Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes


In anime, black eye color usually signifies a cold and distant personality, but not always, and some of the most iconic characters have black eyes.

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Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Eye color is a vital part of a character’s design. A character’s eye color can reveal quite a lot about them, and there are certain tropes associated with specific eye colors. Black eyes, in particular, can tell a lot about a character.

These characters tend to fit the trope of a mysterious character who appears cold at first, but is actually kind and just a little dense when it comes to social situations. Characters with black eyes tend to be quite lonely and feel immensely sad about their lives, and occasionally, their eyes may even signal a lack of emotion.

10 Draken’s Black Eyes Work With The Rest Of His Design

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Draken from Tokyo Revengers has black eyes that match the rest of his design well. Additionally, they go well with his maturity — though he can be just as wild as the other members of the gang. Draken is the vice-president of the Tokyo Manji Gang, and he’s the one who keeps Mikey from acting brashly.

Draken understands the importance of doing the right thing, such as allowing Pah-chin to turn himself in, despite Mikey’s protests. Draken generally remains calm and collected, but he does love the thrill of fighting.

9 Kirito’s Black Eyes Say A Lot About Him

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Kirito from Sword Art Online has nearly pitch-black eyes to match his hair. He fits a few of the tropes for people with black eyes, such as coming off as somewhat rude despite being a kind person. He also keeps his composure most of the time, but he’s certainly not emotionless.

Occasionally, he allows his emotions to control him during times of immense stress, such as losing someone he cares about during the game. However, Kirito is willing to sacrifice himself for others, and he’s adaptable to most situations.

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8 Byakuya’s Eyes Are A Key Component Of His Character Design

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach has an undeniably intriguing character design. Something about characters dressed in primarily black clothes is fascinating to the audience. Byakuya’s eyes match his long hair, and they’re a crucial piece in the bigger picture of his character design.

He also fits a few tropes of characters with black eyes. Since he’s an aristocrat, he comes off peacefully apathetic to others. Byakuya is excellent at hiding his inner turmoil through this calm demeanor, even during significant fights. His indifference is easily mistaken for arrogance, and he never strays from his strict ideals regarding law and order.

7 Kurapika’s Eyes Reflect His Personality

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Kurapika has undergone several eye color changes throughout the adaptations of Hunter X Hunter. However, his eyes in the 2011 adaptation are greyish-black. He fits several tropes of characters who have black eyes.

For one, like many characters of the same eye color, he remains composed most of the time, and he’s highly intelligent. He’s level-headed and kind, yet he is plagued with trauma and sadness. When Kurapika is angered, his eyes glow a brilliant scarlet color. During battle, Kurapika becomes cold, calculating, and ruthless.

6 Gray Fullbuster Has Bluish-Black Eyes

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail has eyes that are a mix of black and blue. His personality reflects a few tropes associated with anime characters with black eyes, such as a calm, easy-going personality. However, he does get serious when it is appropriate.

Gray is very cautious with everything he does and greatly assesses every situation before making a decision. Because of his appearance, Gray certainly has a knack for pretending to be evil. Gray also exhibits some hilariously eccentric behavior, such as spontaneously stripping for no reason.

5 Luffy’s Black Eyes Are Simplistic- And It Complements The Rest Of His Design Perfectly

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Eiichiro Oda has done an excellent job designing all of the One Piece characters. His art style is distinct, and he has a knack for editing his character designs to ensure they have just enough detail but not too much that it’s overwhelming. Monkey D. Luffy, of course, is the epitome of this.

Luffy’s black eyes are very simplistic, and it’s the perfect complement to his appearance. The same could be said for the rest of his design. Luffy doesn’t wear many patterns, but his fashion sense is mainly associated with primary colors.

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4 Sasuke Uchiha’s Black Eyes Say A Lot About Him

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Sasuke from Naruto has quite a few eye powers that transform his eyes into many different colors. However, his primary eye color is pitch-black. He fits quite a few tropes of anime characters who have the same eye color.

For one, Sasuke is plagued by sadness and trauma as a result of what happened to his clan. Sasuke is also quite ambitious and undeniably stubborn. His outward demeanor is aloof and indifferent, which tends to translate to other characters and the audience alike as arrogance.

3 Mikasa Ackerman Has Greyish-Black Eyes

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Mikasa Ackerman is a fan-favorite character from Attack On Titan. She has greyish-black eyes, and she fits a few characteristics of those who possess the same eye color as her. Mikasa has a strong sense of justice and always tries to be a strong pillar of support for her friends.

She’s also rather stoic and can even appear emotionless in the heat of a battle. Mikasa also has a rather cynical perspective of the world, and she never feels that she’s better than anybody else.

2 Aizawa’s Black Eyes Glow Red When His Quirk Is Activated

Top 10 Anime Characters With Black Eyes

Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia is arguably the best teacher at U.A. High School. He’s a fan favorite for several reasons, and fans appreciate the role he plays for his students. His black eyes are a staple of his appearance, primarily consisting of dark colors.

His eyes are black, and the bags under them are almost as dark. Unfortunately for Aizawa, he seems exhausted most of the time and just wants to nap. When he activates his quirk, his eyes glow red. In the manga, however, they glow yellow.

1 L’s Eye Bags Are Just As Black As His Eyes

L from Death Note has striking black eyes matching his hair and his eye bags. His pitch-black eye bags, of course, are the result of his insomnia. L fits multiple tropes associated with characters who have black eyes. He’s a mysterious figure, and he does everything possible to keep his identity a secret from the general public.

L is also a genius — contrary to what his appearance may make others believe. He’s an expert detective with an arsenal of deductive reasoning tactics under his belt to get to the heart of any case. L also has a few habits that others deem eccentric, but these behaviors are why fans find him so lovable.

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