One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

One Piece: 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)


Douglas Bullet is one of the strongest antagonists in One Piece history, and these are 5 characters who are stronger than him, and 5 that are weaker.

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One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Douglas Bullet is the main antagonist of One Piece: Stampede who stood in Luffy’s way, thanks to his tremendous strength. Bullet is known to be very powerful and carry the might of an entire nation all by himself. Furthermore, his strength is such that it is good enough to be compared to the likes of the Yonko as well.

As seen in Stampede, Bullet is incredibly difficult to take down in one v one fight, and only few possess powers that are greater than him in One Piece. Here are 5 characters who are stronger than Douglas Bullet and 5 who don’t have what it takes to beat him.

10 Stronger: Gol D. Roger

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Roger was one of the most powerful known pirates in the world of One Piece. His strength was so majestic that only Whitebeard was capable of completely matching him in battle. Roger had enough power and determination to see his journey to the end and do what no pirate ever did before by reaching the Final Island that he later named Laugh Tale.

According to One Piece: Stampede, Bullet was nowhere near the level of Roger back when he was one of the members of the crew. After he left, he got stronger, but the difference between the two is still quite big.

9 Weaker: Luffy

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Luffy clashed against Douglas Bullet in Stampede and proved to be inferior to him in terms of strength. Although Luffy wasn’t able to take him down alone, he managed to do so with the help of some other people.

While Luffy does have the potential to surpass Bullet in the future, he is nowhere near that level for the time being, which is why we think that Luffy cannot defeat him alone if the situation ever arises.

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8 Stronger: Whitebeard

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Whitebeard was the man known to possess the greatest might in the world of One Piece. Using his power, he could even match Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, without much trouble. Whitebeard had the Gura Gura no Mi at his disposal, which is part of what made him an incredibly powerful pirate.

While Bullet is, without a doubt, strong, he isn’t great enough to beat the likes of Whitebeard, especially when the latter was in his prime. Even Sengoku agreed that Roger and Whitebeard were in completely different league.

7 Weaker: Roronoa Zoro

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Roronoa Zoro is one of the main characters in One Piece and he serves the role of the Combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates. Zoro is powerful and he’s cut up several enemies who have stood in his way in the past.

However, he definitely isn’t strong enough to take down someone who is on the same level as the Yonko. For Zoro’s progression to make sense, he’d like have to fight a Yonko Commander before jumping ahead to the level of the likes of Bullet. If the two were to fight now, Zoro would be quashed.

6 Stronger: Kaido

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Kaido is the Captain of the Beasts Pirates and one of the strongest known pirates in the world of One Piece. He is known as ‘the Strongest Creature in the World’, a title that only consolidates his place among the absolute best to have appeared in the series.

While Bullet himself is said to be close to the level of the Yonko, we know that Kaido is a different beast altogether. Bullet might be able to put up a fight against him, but it won’t be long before he runs out of legs and Kaido will eventually prove why he’s superior.

5 Weaker: King

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

King is one of Kaido’s three right-hand men who are at his service at all times. He’s a man whose bounty surpasses the billion berries mark, however, the exact amount hasn’t been confirmed to us.

King wields the Ryu Ryu no Mi Model Pteranodon which gives him great strength and mobility. Although strong, King is nowhere near the level of Douglas Bullet and if the two were to clash, King would lose the battle bitterly.

4 Stronger: Big Mom

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Big Mom is the captain of the Big Mom Pirates and one of the Yonko of the Sea, just like Kaido. Her strength is immense and she’s proved herself to be an equal to Kaido in every way. Big Mom’s power may be underestimated, but she’s much stronger than people take her to be.

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Although Bullet is strong, we highly doubt that he’ll be able to inflict any serious wounds to Big Mom, while the same cannot be said for Mama. Big Mom’s insane durability and her strength, combined with her Devil Fruit powers means that she is far stronger than Bullet.

3 Weaker: Smoker

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Smoker is a Navy Vice-Admiral who aims to change the system from within, if possible. He’s someone who hates pirates and as a Marine, he has made it his goal to capture as many of them as possible.

Although Bullet is a pirate, there is little Smoker can do to fight against him since the power difference between the two is just too great. Smoker needs to train for years to be able to put up a fight against Bullet and right now, he’ll be no more than fodder to the former Roger Pirates member.

2 Stronger: Shanks

One Piece 5 Characters Stronger Than Douglas Bullet (& 5 That Are Weaker)

Another one of the Yonko, Shanks leads the Red-Hair Pirates in the New World and is renowned as one of the strongest known people in the entire world. Like Bullet, Shanks served as a member of the Roger Pirates at one point and since then, he’s come a long way.

Shanks’ powers have seen to it that he’s a rival to even the greatest of pirates in the world, such as Big Mom and Kaido, despite being so young. It goes without saying that Shanks is incredibly strong and definitely on a level higher than that of Douglas Bullet.

1 Weaker: Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman is the Vice Captain of the Red-Hair Pirates and the second strongest in his crew, after Shanks himself. Benn Beckman is known to be very strong and his skills are likely close to the level of an Admiral, much like any other strong First Mate.

However, Benn Beckman isn’t close to the power level of Douglas Bullet. Bullet is known to have achieved power similar to that of a Yonko and he’s also known to have a nation’s might in terms of power. While Benn Beckman is strong, he’s definitely not as strong as Bullet.

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