Video Games Take Over the Poet Poem Meme

Video Games Take Over the Poet Poem Meme


One new meme to arise in 2020 is the ‘Poet Poem,’ which simply places a ‘poet’ and a ‘poem’ side by side, but it’s quickly taken over by video games.

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Video games and memes go hand-in-hand, as each play a major role in the internet culture of today. Nothing is safe from memes, either, as there have been PlayStation and Xbox memes, Baby Jabba and Baby Yoda memes, and Pokemon Sword and Shield memes, to name just a few. One of the newest formats to come out in 2020 is the “Poet Poem” meme, and video games quickly took it over.

Essentially, the meme places two images side by side. On the left side, there’s the poet; on the right side, there’s the poem. This began innocently enough with writers sharing their poems and works alongside their headshots, but this then expanded. Musicians were placed next to song lyrics, actors were placed next to famous lines, and before anyone could even stop it (should they try), video game characters were placed next to their iconic lines.

Example of the Poet Poem Meme

The example above is essentially the standard for this new meme. While this is still divergent from its original intentional, it has a clear poet on the lefthand side – in this case, Star Wars’ John Boyega as Finn – and on the righthand side, something he is for repeating. If nothing else, this clearly makes light of Finn’s tendency to be searching for and screaming Rey’s name.

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Video Games Take Over the Poet Poem Meme

Quite a few video game companies and franchises got into the fun as well. Electronic Arts used an image from Mass Effect, The Witcher used Geralt to insult Lambert (as fitting), Assassin’s Creed used Kassandra and the often-uttered Greek phrase, “Malakas,” Xbox used the Untitled Goose Games’ iconic honk, and PlayStation UK used Conor from Detroit Become Human. These are just a few examples, but check them out below:

The meme format itself has already begun to slow down, as is often the case with virality on the internet, but these are definitely gems that hopefully elicit some laughter. After all, everything from the Untitled Goose Game to the Detroit Become Human meme are highlights of this format.

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