MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

MCU: 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve


As most of Steve’s story is told from his perspective, fans never got to see much of Peggy. Yet, there were many moments that showed her love for him.

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MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

One of the greatest tragedies about one of the MCU’s most iconic star-crossed lovers, Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter, is that they’re destined to live their lives decades apart from one another. Consequently, avid Marvel fans only catch glimpses of what life could’ve been like for this seemingly ill-fated duo.

Fortunately, with the discovery of time travel in Avengers: Endgame and the advent of the multiverse in shows like Loki, What If..?, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, Steve and Peggy are not only able to find their happily ever after in other timelines and realities, but fans get a chance to learn more about Peggy’s feelings for the “Star-Spangled Man with a Plan.”

8 Peggy Tells Steve She’s Waiting For “The Right Partner”

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

When Peggy first meets Steve in Captain America: The First Avenger, he has not yet become the world’s first super-soldier. Instead, the scrawny Brooklyn kid finds common ground with the British agent through their shared frustrations of always having to fight to be heard in the room. The conversation ends with Steve making a remark that he’s waiting for “the right partner” when it comes to finding love.

After embracing his identity as Captain America and saving his oldest friend Bucky Barnes, Peggy finds Steve in a pub celebrating with his fellow soldiers, where she informs the future Avenger of his upcoming appointment with Howard Stark. When Bucky asks her for a dance, she makes a point of ignoring him to tell Steve that she’s also “waiting for the right partner.”

7 Peggy Comforts Steve After Bucky “Dies” On A Mission

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

During a mission to abduct Arnim Zola with the Howling Commandos, the team of elite US soldiers finds themselves ambushed by HYDRA agents after boarding a high-speed train. After a dangerous explosion, Steve’s close friend Bucky is left stranded, hanging off the side of the train for dear life.

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Unfortunately, the rail snaps before Steve can rescue him, leaving Captain America to watch in horror as his best friend plummets to his supposed death. Hearing about the incident, Peggy flies out to find Steve drinking alone in a tavern, lamenting his inability to get drunk due to his high metabolism. Undeterred, Peggy helps Steve work through his grief as the US prepared to launch one final assault on HYDRA.

6 Steve’s Photo Becomes Peggy’s Keepsake After World War II

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

Peggy is left devastated following Steve’s pivotal decision to crash land The Valkyrie into the Arctic ice caps. Following the final days of World War II, Chester Phillips approached Peggy while they were clearing the London SSR base to hand her a single folder containing Steve Rogers’ file, with the super-soldier being marked as “inactive.”

Upon opening the folder, Peggy finds a picture of Steve prior to his transformation, which consequently becomes a keepsake that she treasures for many years to commemorate the man she loved and lost. The photo would even be hung in her office after she left the SSR and became a S.H.I.E.L.D. director.

5 An Interview Reveals Peggy Struggles With Steve’s Sacrifice

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

More than seventy years pass by the time Captain America: The Winter Soldier occurs. While Peggy establishes the foundations of the modern-day S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Howard Stark during this time, she also went on to marry an unnamed man who had been saved by Captain America, with whom she shared a son and daughter.

Footage from the present-day Smithsonian Institution reveals that Peggy would also agree to an interview in 1951 that explored her relationship with Steve Rogers. In the interview, Peggy recounts first meeting with the First Avenger during Project Rebirth but breaks down when asked to discuss her heartbreaking final moments with Steve.

4 Peggy Keeps A Portrait Of Steve In Her S.H.I.E.L.D. Office

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

During the events of Avengers: Endgame, the 2023 Avengers undertake a dangerous mission to travel back in time to recover the six Infinity Stones. After Tony Stark loses the Tesseract to a belligerent Hulk in 2012, Steve and Tony agree to travel back again to 1970 to search Camp Lehigh for both the Space Stone and additional Pym Particles.

The time heist takes the two Avengers to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s base of operations, where Tony and Steve have unexpected encounters with Howard and Peggy respectively. While Steve doesn’t interact with Peggy directly, he finds himself in the S.H.I.E.L.D. director’s office by accident while eluding some agents. It’s here that he discovers Peggy has kept a picture of him after all these years as a memento of their short-lived love.

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3 Captain Carter Struggles With Losing Steve On A Mission

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

While Steve and Peggy ultimately find their happily ever after in the main MCU timeline with the help of a little time travel, there is another reality where events play out quite differently. Marvel’s inaugural episode of What If…? explores a reality where Peggy gets the super-soldier serum instead of Steve, which results in her adopting the mantle of “Captain Carter.”

This alternate reality, however, shares many parallels with the original timeline, albeit with different characters playing different roles. Instead of Steve losing Bucky on the mission to capture Zola, it’s Captain Carter who loses Steve, who’s helming the Hydrastomper, during the incident. Like Steve once did, Captain Carter attempts to lose herself in alcohol, only to find that she’s unable to due to her heightened metabolism.

2 Captain Carter Gets Angry Over Flynn’s Treatment Of Steve

MCU 8 Times Peggy Proved She Loved Steve

Following the loss of Steve and the Hydrastomper, the SSR regroups to coordinate a plan of attack to confront Red Skull and his legion of HYDRA soldiers. Captain Carter finds herself incensed at the meeting when her misogynistic superior, John Flynn, refuses to acknowledge Steve by his name.

In her anger, she shouts at both Flynn and Howard Stark that the Hydrastomper was more than just a weapon or a machine, but that the person who operated it was what mattered the most. Flynn retorts that they should’ve never allowed Captain Carter to take command, as women are “too emotional.” While certainly a low point in her character arc, the scene itself underscores just how much Steve actually means to the super-solder woman.

1 “I Had A Date:” A Play On Words And A Twist Of Fate

One of Steve Roger’s most iconic lines in Captain America: The First Avenger (and perhaps the MCU in general) is when he tells S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury that he had a date with Peggy after discovering that he’s been asleep for near seventy years. The remorseful quote is one that came to define Captain America’s journey and ultimately led to his decision to find a way back to Peggy in the past during the final moments of Avengers: Endgame.

In a cruel twist of fate, Captain Carter ultimately finds herself in Steve’s shoes following the end of her hero’s journey. After sacrificing herself to protect her friends in Castle de Krake, Captain Carter finds herself in front of Fury and Hawkeye. The super-soldier immediately asks where Steve is, only to receive the bombshell that she time traveled seventy years forward in time, ultimately bringing the star-crossed lovers’ story full circle.

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