gunslinger again, just hopefully with fewer bioengineered animal soldiers.

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