Resident Evil 4 PS4 and Xbox One Gameplay Trailers Released

Resident Evil 4 PS4 and Xbox One Gameplay Trailers Released


A couple of fresh gameplay trailers for the re-releases of Capcom’s survival-horror classic Resident Evil 4 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One surface online.

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A couple of fresh gameplay trailers for the re-releases of Capcom’s survival-horror classic Resident Evil 4 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One surface online.

With the PS4 and Xbox One launch date for the re-releases of Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 just around the corner, the game’s developers have decided to post two brand new gameplay trailers for the survival-horror title on the official Biohazard YouTube channel as promotion. After watching both of the pieces of in-game footage, Resident Evil 4 fans ought to be more than happy to find that the HD re-releases display at a crisp 1080p and run at a smooth 60 FPS.

As seen in the first trailer below, fans are given the chance to follow protagonist Leon Kennedy as he explores the initial rural village in Spain beyond the very beginning of Resident Evil 4 — which we consider to be one of the best opening levels in a video game — after being dropped off at the dilapidated cabin where the townsfolk have begun their assault on him. For those unaware, Leon’s mission is to save the president’s daughter Ashley Graham from cult members who have joined with Los Illuminados, which is an ancient religious sect that has infected them with a mind-controlling parasite.

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For gamers who have played Resident Evil 4 already, the first trailer should cause a rush of nostalgia to hit as they recall the thrill of trying to hold off waves of enemies until they eventually disperse. Furthermore, fans who have yet to try out what many believe to be at the tip-top of the best games in the series are given a solid look at what one should expect out of the title’s combat, as well as how the inventory system works.

While the aforementioned Resident Evil 4 gameplay video gives long-time fans a refresher and newcomers a primer for the PS4 and Xbox One re-releases, the second trailer found below gives gamers a glimpse of both Leon and Ashley in action after entering a castle, of which is chock full of Illuminados enemies. The footage illuminates how Ashley helps Leon when it comes to solving puzzles, but it doesn’t fully explicate her role in the game by going on to show the brief, yet important portions wherein the player directly controls Ashley.


Should the above trailers for Resident Evil 4’s PlayStation 4 and Xbox One re-releases whet one’s appetite, it can be purchased at the end of this month for $20 digitally worldwide, while a physical disc will also be available in North America. The game should include all bonus content from the original along with add-ons from the re-releases like Ada Wong’s side story, New Game Plus, and Mercenaries Mode. Once the fourth numbered installment in the franchise hits the current console generation, it will join the ranks of Capcom’s previous HD re-releases of Resident Evil 6 in March and Resident Evil 5 in the summer, with the latter having unfortunately experienced problems at launch such as frame rate drops and glitches.

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Of course, while Resident Evil 4’s re-release ought to serve fans of the series as an incredibly enjoyable blast from the past and give newbies a good idea as to how Capcom re-invigorated the survival-horror franchise with tweaks to the games’ original formula, it’s safe to say the title is also being used as a appetizer for the forthcoming release of Resident Evil 7. After all, with this being the series’ 20th year anniversary, the developer is most certainly attempting to capitalize even further upon the seventh entry’s frightening showing at this year’s E3 2016 by using all of these re-releases, as well as the impending remake of Resident Evil 2, as a reminder of the brand’s often inimitable take on horror.

Resident Evil 4 is set to be re-released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 30, 2016.

Source: biohazard – YouTube 1, 2 (via VG 24/7)

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