Doctor Strange 2 Cast Listing Teases the Films Multiversal Madness

Doctor Strange 2 Cast Listing Teases the Film’s Multiversal Madness

Newly surfaced casting information for Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness leans into the film’s alternate realities.

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The name Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness suggests fans will get to experience multiple universes in the upcoming Marvel Studios sequel. However, some new casting information may provide more concrete substantiation to that claim.

Spotlight confirmed that an actor named Jon Prophet will appear in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as a character dubbed “New Yorker 616.” The number 616 might ring some bells for comic book fans, as Earth-616 is the reality where most Marvel Comics storylines occur.

Prophet previously appeared in Wonder Woman 1984 as Birdman and in The Witches as Officer Perry. Now, the actor is making his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as “New Yorker 616.” Although the role is presumably just an extra, the name itself is potentially important to understanding the upcoming film’s plot.

The MCU is set in the designated universe Earth-199999. This universe is home to Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes from the big screen. However, Earth-616 has been mentioned in the MCU multiple times. In Thor: The Dark World, Erik Selvig writes the words “616 universe” on his blackboard diagram, and in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Mysterio mentions Earth-616 as he introduces himself to Peter Parker.

Having a character named “New Yorker 616” in Doctor Strange 2 suggests the film could explore the comic book world and potentially provide a platform for new characters. It could also allow some MCU heroes to meet their comic book counterparts in an alternate universe.

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Directed by Sam Raimi, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Xochitl Gomez. The film arrives in theaters March 25, 2022.

Source: Spotlight

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