Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Marvel: 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure


There are those Marvel heroes that desperately need to have a LEGO Minifigure for collectors to work into their custom builds.

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Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

LEGO has made it a practice for many years of producing some amazing building sets around the world of Marvel. Whether it’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the world of Spider-Man, or inspired by the comics, these sets all have Minifigures that are collectible in their own right.

Some characters have not been immortalized by LEGO in plastic. Sometimes we’ve been given a preview of how they would look in an animated feature or a video game. Nevertheless, there are those heroes that desperately need to have a Minifigure for collectors to work into their custom builds.

10 Howard the Duck (Maybe with Doctor Bong?)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Howard the Duck has appeared in two LEGO Marvel Super Heroes video games but never made his way into being sculpted for a Minifigure. The duckbill has been sculpted in a Deadpool the Duck Minifigure, so we know the capability exists for a Howard the Duck sculpt. Now fans just need to see it.

Of course, Howard would need the mini legs, given that he’s shorter than just about every other hero. He can have a hi-tech gun as he did in the video games and a hat for accessories. If LEGO really wants to treat collectors, pair him with his long-time companion Beverly or against a massive Doctor Bong.

9 Professor X (With the Cerebro Helmet Accessory)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

With several X-Men making their way into plastic, notably in the X-Men vs. The Sentinel set, the lack of mutant representation has been very noticeable. It’s very possible that without the film rights, Marvel has been reticent to license X-Men toys, even to LEGO. Hopefully, that will change in the future.

While Professor X has appeared in video games, bound to a wheelchair, his new look on Krakoa is compelling. An all-black costume may seem too simple, but that Cerebro helmet is too visually appealing to not be made for Minifigures. If the all-black look is deemed unacceptable, Professor X has also worn the helmet with a suit.

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8 Gertrude Yorkes and Old Lace (A Girl and Her Dinosaur)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

A purple-haired girl and her pet dinosaur seem like a combination that LEGO shouldn’t be able to resist. adapting the Jurassic World molds for Old Lace should be an easy fix. There isn’t a LEGO Friends collector that wouldn’t love to have some more variation on purple hair for Minifigures.

Of course, doing these two without doing the other Runaways would seem odd. Perhaps a Hostel set would be interesting, given that it’s a collapsing structure. That would certainly be a fun build.

7 Nova (Frankie Raye, Because a Long Flaming Hair Accessory Is Awesome)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

There is one thing that Galactus’s former herald, Nova has going for her is her unique design. Metallic Minifigure parts have always been in demand, but the real draw for collectors would be her long flaming hair accessory. It might require a special head sculpt to get the effect just right.

The effort to correctly do this figure might mean that it would need to be part of a set with Galactus and Silver Surfer. That means that collectors might also get a Terrax Minifigure. They would also see how LEGO handles those Kirby-inspired machines.

6 Dazzler (Light Effects Are Needed in LEGO)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Dazzler is a fan-favorite character that has a following that would be a wonderful addition to a fun, disco-themed set. Her hair might be a little tricky, but not impossible. The real trick comes in duplicating her lighting effects.

Fans have seen energy powers duplicated by LEGO; they have also seen builders incorporate lighting into larger builds. Dazzler’s spectacular lighting effects would open a world of new accessories.

5 Namor, the Sub-Mariner (The Oldest Marvel Character Deserves A Minifigure)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Namor was the very first Marvel superhero, debuting in 1939. Despite rumors of a debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have not seen this character merchandised very much, and definitely not in LEGO. They’ve seen a trident used with other Minifigures, notably with Aquaman from DC Comics.

LEGO would have opportunities for custom accessories that could work for other Minifigures. Namor’s hair with his pointed ears could make more fantasy characters accessible. Likewise, making the ankle wings could be used in a limited number of circumstances, but not out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps the effort could be justified with a massive Fantastic Four set?

4 Rogue (More X-Men Minifigures Are Needed)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

More X-Men Minifigures are needed. When LEGO starts making them, collectors and builders can expect to see a lot of Wolverine, but other X-Men need a chance to shine. One of the first fan-favorite mutants to get a Minifigure should be Rogue.

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Rogue has had some visually impressive looks in her time, but many of the best hearken back to her original green costume with a hood. Fans have seen the hood used well, most recently with Ghost-Spider. While the Minifigure should give her gloves, including interchangeable bare hands should be an option for Rogue.

3 Nightcrawler (The Tail Would Be a Great Minifugre Addition)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Another of the X-Men needing a Minifigure is one of the original All-New X-Men, Nightcrawler. Given the hero’s propensity for swordplay, LEGO should also include at least one sword. Like with Namor, there’s the possible addition of ears into the hair accessory, but the appeal with this figure is the pointed tail.

The devil tail isn’t a problem, since it’s been done for a Minifigure in a devil costume. Having it in blue is a new color switch, something LEGO loves doing. For a deluxe Minifigure experience, perhaps a few custom smoke pieces could be included to make Nightcrawler’s trademarked “Bamf” effect?

2 Squirrel Girl (Another Tail and Squirrel Accessories)

Marvel 10 Heroes Who Still Need A LEGO Minifigure

Squirrel Girl is the character that shouldn’t have succeeded but completely did. Shortly after her debut, she was regarded as one of Marvel’s mistakes, but over time, she’s been done right by creators like Ryan North and Erica Henderson. Embracing the comedic element of a superhero with squirrel powers seems to have been the key to a successful fan following.

Squirrel accessories included help with the playability of a Squirrel Girl Minifigure. However, there have been squirrel accessories with sets like the LEGO Friends Squirrel Tree House. Putting more squirrels with a Minifigure with a custom Squirrel tail makes for fun play for all LEGO fans.

1 Gambit (More X-Men, Can’t Say It Enough)

It cannot be said enough that more X-Men, and thus, X-Men villains, are needed in LEGO. Imagine a Krakoa set making use of old and new foliage. It would only be a matter of time before collectors see custom builds of events like Rogue and Gambit’s wedding. Of course, a Gambit Minifigure would be needed.

His accessories are easy, but playing cards could be molded in red transparent plastic to simulate his power. The character’s appearance in the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes video game gives a preview of how his trench coat might work without hampering the playability of this flashy X-Man. If no other mutant makes his way into LEGO plastic in 2021, it should be Gambit.

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