Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

Squid Game: 10 Most Shocking Moments, Ranked


Betrayals, plot twists, and sudden reveals are the bread and butter of death game shows. Squid Game doesn’t disappoint in this regard.

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Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

Squid Game is a South Korean series streaming on Netflix that has made quite a splash with audiences all over the world. The thrilling series focuses on debt-ridden individuals who are invited to play a game for a chance to win a large cash prize.

However, once inside the game, the only way to win is to survive or die. The players must compete in 6 rounds, each based on Korean childhood games in the hopes of taking home the money. There are many shocking moments in Squid Game, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats and coming back for more.

10 Mi-Nyeo Gets Her Revenge On Deok-Su

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

When Deok-Su appears to be one of the strongest players in the game, Mi-Nyeo tries to get in his good graces so she can be on his team. The two hook up for a time, and Mi-Nyeo tells Deok-Su that if he betrays her, she will kill him.

Deok-Su gets a tip from another player that one of the games will require strength, so Deok-Su leaves Mi-Nyeo out of his team. In the 5th game, when Deok-Su is holding up the other players, Mi-Nyeo berates him, wraps herself around him, and takes him down with her, finally getting her revenge.

9 Sang-Woo Doesn’t Warn His Friend

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

Before the second game, Sae-Byeok sneaks into the vents to try to see what she can find out. She sees the masked men in pink jumpsuits mixing up what she believes to be sugar. When the second game rolls around, the players are taken to a giant playground with 4 shapes on the wall.

Sang-Woo pieces together clues and figures out they will be playing the honeycomb game. He starts to warn Gi-Hun but, at the last minute, changes his mind. Gi-hun picks the most difficult shape in the bunch but fortunately survives.

8 Gi-Hun Doesn’t Get On The Plane

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

After surviving hell and leaving with a lot of money, it takes Gi-Hun a while to escape the shadow of the game. When he finally decides to get his life in order, he plans a trip to visit his daughter in the United States. However, as he’s talking to her, he notices the man he met in the train station who told him about the Squid Game.

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Gi-Hun can’t believe the game is still going on and calls the number on the card again. Instead of getting on the plane and being the dad he wants to be for his daughter, he turns around, presumably to go after the people still running the Squid Game.

7 Barely Alive Players Have Their Organs Harvested

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

Although all the games are children’s games, not winning costs more than just a sore ego. The players actually die and are boxed and sent to the incinerator to dispose of their bodies. However, it seems not all players die instantly.

In one scene, a player is clearly still alive and trying to lift the lid to his box. A masked man comes along and nails the lid shut, marking the box with a cross. Viewers later discover that the players who are severely injured but still alive are sent to have their organs harvested.

6 Il-Nam Gives Gi-Hun His Last Marble

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

The marble game claims a lot of lives, and when Gi-Hun begins losing to Il-Nam in the even and odds game, it looks like he is the next to die. However, because of Il-Nam’s health, he forgets what Gi-hun has guessed.

Gi-hun uses this to his advantage to survive the game, but when it comes down to the last marble, Il-Nam reveals he knew Gi-hun was tricking him the whole time. Regardless, he gives Gi-Hun his very last marble because they are friends.

5 Sang-Woo Tricks Ali In The Marble Game

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

For the fourth game, Sang-Woo picks Ali as his partner. The two have developed a friendship during their time playing, but Sang-Woo also wants Ali as his partner for his physical strength. When the marble game is announced, things don’t look so good for Ali, who is not familiar with Korean games.

Ali surprisingly dominates the game, and as Sang-Woo begins to panic, he accuses Ali of cheating. In an effort to save his own life, Sang-Woo tricks Ali into looking for other people who have decided not to have a winner and a loser, sending him away with what Ali believes to be a bag of marbles. However, Sang-Woo filled his bag with rocks, and as the game winds down, Ali realizes he is going to die.

4 Il-Nam Doesn’t Die In The Marble Game

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

A year after Gi-Hun leaves the Squid Game, he receives a card with a location. When he goes to the address, he discovers Il-Nam, lying in a bed and still very much alive. Il-Nam reveals that he is the one behind the Squid Game.

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This revelation completely changes how the viewer perceives Il-Nam. Prior to his admission, he was a sweet old man, Gi-hun’s friend, and his savior in many ways. He is someone viewers were sad to say goodbye to. However, he turns out to be the evil mastermind behind the Squid Game, and when he actually dies, it’s not really that sad.

3 The Twist In The Marble Game

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

Episode 6 of Squid Game is one of the most devastating episodes to watch. For the fourth game, the players have to pair up before they know what the actual game will be. Some people choose based on strength, some on friendship, and one pair is a husband and wife.

When the players arrive at the game area, they learn they will be playing marbles against their partner. The one who collects 10 marbles is the winner, and the other will be eliminated. Not only are the players in for a shock, but the viewers are as well, as they will potentially have to say goodbye to some of their favorite characters.

2 The First Player Is Eliminated

Squid Game 10 Most Shocking Moments Ranked

For the first game, the players are escorted out of their lodging room and into a large open area with a creepy doll at the end. The players learn they will be playing Red Light, Green Light for their first game.

Red Light, Green Light is a game they all played as children and is seemingly harmless in nature. However, as the game begins, the players soon discover that being eliminated actually means they will be executed. When the first player is taken down by a gunshot, panic ensues.

1 Sang-Woo Kills A Severely Injured Sae-Byeok

After Sang-Woo, Gi-Hun, and Sae-Byeok survive the stepping stone game, the remaining glass is blown to pieces, sending shards flying everywhere. During the blast, Sae-Byeok catches a giant shard in her stomach.

Knowing her time is drawing near, Sae-Byeok asks Gi-Hun to promise to take care of her brother. He tries to get help from the masked men, but when they finally open the door, he realizes that Sae-Byeok is already dead. He rushes to her side and then he notices agash across her throat. Sang-Woo claims he was ending her suffering, but at this point in the game, his morals are completely gone, and his friendship with Gi-Hun is shattered.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/squid-game-most-shocking-moments-ranked/

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