Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

Arcane: 7 Best Viktor Quotes


One of the most important characters in Arcane is Viktor, a scientist who changed the world with his best friend, Jayce.

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Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

Arcane, Netflix’s TV series that is based on the popular video game League of Legends, has been out for a while now, and fans have really enjoyed it.

One of the most important characters in the show is Viktor, a scientist who changed the world with his best friend, Jayce. Throughout the series, Viktor had some great quotes, with these being his best.

7 “I’m From The Undercity.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

After Viktor had gone to the Undercity to get Singed’s help, he returned to Piltover to discover that Jayce had ordered a blockade between the two areas. Both of them were shocked by each other’s actions as Viktor didn’t understand why Jayce was afraid of the people in the Undercity, while Jayce was embarrassed that Viktor violated his orders.

Jayce only got more upset when Viktor told him that Singed was from the Undercity, which he didn’t know before then, causing him to say that the people there were dangerous. Viktor said this in response, making Jayce feel bad for how he handled the situation.

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6 “Jayce Has Brokered A Peace With Silco. In Exchange For The Undercity’s Independence.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

In order to avoid war, Jayce offered a deal to Silco in which the Undercity would get its independence in exchange for Jinx’s imprisonment. When Jayce and Viktor told the Council about this, they began arguing with each other.

However, they eventually came to Jayce’s side, understanding that it was for the best. Unfortunately, by the time they did, Silco had already died, and Jinx shot a missile with the crystal in it at them, most likely resulting in all of the Council—as well as Viktor—dying.

5 “I’m Sorry. I Don’t Know Where You’d Have Preferred. I’m Sorry.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

After Viktor had injected himself with Shimmer and came into contact with the Hexcore, he started thinking that he could be saved. However, when he continued the process to heal himself, Sky ran over to him. Because she didn’t have any Shimmer in her body, the blast from the Hexcore caused her to disintegrate.

Feeling terrible over what had happened, Viktor gathered her ashes, put them in an urn, and threw them into the water as he said these words, feeling responsible for her death.

4 “That May Be Difficult To Arrange. I’ve Tried Every Combination Of Runes, But It’s Always The Same. The Subject, Wither & Rot.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

When Viktor was a child, he met a scientist named Singed. Though they got along at first, Viktor left him when he found out how far Singed was willing to go for his research. Years later, Viktor finally understood him as he was approaching death. He started working with Singed again.

When Singed wanted to see the Hexcore, Viktor said this to him. However, Singed suggested that they use Shimmer to help those that could be saved by the Hextech.

3 “What If We’ve Been Looking At It Backwards? We’ve Been Trying To Discover Runes That Invoke Specific Effects & Then Molding Them To A Useful Function. Tools, As You Like To Put It. But, But If The Legends Are True, Mages Aren’t Bound To Single Functions. It’s Said The Arcane Speaks Through Them.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

After Viktor had a vision in which he learned that the Hextech could think on its own, he spoke with Jayce about it. Though he was surprised by these words that Viktor said, Jayce was concerned due to neither of them thinking it was safe.

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However, Viktor proceeded to study the Hextech more anyway so he could find out as much as possible, changing his life forever.

2 “Nobody’s Ever Believed In Me. A Poor Cripple From The Undercity. I Was An Outsider The Moment I Stepped Foot In Piltover. I Didn’t Have The Benefits Of A Patron Or A Name. I Simply Believed In Myself, Which Is Why I’m Here, Because I Think You’re On To Something. I Want To Help You Complete Your Research.”

Arcane 7 Best Viktor Quotes

After Jayce was unable to research magic, he almost committed suicide; however, Viktor stopped him from doing so, revealing that he wanted to assist him in his research.

As the two of them hardly knew each other, Viktor revealed a bit about his past, which also let fans know more about him. Despite not having permission from the Council, the two began working together and became best friends throughout the series.

1 “We Lost Ourselves. Lost Our Dream. In The Pursuit Of Great, We Failed To Do Good.”

By the last episode, Viktor understood how dangerous Hextech could be. Though he didn’t feel like he could destroy the Hexcore himself, he told Jayce that he’d have to do it. Jayce, despite not wanting to lose Viktor, understood where he came from and promised him that he would do it.

At the end of their conversation, Viktor said these words, regretting the choices that he and his best friend made. And seeing as how the two of them, along with the other members of the Council and more, are probably dead, they won’t be able to atone for their mistakes.

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