Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

Marvel: 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium, Explained


Adamantium is notorious to Marvel Comics fans for being the strongest metal around, but there are confusing aspects to this alloy as well.

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Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

No substance in the Marvel universe compares to the indestructible adamantium. Most notable for its appearance on Wolverine’s skeleton and claws, adamantium is considered the strongest material in existence. However, despite its notoriety in Marvel’s comic book world, there are plenty of things avid readers still find confusing about it.

How strong is this metal? How is it made? When was it discovered? Fear not, for the answers to these burning questions are just ahead. Read on if you want to know more about Marvel’s adamantium and how it works.

10 How Is Adamantium Made?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

Adamantium does not grow on trees. It is a material crafted by people, but it takes a lot of work in order to make it. “Chemical resins” that only a select few amount of people know of are thrown together and heated up to create this indestructible metal. As is usual, Marvel rarely goes into depth when it comes to detailing how adamantium is made. If they became too factual about it, fans could tear holes into their supposed scientific process.

9 When Was It First Made?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

The first instance of a person crafting adamantium in Marvel’s comic book history was during World War II. Dr. Myron MacLain, a metallurgist working for the United States, was trying to craft a superior metal for tanks. While doing this, MacLain accidentally created the materials in Captain America’s iconic shield. This was primarily vibranium, but some of those nameless “chemical resins” noted in adamantium were present, too.

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8 How Strong Is It?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

Adamantium is frequently described as being “virtually indestructible.” We’ve seen it slice through steel, survive infernos, and batter concrete walls to ribbons. Turns out, adamantium can also withstand a nuclear explosion. How’s that for tough?

And while it is never directly stated how strong this fictional metal is, prime examples exist in the Marvel universe that give confidence in simply stating that it is “virtually indestructible” after all.

7 Why Aren’t More Things Made Out Of Adamantium?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

If adamantium is such a wonder metal, how come more items are not made using it? What villain wouldn’t hesitate to have a “virtually indestructible” metal at their disposal? Well, for one thing, making adamantium is insanely expensive. Whatever process it takes to craft those unknowable “chemical resins” is pricey. Think about it. If even Tony Stark does not have solely adamantium-based weaponry at his beck and call, you know that it must be costly.

6 How Come Wolverine’s Claws Can’t Slice Through Captain America’s Shield?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

As stated in an earlier entry, the creator of Captain America’s shield is credited for being the first person to make adamantium. So for all comic fans wondering why Wolverine’s adamantium claws can’t shred Cap’s shield, it’s because the shield is partially made from adamantium as well. Captain America’s classic circular shield is part vibranium and part adamantium, making it impervious to Wolverine’s razor-sharp claws.

5 Is Vibranium Stronger?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

The short answer is no, vibranium is not stronger than adamantium. Adamantium is the tougher beast. That said, vibranium is better known for its energy-storing properties. It can contain energy and be made to dispense it in handy ways, making it a viable alternative to adamantium.

In addition to that, vibranium is a naturally-occurring metal, which makes it an easier acquisition than adamantium and its secret, man-made “chemical resins.”

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4 How Hot Does Adamantium Have To Be Before It Melts?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

The only time that adamantium can be shaped is when it is heated up to a specific temperature. Want to know how hot you have to get those “chemical resins?” In order to make adamantium hot enough to mold, you have to heat the “chemical resins” to 1500° Fahrenheit, which is roughly 815° Celsius. That is an incredibly high temperature. This is yet another barrier against your average, everyday hero/villain using adamantium-laced equipment.

3 Can Kitty Pryde Phase Through It?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

Kitty Pryde can, in fact, use her mutant ability of phasing against adamantium. She can just slip her molecules past those of the indestructible metal. However, several comic books have portrayed this as an unpleasant experience for her. She gets nauseous if she has to phase through adamantium. Why this is, Marvel fans do not yet know. No doubt it has something to do with those nameless “chemical resins” used to make adamantium.

2 How Many Heroes/Villains Use It In Their Arsenal?

Marvel 10 Confusing Things About Adamantium Explained

Despite the high price barrier surrounding the acquisition or creation of adamantium, many Marvel heroes use the metal as part of their arsenal. Everyone knows Wolverine possesses his claws and skeleton. But apparently Hawkeye has a few adamantium arrows in his quiver, Shuri uses adamantium in her claws, Moon Knight’s staff is made of adamantium, and some of Iron Man’s weapons (of course) require adamantium, too.

1 Can Anything Destroy Adamantium?

Villains like Magneto can manipulate magnetic fields and metals, making adamantium an unfortunate weapon to use against them. But manipulating adamantium is not the same thing as destroying it. Of all materials known to be stronger than adamantium, there is only one. Dargonite, an alloy that has only rarely appeared in the Marvel universe, has been shown to puncture adamantium, making it the strongest (known) material in Marvel Comics.

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