Why Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Is Better Than You Remember

Why Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Is Better Than You Remember

Even for fans, Agents of SHIELD’s first season isn’t always fondly remembered. But those who revisit it may find it’s much better than its reputation.

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Why Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Is Better Than You Remember

Fans of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. rejoiced at the announcement that the show was moving to Disney+ alongside the Marvel Netflix series. While many are excited to rewatch it on the new streaming platform, choosing where to start could give even some hardcore fans pause. Some viewers might be tempted to skip over the show’s much-maligned first season, but those who don’t may find themselves pleasantly surprised.

One of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s greatest strengths was that it improved significantly as it went on. As Marvel Television’s first series, it took a while to find its footing and struggled with how to connect to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. Season 1 also took a more episodic “monster of the week” approach to its storytelling before the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which revealed that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. in its infancy and turned the organization upside down. Because this revelation came so late in the season, some viewers find Season 1 rather tedious. But those early episodes laid the foundation for everything that came after, making them well worth watching.

Why Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Is Better Than You Remember

Since the Hydra reveal didn’t happen until Episode 17, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. used the preceding episodes to subtly build up to this discovery and, more importantly, develop its cast of brand new characters. This is best exemplified in Episodes 5 through 9. After establishing the overall tone and general team dynamic in the first few episodes, the series then shifted to spotlighting one or two characters each week. Audiences learned about Skye’s search for her family, saw Fitzsimmons’ deep connection put to the test, and caught a glimpse of Ward’s and May’s tragic backstories. In doing so, it quickly and quietly cemented their relationships with each other and endeared each character to the audience.

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 also introduced and explored a theme that carried through all seven seasons: family. Agent Coulson’s team hadn’t known each other long — most of them met in the first episode — but with all of the perilous missions they went through together, it didn’t take long for them to start thinking of themselves as more than just co-workers or friends. By the time Skye nearly died in Episode 14, it felt only right when Coulson declared that the team was her family. Moreover, this development made it all the more devastating when Ward was revealed to be a Hydra mole just three episodes later.

Although Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had plenty of twists and turns throughout its run, the one that always seems to cut the deepest for both the characters and the fans is Ward’s betrayal. Even for those who know what’s going to happen, it comes as a complete shock to the system because there really is nothing to tip the audience off about it beforehand. Furthermore, having a founding team member turn out to be Hydra brought The Winter Soldier’s twist down to a deeply personal level in a way the movies never could. As such, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. not only built this family from the ground up but destroyed it, and viewers’ hearts, in just one season.

The Hydra reveal was a major turning point for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a series, and many believe the show got much more interesting after this event. But while Season 1 is definitely lighter than the others, losing that lightness is exactly what made the darker seasons so impactful. Revisiting these characters as audiences first met them more than proves it: Skye had yet to uncover the tragic truth about her family, Fitz was only dealing with anxiety over going into the field instead of the effects of hypoxia, Simmons was still excited about the idea of aliens, and Coulson really thought he went to Tahiti. There was a sense of innocence to each character, and seeing how they grew and changed after losing that innocence gives their journey that much more meaning.

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Despite how much it changed after that first season, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a show was never ashamed of its roots. In fact, the writers often found exciting ways to incorporate elements from it into new stories, such as the use of Gravitonium in Season 5 and the return of John Garrett in Season 7. Because of this, Season 1 isn’t an installment to be forgotten, skipped, or suffered through on the way to something better; it truly is a solid foundation upon which multiple seasons were then built, and it merits a rewatch.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/agents-of-shield-season-1-better-than-remember/

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