The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

The Promised Neverland: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Isabella


The Promised Neverland was an anime fill of mysteries & secrets. Likewise, Isabella had plenty of dark secrets that she kept to herself.

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The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

The Promised Neverland was one of the most heartbreaking animes that made a lot of its fans cry. Other than the monsters, the series also had quite a few humans who were dark and didn’t mind hurting children just to make their own lives better.

Isabella was one of the most controversial characters in The Promised Neverland. Fans are still heaving heated debates over the true meaning behind her actions. Isabella was the caretaker of the Grace Field House and was the only mama the children ever knew. And while fans loved how she was portrayed in the manga, the creators decided to change some lesser-known details around in the anime.

10 She Was Evil

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

While fans are still debating over Isabella’s true nature, the creators made it clear. She was evil. She understood the concept of love and was even capable of love herself, but she decided to become a Mama to save her own life. She was kind and caring with the children most of the time. However, she was also cruel and extremely violent when someone would go against her wishes or plans. Many of these times, Isabella didn’t have to use excessive force but she chose to cause pain anyway.

9 She Was An Orphan Herself

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Isabella had to grow up without parents just like the kids she took care of. She spent most of her time with her best friend, Leslie who also taught her a song she sang for her son as a baby. Isabella was an optimistic and happy child. However, after she found out what happened to the kids once they left the house, her personality completely changed. The young Isabella felt entirely hopeless who had nothing else on her mind but survival.

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8 She Was Artificially Inseminated

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

When Isabella was twelve-year-old and would have been shipped out to be eaten by demons she was given the choice to become a Mama. She chose to start her training hoping that she can give some love and a happy childhood to the kids. During the time she was still completing her training she was artificially inseminated. Isabella loved her baby and often sang the song to him that was taught to her by Leslie.

The baby was soon taken from her and Isabella thought she’d never going to see her baby again.

7 She Was The Youngest Ever Mama

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Thanks to Isabella’s manipulative skills, devious mind, and skills she became the youngest Mama ever at the age of nineteen. Isabella had been through a lot at this point. With her experiences as an orphan and what she learned was behind the wall, her personality and motives changed completely. She was still able and wanted to take care of children but her own welfare was the most important in her life. Thanks to her devious mind, she became the new Mama at Plantation 3.

6 She Was Extremely Manipulative

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Isabella had extraordinary skills when it came to manipulating others. She was able to fool most children and even some of the shows’ fans as well. While she had some positive reasoning behind her actions, she still chose to not only raise children as livestock but to often torture them both mentally and physically. Her darker side often appeared when a child wouldn’t do exactly as she wished. She would go as far as to seriously injure kids just like she did when she broke Emma’s leg.

5 She Was Ray’s Mother

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Since Isabella thought that she’ll never see her baby again she was shocked when she heard Ray sing the same song Isabella sang for her baby. However, this revelation didn’t make her more caring or loving towards him. She stayed cold and acted the same way around him as she did with the other children.

Isabella’s coldness towards her only son shows that she didn’t actually care for the children and only used them so she can survive.

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4 She Used Ray As An Informant

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

After Ray also figured out that Isabella was his biological mother he offered to become a spy for her.

He would secretly tell Isabella about the children’s escape plans in exchange for small gifts. Even though they started to spend a bit more time together, their relationship never became more than a simple business-like partnership. Isabella would only look at her son as livestock even during his eventual death.

3 She Named Norman & Emma

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Isabella enjoyed naming the kids she took care of. She also often put a lot of thought into choosing the right name for them. She chose the name Emma because she thought it’s a cute and simple name. However, she chose the name Norman because she loved the American author and artist Norman Rockwell. After learning more about Isabella’s relationship with the children, fans understood more about her dark and twisted personality that was also capable of tenderness and even fun.

2 She Thought Krone Would Have Made A Better Mama

The Promised Neverland 10 Things You Didnt Know About Isabella

Krone and Isabella always seemed in-sync and friendly towards each other in front of the children. However, Isabella knew that Krone just wanted her job and become the next Mama at their plantation.

While Krone was there to help out Isabella, they never trusted each other and often worked against one another. Isabella eventually managed to get Krone out of the picture. Later on, Isabella admitted that Krone was so good at her job that the kids would never have escaped if she was still there.

1 She Sacrificed Herself

While it seemed to all viewers that Isabella only cared about her own well-being it all changed by the end of the first season. During her years as a Mama, Isabella did everything in her power to stop the children from escaping. She didn’t refrain from mental and physical punishment either. She truly believed that there was no escape and that nothing could be done to change how things turned out for each human.

However, when she saw Emma’s determination and that there was an actual possibility for an escape, she decided to step aside and let them go. Despite it all, she knew that it would very likely mean she would have to die for this decision.

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