Dark Souls The Legend of Knight Artorias the Abysswalker

Dark Souls: The Legend of Knight Artorias, the Abysswalker

In Dark Souls, the legend of Knight Artorias, the Abysswalker, isn’t an uplifting tale. It’s a lie that masks vain sacrifice and false hope.

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Dark Souls The Legend of Knight Artorias the Abysswalker

The world of Dark Souls is a bleak and depressing land constantly on the brink of being snuffed out of existence, with the most powerful beings in the setting fighting over whether or not Lordran and the lands beyond the First Flame deserve to be saved. There are very few heroes here, because gods such as Gwyn and Gwyndolin have become either insane or extremist, and innocent souls suffer in pain of immortality.

Perhaps the only character that could be called a hero in any traditional sense is Knight Artorias, the Abysswalker. He is one of the Four Knights of Lord Gwyn, a powerful warrior and a master swordsman. Alongside Dragonslayer Ornstein, Lord’s Blade Ciaran and Hawkeye Gough, Artorias led Gwyn’s knights into the war against the dragons.

Dark Souls The Legend of Knight Artorias the Abysswalker

Even aside from matters of war, Artorias developed a reputation for bravery and compassion, having been not only a loyal friend to his fellow knights, but also revered by many people in the land of Lordran. He is respected by the cat-beast Alvina and given great admiration by Princess Dusk and the people of Oolacile.

Artorias is also known for his close partnership with the Great Grey Wolf Sif, who was his faithful companion for much of Artorias’ life, up until his death. Sif’s loyalty is so great, the wolf continues to guard Artorias’s grave up until the events of Dark Souls, wielding Artorias’ Greatsword with ruthless efficiency.

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Dark Souls The Legend of Knight Artorias the Abysswalker

Artorias’ title of Abysswalker comes from his reputation as one of the few beings in all of Lordran who could traverse the dark Abyss and return, thanks to a magic ring. He hunted the evil Darkwraiths, former Lordran Knights who destroyed the city of New Londo by sinking it into the Abyss for their master, Darkstalker Kaathe. For Artorias’ valor, he was rewarded a pendant that repelled the Dark.

Knight Artorias’ greatest feat, having become the stuff of legends by the time the player learns about him, is the rescuing of Princess Dusk of Oolacile from the monstrous Manus, Father of the Abyss. This legend is perhaps most indicative of Artorias’ heroism, akin to a classical fairytale of knights rescuing princesses from dragons — a spot of hope for the otherwise grim setting of Dark Souls.

Sadly, it seems the legend is just that: A fantasy to maintain the vain hope that a pure and incorruptible hero still remains in Lordran. However, the player, aka the Chosen Undead, will travel through time to the last days of Artorias’ life, and discover the Abysswalker has fallen to the Darkness like countless others before him.

Having become animalistic and unable to distinguish friend from foe, Knight Artorias attacks the player on sight, possessing a repertoire of incredibly agile and brutally strong attacks, wielding his two-handed greatsword with one hand. In fact, his left arm is broken and flailing about, having shattered from shielding his friend Sif against the unstoppable Abyss.

Artorias is one of the most dangerous enemies the Chosen Undead will ever face. Even with the severe corruption of his soul, Artorias’ determination shines through, still dedicating himself to the destruction of Abyss with his killing of creatures of the Dark. Upon his defeat, he screams not with the voice of the countless Hollow undead the player has slain, but with the voice of a man.

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The player then defeats Manus, Father of the Abyss, to avenge Artorias’ death. The Chosen Undead is the true Hero of Oolacile and Princess Dusk’s actual savior — a secret known only to the two surviving Knights of Gwyn, Ciaran and Gough. No one will ever know Artorias failed, nor will Princess Dusk ever know her rescuer is not the great hero, but a random passing Undead, with no unique abilities beyond a greater determination than anyone else.

The legend of Artorias continues to live on, into Dark Souls III. Now revered as the Wolf Knight after his companionship with Sif and his hunting of the Darkwraiths, an order of Lothric Knights has formed the Abyss Watchers, dedicated to stopping the Abyss. Collectively, they form a powerful soul that will fill the throne of a Lord of Cinder, worthy of Artorias’ might by itself. Unfortunately, like Artorias, the Abyss Watchers also fall to the very darkness they swore to defeat and the Ashen One finds them killing one another.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/dark-souls-knight-artorias-abysswalker/

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