5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)


Hart of Dixie was a charming show about a city girl who moves back to the rural south. In some ways it’s timeless, but it also hasn’t aged that well.

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5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

When we needed a wholesome, humorous, and clever CW drama to binge-watch, Hart of Dixie was there for us. When we went through a breakup, needed a break from studying for finals, or just had a bad day, Hart of Dixie was always on repeat. And lastly, when we needed any comfort at all… That’s right, Hart of Dixie was there for us. Although it was canceled after its fourth season, fans couldn’t get enough of this Southern-rooted drama. It was sweet and full of drama all at once, but always had the charm and intrigue that kept us coming back for more, regardless of whether we were Team Wade or Team George.

There was so much more that we loved about it, but there were some things that didn’t necessarily age as well as others. These humorous details are things we look back on and try to place in today’s society, but struggle to do so. Even so, they’re what make the show what it is: Classic, unique, and lovable.

10 Aged Poorly: No, The South Will Not Rise Again

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

While some still wave Confederate flags from their porches, it won’t change the fact that the North-South rivalry has long been put to rest. The Civil War has been over for some time now and while many are still living it through their ancestors, it’s merely a figment of their imaginations.

The show portrays the Deep South as something of another world, sporting pride like no other region in the country, but Bluebell simply doesn’t exist in real life. And anything close features hardcore Nationalists, as in the kind we wouldn’t want to run into if we’re ‘Yankees’.

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9 Timeless: The Feels Are Always Relevant

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

One thing that Hart of Dixie does incredibly well is its heartfelt moments. Some might be cheesy, but isn’t that why we love it so much? Between Zoe’s exploits, Lavon’s level-headed peacemaking, and Lemon’s crazy antics, some sentimental moments sprinkled in between is a nice break.

The character development throughout the show is one of the best aspects of this drama, as each person undergoes their own changes, growth, and awareness. Along the way, they learn that some bonds simply can’t be broken and that others are better off that way.

8 Aged Poorly: So Many Modern Technology Issues

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

Nowadays, we have high-speed internet. Major cities (including Mobile) are mentioned throughout the show, meaning that civilization isn’t too far off… Not in the way they make it seem, anyway.

There are always subtle allusions to the fact that Bluebell is somewhat off the grid, lacking internet, fancy cell phones, and most cable access. In reality, this probably wouldn’t be an issue – unless a town is isolated by hundreds of miles of wilderness, it’s likely this disconnect was a choice, not a necessity.

7 Timeless: Friends Can Become Family

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

Many of us have learned this at some point in our life already. While Brick was pretty threatening in episode one (‘we will chase you away from our waters, Zoe Hart’, yikes), this attitude was not upheld through the entire show.

Eventually, Zoe worked her way into (most) everyone’s hearts (no pun intended), and she, too, realized that friends can sometimes be stronger than blood. Even Lemon warmed up to the ambitious New Yorker and became a friend, and that’s saying quite a bit.

6 Aged Poorly: The Rammer Jammer Needs Updating

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

In the days of Insta-worthy foodie posts, the Rammer Jammer wouldn’t likely be making any top ten lists. Their entertainment was off the charts awesome (and gave us low-key urges to road-trip to Alabama), but the food and general style of the place didn’t exactly change, despite how much in-show attention it received.

In fact, the Rammer Jammer was somewhat of a big deal – which means big changes should have followed, along with an extensive menu and upgrades, but alas, it remained rustic and Southern.

5 Timeless: Love Knows No Boundaries

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

Whether it was between Lemon and Lavon, Jaysene and Crickett, or Zoe and Wade, the show addressed a wide variety of love affairs and situations. All of them were welcomed and wildly applauded by fans, who appreciated the diversity and relatability of the content this show provided.

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It proved that things can change, and just because a show is set in the Deep South, that doesn’t mean it can’t be open and accepting. It’s in this that the show excelled and truly made a name for itself, becoming a quick favorite for everyone.

4 Aged Poorly: In Today’s Social Media World, Rumors Would Have Spread Quickly

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

We now have iPhones whose cameras resemble UFOs, so there’s little reason why a rumor needed to be spread by mouth rather than via text. While some news was spread over the phone, for the most part, social media would have ruined a world as small as Bluebell.

It would have been the Southern version of Gossip Girl and we probably would have had a tough time keeping up with all the combined Belle-and-Zoe drama. This is one instant where the lack of modern technology actually made a show better, although it’s tough for us to imagine nowadays.

3 Timeless: Southern Hospitality Hasn’t Changed Much

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

In the face of adversity, the genuine good that lies in the hearts of many will shine through. At least, in Hart of Dixie they did. When Mabel had an unexpected pregnancy and it came time to deliver her baby, it was the first time Brick and Zoe banded together to do something amazing.

While it didn’t last, they were able to put their differences aside for that moment. This common theme is present throughout the show, implying that good does exist in the world, and very much so in Bluebell.

2 Aged Poorly: There’s No Way Zoe Would Have Given Up New York

5 Ways Hart Of Dixie Has Aged Poorly (& 5 Ways It’s Timeless)

She almost returns with the help of her father – but ultimately, the call of Bluebell was too strong. While many of us would probably have chosen to stay in our small town as well, in 2019, ambitious Millennials would probably choose to get ahead.

Today’s generation would probably rather perform surgery than work in a small-town doctor’s office, especially with a future such as Zoe’s. Everyone needs to make the decision that’s right for themselves, but we’re sure many would have chosen the opposite.

1 Timeless: The Belles Vs. The Sopranos

Let’s be honest: The Belles were definitely scarier than a mob… mainly because they were one. They were ruthless, manipulative, and downright cruel at times.

However, they were also the greatest of friends and protected their own, which made them better than the Sopranos. In reality, Belles are still respected down South, and they’re still responsible for upholding traditions that have traversed decades.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hart-dixie-aged-poorly-timeless/

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