BioShock 4s Reveal Has to Go Big

BioShock 4’s Reveal Has to Go Big


BioShock 4 has a lot riding on its release for Cloud Chamber, and the game’s reveal should reflect that, based on previous cinematic trailers.

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BioShock 4s Reveal Has to Go Big

In recent years, the video game industry has been taking some of its most renowned trilogies and expanding on them once again to create some exciting franchise revivals. From God of War to Mass Effect, developers have been revisiting some of the most iconic names for a whole new generation, and BioShock 4 is yet another example of this. Although BioShock 4 won’t have the same developer as the first three games, the franchise’s return is still something to get excited about for longtime fans, and those looking for a reason to get into the series.

As exciting as the news of BioShock 4’s development is, there’s been a real lack of direct information coming from 2K or developer Cloud Chamber. It could simply be a case of there really being nothing to share at this point, but it has left BioShock 4 in a state between having a lot of hype from fans of the franchise, and being mostly unknown to anyone else. In order to remedy this, BioShock 4 would strongly benefit from a huge reveal that really sells how big of a deal the game is.

Keeping Up The BioShock Legacy

BioShock 4s Reveal Has to Go Big

The BioShock series may have been out of the public eye for some time now, but the influence that the games have had on the industry can still be felt to this day. BioShock 4’s reveal would have to match the status that the franchise has maintained up to this point. One of the tentpoles of the series is its dramatic cinematic trailers, which arguably mimics the quality of some Hollywood films. In order to be a true success, BioShock 4’s reveal will have to recognize just how important the series has become, while also giving fans the cinematic showcases that they’ve come to expect.

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Getting The BioShock 4 Word Out

BioShock 4s Reveal Has to Go Big

While the confirmed development of BioShock 4 has been exciting, 2K or Cloud Chamber hasn’t exactly been promoting the game all that much. This is probably just because there isn’t any marketing ready alongside the game’s development, but it would be wise to keep BioShock 4 from slipping into obscurity as much as possible. Compared to other games that have been in development as long as BioShock 4, the game is somewhat unknown. If the game is really going to bring back the BioShock franchise, it’s going to need a reveal that puts it at the forefront of every gamer’s mind, and keeps the attention there until its release.

Helping BioShock 4 Stand Out

BioShock was one of the biggest names of the PS3 and Xbox 360 era, but since BioShock Infinite released there have been a lot of games that have rose to popularity in its absence. The franchise just isn’t as relevant as it once was, as live-service models have permeated much of the industry while other singleplayer titles like Horizon Zero Dawn have staked their own claim on the adventure genre.

Digging up a franchise that hasn’t had a game in almost ten years is a risk on its own, and BioShock 4 is going to have to make a case for its existence after so much time spent dormant. If the reveal can show off some of the game’s rumored open-world features, that would certainly help BioShock 4 stand out from the other games that have risen in its place.

BioShock means a lot to a lot of gamers, so BioShock 4’s reveal has a lot of work to do to make sure it impresses. The game has been a long time coming for fans that have wanted another installment, and with the technology of Unreal Engine 5 potentially on its side, BioShock 4 has a lot riding on it. Hopefully the reveal will be able to convey the hype that it’s been riding on thus far, and give BioShock 4 a good head start against the other games around it.

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BioShock 4 is currently in development.

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