10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics


DC Comics is home to some of the most iconic, powerful superheroes ever. But characters like Batman and Harley Quinn have some bizarre weak spots.

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10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

DC Comics has some of the most iconic heroes in the industry, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some ridiculous weaknesses. It’s natural for a writer to create some kind of way to depower their hero, or at the very least put their back up against the wall in order to draw more conflict from a narrative.

However, thanks to the strange abilities of these heroes, it’s all too common that their weaknesses will be as equally odd. Perhaps it’s the most logical way to defeat them, or maybe it stems from a much larger story, but these things can really hold them back in battle and may even endanger the heroes in certain situations.

10 Kryptonians: Rocks

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

It may seem an odd inclusion considering how well known Kryptonite is as Superman’s weakness. But when breaking it down, it is quite strange that the Man of Steel and indeed, any other Kryptonian like Supergirl, can be depowered from a rock.

There’s actually a wide variety of Kryptonite that have been introduced into the comics across the company’s history, including pink, red, and the very familiar green. If it was brought into the canon of another hero now, it’s unlikely anyone would take the weakness seriously.

9 Speedsters: Ice

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Speedsters carry with them an impressive array of skills. From the first Flash Jay Garrick to Barry Allen, Jesse Quick, to Wally and Wallace West and the variety of other heroes who contain within them the power of the Speed Force, they all share a common weakness.

Speedsters can be defeated using ice. It seems silly, but the comics have demonstrated countless times that the Flash can actually slip over at intense speeds. This means that the writers have managed to bring in villains like Captain Cold and Killer Frost to combat the Fastest Man Alive.

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8 Archers: Running Out Of Arrows

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Speaking of groups of heroes, when looking at the vigilantes known as archers, there’s a very obvious thing holding them back. It may be Speedy, Red Arrow, Arsenal, or of course, the Green Arrow, but much like Marvel’s Hawkeye, they are limited by the weapons they carry.

On countless occasions these archers have run out of arrows. It’s quite silly really and there should be a science fiction way of tackling this problem head-on, but unfortunately, any archer can be caught off guard without their much-needed equipment.

7 Batman: Guilt

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Batman is one of DC’s most iconic heroes, but he is fuelled by a very specific emotion which is often used as a weakness. His guilt is really what paralyzes him and allows his greatest villains to manipulate him. A notable foe like Scarecrow or Joker can take advantage of this.

Batman carries with him the guilt of his parent’s death but also feels responsible for every crime committed in Gotham. There are countless stories that put their central focus on Batman’s inability to be at peace with his actions, usually distracting him in the field.

6 Wonder Woman: Being Bound By A Man

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Wonder Woman has quite a complex past in the comics in terms of her creation and some of the sexist themes surrounding the character. One of the weaknesses of Diana Prince early on was so controversial that it has since been removed from continuity.

Wonder Woman was actually depowered if a man captured and bound her. She was unable to break out of her chains and indeed would lose both her strength and her other impressive abilities. This is of course a bizarre weakness that should never have been published.

5 Shazam: Billy Batson

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

A superhero’s alter ego can sometimes be their ultimate weapon. Clark Kent as a reporter, Bruce Wayne as a billionaire and Shazam as a… teenage boy. Unfortunately for the former Captain Marvel, his actual weakness is his true identity.

Billy Batson isn’t particularly special. He is just an average kid, which is what made him so compelling to readers. However, if he is unable to transform into the hero known as Shazam, then many people would be in a lot of danger — including Shazam himself!

4 Cyborg: Technology

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Cyborg is an incredibly powerful hero, combining both the mind of a human and the most advanced technology known to humans. His capabilities are limitless, but the very source of his power could also lead to his undoing, as has been demonstrated in the source material.

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If Cyborg ever allowed too much of the technology to take over his body, he may lose his humanity forever. This is exactly what happened to Grid, who is extremely similar to Cyborg, but he allowed his body to be fully integrated with the computer tech bonded to him.

3 Black Canary: A Sore Throat

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

Black Canary has an incredible singing voice and a deadly vocal chord. She’s one of the Justice League’s most consistent heroes and has had a number of memorable stories in the comics. Her biggest weakness is perhaps one of the strangest, though.

If Black Canary ever has a sore throat, she’s unable to use her abilities. Losing her voice is one of the biggest risks of having the powers of this warrior. While she’s capable in hand-to-hand combat, if she doesn’t have a throat lozenge on hand then she may be in trouble.

2 John Constantine: A Lack Of Speech

10 Weirdest Hero Weaknesses In DC Comics

John Constantine has a similarly practical problem to solve. Most of his magic comes from verbal casting. If he is unable to speak the words then he may not be able to save himself. There’s a number of obstacles in his way which may stop him from being the sorcerer he needs to be.

His smoking has led to lung cancer, which means his coughing can stop him from speaking. What’s more, he is also known to drink quite a lot; if he is inebriated then his slurred words will also not be as effective. It would be quite easy to subdue Constantine for any magic wielder who can seal his mouth shut.

1 Harley Quinn: A Sandwich

Harley Quinn has gone from villain to antihero to fully-fledged superhero throughout her run in DC Comics. However, her big-screen feature film Birds of Prey really demonstrated her most significant weakness: a breakfast sandwich.

The sandwich was so delicious that she did everything she could to try to protect it. This put her at a significant disadvantage and she ultimately paid the price, both getting captured in battle and dropping her prized possession on the ground, much to her disappointment.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dc-comics-most-bizarre-superhero-weaknesses/

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