The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

The Batman (2022): Every Riddle Given By The Riddler, Explained


The Riddler’s riddles from Matt Reeves’ The Batman left fans scratching their heads–Here’s what they all mean.

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The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

Matt Reeves’ The Batman (2022) isn’t a regular superhero movie, it’s also an enthralling detective crime thriller. The Riddler (Paul Dano) is working to uncover various conspiracies about Gotham while Batman and Lt. Gordon attempt to discover his true identity.The Riddler’s mission is to expose crooked cops and corrupt government officials to the entire city of Gotham. He also doesn’t hesitate to kill them. Inspired by the real-life serial killer known as The Zodiac, the Riddler leaves riddles at each crime scene or at different locations to hint as to who or where the next victim is.Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Batman (2022)

11 “What Does A Liar Do When He’s Dead?” Answer: He Lies Still

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

The first dead body found is that of Don Mitchel, the mayor of Gotham City. He was found in his home with a fatal head wound, his head covered in tape, and missing a thumb. The Riddler is accusing Mitchell of lying to hide the city’s corrupt nature.

The answer to the riddle is “he lies still,” meaning that his dead body lies there motionless (still). It also means that even when a liar is dead, his lies continue until the whole truth is revealed.

10 “Follow The Maze Until You Find The Rat. Bring Him Into The Light And You’ll Find Where I’m At.”

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

The Riddler’s second victim is Police Commissioner Pete Savage, a character created just for this Batman movie, whose face was eaten by rats. This riddle is extremely important to Batman’s motivation because the Riddler is teasing that there is a way to find his whereabouts, something Batman and Gordon are desperate to find.

This riddle tells Batman that if he figures out who the police informant is (the rat) and exposes him (brings him into the light), then The Riddler will reveal where he’s been hiding the whole time (find where I’m at).

9 “You Are El Rata Alada” Answer:

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

This riddle is found in a cipher that was hidden in the rat cage used to kill Police Commissioner Pete Savage. With Alfred’s help, they assume the message is in Spanish, meaning “you are el rata alada,” meaning rat with wings. This leads to the conclusion that Copplepot, The Penguin, must be the rat.

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Batman feels secure in his discovery until The Penguin points out that the message can’t be in Spanish because “rata alada” would have “la” in front of it, not “el.” The real answer to the riddle is a URL (you are el) link to

8 “It Can Be Cruel, Poetic, Or Blind. But When It’s Denied, It’s Violence You May Find” Answer: Justice

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

District Attorney Gil Colson is abducted from the Iceberg Lounge and has a bomb collar fashioned onto his neck. He then crashes a car into the building where the police commissioner’s funeral is currently taking place. He emerges from the car with a phone strapped to his hand and a letter to Batman taped to his chest.

The answer to the riddle is “justice,” which can come in many forms (cruel, poetic or blind). As the district attorney, Colson’s responsibility is to serve justice, and when he doesn’t do his job (when it is denied), the result tends to involve violence (violence you may find).

7 “If You Are Justice, Please Do Not Lie. What Is The Price For Your Blind Eye?” Answer: A Bribe

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

If Colson wants the bomb removed from around his neck, he must solve three riddles, including this one. After the first riddle, it’s obvious that Colson hasn’t been doing his job and there is no justice. Batman realizes The Riddler is asking for the reason Colson kept the informant’s identity a secret and gives the correct answer: “a bribe.”

Only Colson knows the complete answer to the riddle. He needs to share exactly how much he was paid to keep quiet (the price for your blind eye) about the rat’s identity. Batman gets the answer out of him and it is revealed that he was paid $10,000 to keep it to himself.

6 “Since Your Justice Is So Select, Please Tell Us Which Vermin You’re Paid To Protect”

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

This is riddle 3/3 for Colson; if he answers this, he’ll be able to remove the bomb collar and escape with his life. Unfortunately, he refuses, and the bomb goes off, killing him and knocking Batman unconscious.

The Riddler is referring to Colson’s justice as “select” because, like many other people in powerful positions, he only serves the people who have something to give. “Vermin” refers to the rat, the police informant who paid Colson to keep his mouth shut.

5 “I Grew Up As A Seed, As Tough As A Weed. But In A Mansion, In a Slum, I’ll Never Know Where I Come From” Answer: An Orphan

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

After Colson’s death, the next riddle is revealed. Batman figures out that the answer is an orphan (I’ll never know where I come from), but he realizes there is more to the riddle. He picks up on the words “in a mansion, in a slum,” and concludes that the riddle is referring to the Wayne Mansion that once doubled as the Gotham Orphanage. Therefore, the Riddler’s next victim is being targeted at the Wayne Manor.

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4 “See You In Hell”

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

This riddle, “see you in jell,” is one of the Riddler’s most confusing. It seems more like a threat than another piece of the puzzle or something to solve. Batman knows that that isn’t the Riddler’s style and that it must be another clue. Once Batman finally arrives at Wayne Tower after Alfred has been hospitalized, this message was left behind.

Batman doesn’t even solve this riddle; he only understands it once the Riddler explains it. Hell refers to Arkham Asylum and while Batman does see him there, it isn’t actually how the Riddler imagined it. Originally, he thought Batman would join his crusade and may even be in the asylum with him.

3 “The Sins Of My Father”

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

Batman lays out all the clues he’s found so far, including crime scene photos, riddles, and a spray-painted diagram on his floor. He’s confused and angry about Alfred’s accident, so he looks over some things the Riddler wrote around the orphanage.

A clue that he hadn’t looked into was the phrase “the sins of my father.” From the news stories that they found at the orphanage, Batman can deduce that the Riddler’s next victim was supposed to be Bruce Wayne. The Riddler wanted him to pay for the crimes that his father was allegedly involved in.

2 “What’s Black And Blue And Dead All Over?” Answer: Batman

The Batman (2022) Every Riddle Given By The Riddler Explained

Once The Riddler is captured and taken to Arkham, Batman visits him to discover his endgame. Batman knows that this has been leading up to something, but he doesn’t know what the map he found in the villain’s hideout means. The Riddler taunts him, mocks Bruce Wayne, and then sings Ave Maria while the seawalls of Gotham City explode.

The Riddler referring to Batman as “black and blue and dead all over” is somewhat unclear. Batman’s suit is black and since he won’t join The Riddler in his plan, the plan now involves killing Batman. The “blue” part is up to interpretation. One assumption could be that he plans on leaving Batman’s body battered black and blue. Alternatively, it could be because the entire city is submerged in water (the water being the blue aspect). The most likely scenario is that the blue refers to the police involvement and that Batman has become just as problematic as them.

1 “The Less You Have Of Them, The More One Is Worth” Answer: A Friend

After his plan is ruined, the Riddler is called over to the cell next to him by a mysterious character who is yet to be named. He says this riddle to the Riddler to acknowledge that he knows who he is, that he agrees with his ideas, and that they could work together.

It is assumed that this mysterious character is the Joker, so The Batman’s ending lines up perfectly for a sequel. Fans had many questions after this intriguing ending and when the credits roll, although there is no one credited for playing the Joker, there is an “Unseen Arkham Inmate” played by Barry Keoghan (Druig in The Eternals).

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