Anthem Director Leaves BioWare After A Decade With The Studio

Anthem Director Leaves BioWare After A Decade With The Studio

Jonathan Warner, the Game Director on 2019’s Anthem, announced his departure from BIoWare today after spending the last decade at the studio.

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Jonathan Warner, game director on Anthem, departed BioWare today following a decade-long stint at the Electronic Arts-owned studio. Such news comes approximately one month after BioWare announced its official cancellation of Anthem 2.0, the overhaul originally meant to revitalize the live service with a complete gameplay revamp. While the developers promise to continue supporting the online title, larger content-specific updates are now a thing of the past.

A former producer at Disney, Jonathan Warner joined Electronic Arts late in the summer of 2011 as a senior producer. He entered the BioWare fold in early 2012 as a senior producer on various Mass Effect 3 endeavors, including the main game, multiplayer, and The Citadel DLC. Warner transitioned into the role of game director in 2015, a position he maintained until becoming the studio’s chief of staff in the month’s following Anthem’s rocky launch.

In a social media post, Jonathan Warner announced today would serve as his last with the talented crew at BioWare. Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Star Wars: The Old Republic are all in “good hands,” he said. Warner additionally made mention not of “moving on to do new things;” however, there is currently no indication as to where he may wind up in the future. Read Warner’s full post in the tweet linked below:

So, today is my last day at BioWare, I’m moving on to do new things. BioWare has been home to my grateful heart for nearly 10 years and I want to wish them all the best. DA ME and SWTOR are in good hands and I can’t wait to play from this side of the screen. #ThankYou #BioWare

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Several other key members of the Anthem crew have departed since its February 2019 launch. Most notably, Mark Darrah and Casey Hudson exited the studio back in last December. Hudson represented a creative force on Anthem from the very start, nurturing the project through its nascent stages from 2012 to 2014. He returned to BioWare in the summer of 2017 and assumed the role of general manager. Mark Darrah, meanwhile, joined the Anthem crew in late 2017 to help steer the shooter forward in its final stretch of production. Needless to say, the departures of Darrah, Hudson, and Warner raise many questions about BioWare’s future.

The next few years will undoubtedly be big for the studio, though. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition hits stores in less than two months. The next Dragon Age entry, which reportedly underwent a significant development shift, presently lacks a launch window, yet the hype won’t soon subside. And during last year’s The Game Awards, BioWare confirmed another mainline Mass Effect installment is in the works; the teaser shown indicates the narrative may revisit the original trilogy’s story arc.

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