How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters


The creatures of Resident Evil Village may at first appear to be supernatural, but in true series fashion, they are science experiments gone wrong.

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How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

Resident Evil Village features a line-up of creatures that is quite unique for the series, one that includes both vampires and werewolves. These monsters may at first appear to be supernatural in nature. But in true series fashion, they actually owe their origins to scientific experiments and sinister viruses.

Throughout the game, the player will slowly uncover information on the monsters they confront through notes and documents. While these can easily be missed, they offer fascinating lore elements. From the Lycans to Heisenberg, here are the given explanations and backstories for the creatures of Resident Evil Village.


How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

The Lycans serve as some of the most common monsters in the game, usually attacking the player in large hordes. The beasts are covered in fur, gaining sharp teeth and tremendous strength and durability. The wolf-like creatures display some level of intelligence as they are capable of using basic tools and communicating with each other via loud howls.

The Lycans are the result of the Cadou parasite created by Mother Miranda. When the parasite rejects its host they become Lycans, and the infection is then able to passed on further through biting and clawing at their victims. The Lycans are the basic zombie-type enemy of the game and the most abundant due to how easy it is for the parasite to reject its host.


How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

The vampires of Village have already become iconic in the fandom. The matriarch of the family, Lady Dimitrescu is an example of the Cadou parasite embracing its host. Alcina Dimitescu was bestowed her powers by Mother Miranda, granting her elongated retractable claws and near immortality. Her aging process halted at forty-four years old, but due to a hereditary disease, Dimitrescu is forced to consume human blood to maintain herself, a side effect of this consumption being her incredible height.

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Her three vampire daughters were created from the Cadou parasite’s eggs, so they are swarms of insects that are capable of taking on human form. They have the ability to deconstruct themselves when needed but are extremely vulnerable to cold temperatures, forcing them to remain in the castle.

Donna Beneviento’s Dolls

How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

Donna Beneviento’s family was comprised of well-known doll makers. Due to her scarred visage, she remained locked away in her home, choosing only to speak with her doll Angie, which was built for her by her father. When her parents passed away, she abandoned all human contact until Mother Miranda intervened. Miranda once again utilized the Cadou to grant her unnatural abilities, specifically what Donna had always wanted – the ability for Angie to talk back.

Miranda’s Cadou infection gives Donna the ability to control her dolls by dividing the Cadou among them. In addition, she is able to induce hallucinations using pheromones given off by infected plants. Her powers have come at a cost however, and Donna is severely mentally ill due to her mutations.


How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

Moreau is one of the most disturbing looking monsters of Resident Evil Village. Much of his past is shrouded in mystery, and one of the only fragments of information is that he followed a pagan cult led by Mother Miranda, who would eventually infect him with the Cadou. His appearance after mutating caused him to seclude himself, working on various experiments with the Cadou at his “clinic” in an attempt to please Miranda.

Moreau’s mutation has made him into a disgusting, fish-like creature. The man has webbed hands and feet, a prominent hunchback, gills, and a separate form he can seemingly transform into at will. This mutated form is even more fish-like and features a back covered in eyes. Moreau has the ability to spit powerful acid and can manipulate the sludge filling his waterways to trap the player.

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Heisenberg & Heisenberg’s Monsters

How Resident Evil Village Explains Its Monsters

Karl Heisenberg is the only of Mother Miranda’s lieutenants that actively seeks rebellion. He holds an immense grudge against Miranda due to what he perceives as her selfish desire to resurrect her daughter. He owns and operates the Heisenberg Factory, where he rarely strayed from prior to the events of Village. He spent his days within the factory experimenting on human corpses in order to create mechanically augmented creatures under his control.

His Cadou mutation bestowed upon him by Mother Miranda grants him regenerative abilities as well as the ability to manipulate metal. In a power similar to a form of telekinesis, he has electric organs that allow him to control magnetic fields, meaning this power extends only to metal objects. Heisenberg is the most powerful of the game’s four lords.

Mother Miranda

Mother Miranda is the spiritual leader of the village, worshiped by its occupants and served by her four lieutenants. Miranda lost her daughter Eva to the Spanish Flu and became utterly inconsolable. She wandered into a nearby cave where she intended to die and instead discovered a fungus that produced the Mold, which she then combined with parasitic nematodes in order to create the Cadou. Miranda set out to find a way to revive her daughter using the parasite, even influencing Oswald Spencer to begin his own research with Umbrella.

Miranda’s mutation has bestowed upon her eternal life and phenomenal regenerative abilities. She also possesses the ability to shapeshift, transforming herself into a flock of birds or even into another person. Miranda is so powerful that even Heisenberg didn’t like his chances against her.

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