Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

Fairy Tail: 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime


With Erza being a popular character on Fairy Tail, there are a lot of fans that have made stunning cosplays of her.

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Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

Erza Scarlet has the most dominating presence in Fairy Tail, the biggest disciplinary out of any character on the show, even more than the actual guild master. She likes to run a tight ship, never being wary of telling you when you messed up. It’s why she’s the only one that can get Gray and Natsu to act civil with each other.

She also has one of the largest arrays of outfits in the series, standing up there with Lucy and Juvia in terms of differing looks. Most of her wardrobe changes are due to her magical power, but they still give cosplayers a wide variety of options to chose from. Her standard gear is the most chosen, but there were more than a few that dipped into that large catalog of Erza’s.

10 Try Me

Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

As mentioned above, Erza’s classic look is by far the most popular and frankly one of her best. It’s always going to fit her personality perfectly, especially when you first meet her. She was this big scary figure who demanded respect, even if she had to take it from you. Scarlet-cosplay does a fabulous job on the armor, making it bulky enough, especially around the shoulders, to look like it could withstand a sword slash.

The best part of the cosplay isn’t the armor though it’s the gesture she’s making with her hand. It’s a call back to the episode when Laxus leaves, everyone in the guild making the same gesture, reminding him that they will always be watching over him.

9 Poised

Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

Here’s our first example of one of Erza’s many armors. This is the Heaven’s Wheel Armor, used only an episode or two after her first appearance, against the Eisenwald guild. It exposes more of her body but puts the pain on her foes. Cooper of Wintay and Cooper cosplay took a shot at the armor and did a fantastic job of it.

She does a particularly great job on the wings, making them as wide as they need to be, as well functional enough to move around in. That look she has is very reminiscent of the episode it first appeared in, surveying the hundreds of Eisenwald goons she was about to demolish.

8 Free

The Tower Of Heaven arc is arguably the best in the entire series, bringing a level of emotion to the show that hadn’t been seen yet. It’s also the source for this armor’s first appearance, used when Erza was battling Ikaruga. It’s meant to show that Erza no longer needs armor to protect her anymore because she has friends now, making it deeply symbolic.

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It’s the reason Alexia chose it, feeling it was Erza at her weakest and therefore best. It’s a relatively simple cosplay to make as well, requiring only wrapping for a top and red pants tied with white strings. Despite its simpleness, Alexia rocks it well.

7 Grand Magic Games

Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

The attire Erza wore for part of the Grand Magic Games is one of the few that didn’t have any real tangible benefit to it. It’s always rare to see Erza out of her armor, even rarer to spot an Erza cosplayer do the same. It’s why we are glad Megan Coffey made the choice she did, giving this list even more variety than it already had.

It’s one of the few times Erza is seen as generally comfortable, not on guard around her emotions or some incoming attack (though that comes later). She pulls it off well too, red hair flowing down the entire length of her back, purple bow trying in vain to corral it.

6 Nakagami

Fairy Tail 10 Erza Cosplay That Look Just Like The Anime

The Nakigami armor was used in her battle with Minerva, a fight that felt like it never reached it’s potential, like many vs. Sabertooth. It’s yet another one that has a boob window to it, but that didn’t stop Erza or Scarlet-cosplay from making it incredibly badass. It’s hard not to when you have a spear-like that in your hands. It looks like it could cut through your flesh like it was hot butter, leaving nothing but diced pieces of you behind.

The armor is incredibly intricate as well, having so many different facets to it. The most peculiar being the circle of white cloth hovering behind her. It’s pretty great that she found a way to make it stand up so perfectly.

5 Titania

There’s a reason that her original armor gets as much love as it does, it’s iconic to the character. It’s the same reason you always see Princess Peach in the pink dress rather than her garb from other games. Here Silestia nails the classic look, getting a truly metallic look with the chest plate and gauntlets.

The sword matches the series perfectly, being simple, but effective at what it does. Her hairs a little darker than most cosplayers choose, going with a blood-red over the more typical bright strawberry. It’s a good choice, helping her stand out among the rest, giving her a unique quality.

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4 Scarlet Swordsman

When speaking about Erza cosplayers, Valkyrja is near the top of the list. Her dedication to both the character and cosplay are second to none; you only need to look at her Instagram for confirmation of that. This is the third take on Erza’s standard armor and one of the best for all the little things she does with it.

Chief among them are the scratch marks seen across her armor and sword, showing the wear and tear it takes from all her battles. Her hair is absolute perfection as well, being as bright as a freshly picked strawberry, matching the character about as well as you could.

3 JerZa


How can you go wrong with one of the better couples in the series? Sure they have their ups and downs, but Jerza is right up there with Nalu in terms of cute couples. What helps the photo, even more, is the cosplayers being a couple in real life, letting you see the love in the look she’s giving him.

It’s very reminiscent of the series when the two of them finally came to terms with their emotions for one another. Both cosplays are spot on, the little hearts along Jellal’s robes being adorable, especially when you consider the scene unfolding.

2 Rabbit Armor

The rabbit armor makes an appearance towards the end of the series when all bets are off, and everyone is pulling out their best stops to gain victory. You can get that feeling from Livicole’s cosplay, particularly in the left photo. She looks ready for battle. Both swords are drawn, no doubt in her heart that she will win.

The swords themselves are incredibly well crafted, having the design of claws coming up from the hilt. The most noticeable part of the cosplay is the ears, however, as they should be given the armors name. They look like blades of their own, giving Erza a multitude of ways to inflict damage on another.

1 Bedazzled

This is a pure work of art by Olivie Lo. Sure, we could say it’s too bedazzled or too bright in general, and it wouldn’t be wrong, but this cosplay looks like it could blind someone if light refracts off it the wrong way. But why focus on the negatives when there is so much positive to be had here?

She’s the only cosplayer we’ve ever seen that have managed to get swords floating above her, just as they do in the series. Honestly, we aren’t even sure how she managed to do it, but some of the beauty is not knowing how cosplayers manage to create the quality they do.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/fairy-tail-best-erza-cosplays/

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