Did Return of the Jedis Most Hated Character Actually Survive

Did Return of the Jedi’s Most Hated Character Actually Survive?

If Salacious B. Crumb survived Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, he may wreak havoc on Boba Fett’s plans to take over Tatooine’s underworld.

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Did Return of the Jedis Most Hated Character Actually Survive

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Salacious B. Crumb, a Kowakian monkey-lizard, was Jabba the Hutt’s pet and the jester of his throne room. He was last seen on Jabba’s sail barge before it exploded, but Salacious’ fate has not been confirmed. However, recently released material might be hinting that Salacious B. Crumb might make a return in the upcoming Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett series.

In Star Wars: Legends canon, Salacious B. Crumb was presumed to have died on board Jabba’s sail barge, as confirmed on the now obsolete original databank entry for him on the official Star Wars website. However, mentions of his presumed death have been scrubbed from his current databank file. The entry for Salacious Crumb in the new edition of the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia by Simon Beecroft, Elizabeth Dowsett and Pablo Hidalgo also does not mention Salacious dying on board the sail barge. Thus, the canon reference material on Salacious neither confirms nor denies his death.

Did Return of the Jedis Most Hated Character Actually Survive

Recently, Jennifer Landa wrote about Salacious in an article for the Star Wars website in which she discusses Salacious’ craftiness and why he could be considered frightening. Landa discusses how some people might underestimate Salacious because of his size and because he is “comically cute.” Landa argues that Salacious is dangerous due to his ability to potentially manipulate machinery, including blasters, and his enjoyment of the torture of those who displease Jabba. Most importantly, Landa explains that, due to his position by Jabba’s side, Salacious “knows all the secrets.” Thus, Salacious might be an important source of information or a dangerous enemy to anyone who might oppose Jabba the Hutt.

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The timing of this article is particularly interesting. Since Landa is talking about Salacious as a creepy part of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, the article might have been written just to coincide with Halloween. However, an article focusing on Salacious B. Crumb so close to the release of the Star Wars: Book of Boba Fett trailer might also indicate that Salacious might be making a return to the Star Wars franchise.

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Alternatively, Landa’s article might have been written to support the release of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, which focuses on Kowakian monkey-lizards in the episode of the same name. The short highlights both the Kowakian monkey-lizards’ sense of humor and their intelligence. For example, they take apart Aree’s ship as a prank, but they also put it back together after Aree wins their respect. Due to this intelligence and by extension the Kowakian monkey-lizards possible sentience, it is not unreasonable to hypothesize that Salacious might have been smart enough to get himself off of the exploding sail barge. Thus, the inclusion of Kowakian monkey-lizards, out of all of the potential creatures in the Star Wars franchise, in the first season of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures could also be a sign that Salacious might be alive after all.

While Landa’s article and the Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures episode could be coincidental, they also could be setting up a return of Salacious B. Crumb in the upcoming Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett series as Boba Fett takes over Jabba’s Palace and Salacious’ former home. While he might not be the most popular character from Jabba’s Palace, as Landa argues, Salacious is the one creature who probably knew more of Jabba’s secrets than anyone, including Bib Fortuna. Thus, if Salacious B. Crumb does return, he might be a minor annoyance to Boba; however, he also has the potential to wreak havoc on Boba’s plans to take over the underworld on Tatooine.

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Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/did-return-of-the-jedis-most-hated-character-actually-survive/

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