Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Darkstalkers: The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan


Darkstalkers has a big cast, but people only seem to remember Morrigan Aensland. Here are eight other characters who are just as memorable.

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Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Morrigan Aensland has dominated all modern discourse surrounding Darkstalkers. The succubus has represented the underrated Capcom fighting franchise in countless crossovers, to the point where some players forget other characters exist. Morrigan isn’t even the main character in the franchise. She’s just one part of a far larger world.

The world of Darkstalkers is heavily inspired by gothic horror and classic Universal Monster Movies. This is reflected in the bewildering cast of characters present in the games.

1. Donovan/Dee

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Dhampirs are half-human, half-vampire creatures who blur the line between man and monster. In Darkstalkers, Donovan and his demonic alternate personality, Dee, embody this beautifully. As a child, Donovan allowed his vampiric side to awaken and went on a rampage, murdering his entire village. He then chose to forego his vampiric side and hunt the Darkstalkers.

Accompanied by a mute psychic named Anita, Donovan wants to purge the world of Darkstalkers’ dangerous influence. Wise and noble, Donovan is one of the few heroic characters in the series — except for when Dee emerges. First teased in Donovan’s arcade ending in Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge, Dee represents everything Donovan has tried to suppress: pure evil, enraged.

2. Felicia

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Every cat girl after the first Darkstalkers game aspires to be as cool as Felicia. Felicia was raised by a nun who loved her despite being a Darkstalker. After her adoptive mother Sister Rose’s death, Felicia left to become a pop star, only to later open up an orphanage of her own — all while dressed up as a nun. She seeks coexistence between humanity and Darkstalkers.

In this sense, Felicia is probably the biggest force for good in the Darkstalkers universe, acting purely for those around her. She’s also a lovely person with immense compassion. There’s a reason why Felicia, second to Morrigan Aensland, has cameoed in more Capcom games than any other Darkstalkers character.

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3. Hsien-Ko

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Alongside Donovan, Hsien-Ko was introduced as a Darkstalker monster hunter, an undeniably good character. Hsien-Ko is a Jiang Shi (vampire) who, along with her sister Mei-Ling, hunts evil Darkstalkers because a group of them ravaged their village. Their mother sacrificed her life to save Hsien-Ko, but her soul was trapped in darkness. Hsien-Ko became a Jiang Shi to perform a ritual to free their mother’s soul, all while Mei-Ling stood as an anchor to keep Hsien-Ko’s mind stable.

What makes Hsien-Ko so fascinating is that she and her sister, after their initial appearance in Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge, are reincarnated into normal girls. They are ultimately brought back into darkness thanks to the Big Bad of Darkstalkers 3: Jedah Dohma.

4. Jon Talbain

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Jon Talbain is one of video games’ greatest werewolves. Born from a human mother and a werewolf father, Jon Talbain lived a fairly aristocratic life until a full moon transformed him into a werewolf. He was shunned from society, banished from his birthright and became determined to maintain some semblance of his humanity by learning martial arts.

Talbain returns to his human form after beating Pyron, but he struggles with his inner curse, fighting against his animalistic tendencies and transforming back and forth between forms over the years. He ultimately becomes a werewolf but still tries to lead a human, normal life, even taking in multiple orphans into his home in the ending of Darkstalkers 3.

5. Anakaris

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Anakaris is the 12th Pharaoh of an ancient Egyptian empire separate from the rest of Egypt. He died 5 thousand years before the events of Darkstalkers, but was preserved as a mummy to rise again when the time came for Anakaris to reign supreme. After defeating Pyron, he travels back in time to rule over his empire.

He ultimately brings his empire into a pocket reality, where he avoids the inevitable destruction of his empire to keep it thriving in its own insular dimension where he rules as a God. Anakaris is by far the most hulking, intense mummy ever brought to life.

6. Baby Bonnie Hood

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Also known as B.B. Hood, Hood is a twisted parody of Little Red Riding Hood. This innocent looking girl is an S-Class Hunter of Darkstalkers. Jedah Dohma himself regards her as being equally dangerous as any Darkstalker, despite being a totally normal human. However, unlike Hsien-Ko or Donovan, she’s far more evil than half of the monsters she’s trying to slaughter.

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B.B. Hood uses her cute, innocent appearance to lure targets into a false sense of security before unleashing a brutal assault of bullets, explosives and murderous attacks on them. She lives to kill. Arguably her only good quality is her love of her grandmother. Otherwise, she’s a killer for profit.

7. Victor Von Gerdenheim

Darkstalkers The 8 Most Memorable Characters Aside From Morrigan

Victor von Gerdenheim is a biological creation of the mad scientist Professor Von Gerdenheim. The scientist created Victor and a girl named Emily shortly before dying. Victor, unable to discern the difference between life and death, mistakes the professor’s inability to move as a sign of extreme disappointment in him.

To make matters worse, Victor’s only companion in life, Emily, soon starts to falter as well, as an earlier prototype of Victor’s perfected design. Victor ultimately sacrifices himself to restore Emily to life. He collects souls for this task, but even Donovan admits Victor is kind-hearted and only wants to do good. His signature move is slamming people with his butt, which is a particularly fun touch.

8. Jedah Dohma

Despite being the villain in only one game to Pyron’s two, Jedah Dohma is often seen as the big bad for Darkstalkers. Everything that transpires in Darkstalkers 3 happens because of Jedah. Millennia prior, Jedah attempted to usurp command of the Demon Realm from Belial Aensland, Morrigan’s father. After multiple failed attempts to control the demon realm, Jedah concocted a plot to use the souls of various fighters in order to create Shintai, a divine fetus who would be able to assimilate all of reality’s souls into one singularity.

What makes Jedah such a compelling adversary is how he genuinely believes what he’s doing is good for the rest of reality. He’s not just mad with power. He thinks he’s truly the best person to rule and govern the world — that the world’s various problems are a direct result of others failing. He’s a dynamic, devilish adversary for Morrigan Aensland, her family and the rest of the Darkstalkers universe.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/darkstalkers-most-memorable-characters/

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