10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles, Ranked By How Iconic They Are


Helena Bonham Carter has had a lucrative career studded with many definitive movie roles, but which of them were the most iconic?

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10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Ever since her first appearance in A Pattern of Roses (1983), English-American actress Helena Bonham Carter has seen an illustrious career. Her maniacal beauty, intense performances, and frequent collaboration with ex-husband Tim Burton have crowned her the queen of pre-20th century Gothic horror and eccentricity.

From fantasy epics like Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland to quieter, character-driven dramas like The King’s Speech and The Crown, Carter’s diversification has made her one of the UK’s most beloved actresses. In appreciation of her tremendous talents and memorable career, below are Helena Bonham Carter’s 10 most iconic roles to date.

10 Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Crowning this list of iconic roles is Carter’s turn as Bellatrix Lestrange in the last four Harry Potter movies. Carter brought the character to life in a terrifying way, channeling Bellatrix’s insanity and psychopathy to their fullest extent. Who could forget such chilling scenes as Bellatrix carving the word “Mudblood” into Hermione’s arm, or her haunting cackle of “I killed Sirius Black!” Carter made the audience hate and fear Bellatrix in ways few actresses could accomplish, and her performance won’t be forgotten any time soon.

9 Queen Iracebeth of Crims (Alice in Wonderland)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

In perhaps her most frightening collaboration with Tim Burton, Carter portrays the cruel and merciless Queen Iracebeth of Crims in Alice in Wonderland (2010) and Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016). Her engorged head and chalk-white features blend the absurd with the unsettling in ways few could achieve. Despite the heavy makeup and CGI placed on her, Carter’s performance exudes nuance and texture for an intimidating aura that blends into the movie’s fantastical aesthetic seamlessly. There are few who performers who can frighten while pronouncing “drink” as “dwink.”

8 Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Helena Bonham Carter has incredible chemistry with famed actor Johnny Depp, which is perhaps on display at its finest in Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd (2007). Despite rough CGI, Depp and Carter carry the movie in exemplary fashion. Carter’s Mrs. Lovett hits her stride in gleeful, pseudo-romantic psychopathy in helping Depp’s Sweeney Todd slaughter members of the community and bake them into pies. Rather than derangement or villainy, Carter balances her psychopathy with a caring, even maternal facade. In addition, Carter shows off a broader range of skills as a thespian through singing and dancing.

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7 Marla Singer (Fight Club)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Two years before she met Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter was already making waves in the Hollywood scene in her stint as Marla Singer in David Fincher’s classic Fight Club (1999). Her grungy, rebellious street rat charm combines with Carter’s natural charisma to make an entertaining and memorable character.

Even playing against big-name stars Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, Carter holds her own as a staple part of the movie. Her cigarette, sunglasses, and hat strike an unforgettable chord to make her character instantly iconic.

6 Princess Margaret (The Crown)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Taking a break from her usual twisted and Gothic roles, Helena Bonham channels her skills for drama in Netflix’s The Crown (2016-present). In a more toned down, but no less impressive performance, Carter plays Princess Margaret. Carter took extensive research on the real-life Princess Margaret in order to portray her, including learning to smoke like her. The result is a charismatic, spunky, and complex performance that demonstrates Carter’s range and versatility as an actress. Carter balances humor and quirk with deeper, underlying emotion to create a textured, three-dimensional character that Princess Margaret would surely be proud of.

5 Ari (Planet of the Apes)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

While the movie as a whole left much to be desired from moviegoers, 2001’s Planet of the Apes remake nonetheless holds a special place in the career of Helena Bonham Carter. The production is where she met her future husband, Tim Burton, sparking their first of many collaborations. In Planet of the Apes, Carter plays Ari, an ape who sympathizes with the plight of humanity and helps Mark Wahlberg’s Leo secure freedom for the enslaved humans. Despite the voluminous makeup through which all the ape-playing actors had to act, Carter gives a sincere and heartfelt performance. Though the script and many of her costar’s acting were riddled with problems, Carter’s performance was not to blame for the movie’s underperformance.

4 Emily (The Corpse Bride)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Partnering with known collaborators Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter provides the voice of Emily, the reanimated bride of Depp’s Victor in the Burton-directed clay-mation, The Corpse Bride (2005). Carter’s sickly-sweet voice brings Emily to life (so to speak) in a memorable way, capturing the corpse bride’s vulnerability, wrath, and ghostly charm. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter have great chemistry in every movie they do together. In The Corpse Bride, they take a more childlike and innocent dynamic that tugs at the heartstrings of their audience.

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3 Olivia (Twelfth Night)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

In Trevor Nunn’s 1996 cinematic adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night or What You Will, Helena Bonham Carter achieves her status as a Shakespearean actress. She plays the newly-widowed Olivia, who is subject to the fancies of Duke Orsino, played by Toby Stephens.

Olivia instead falls for Orsino’s page, Cesario, who is in fact a woman, Viola, in disguise. Carter plays the widow Olivia with dignity and emotion, while still maintaining a sense of fun in the role. Shakespearean dialogue is rarely easy to recite in a way that elicits emotion or feels genuine, but Carter reads her lines smoothly and organically.

2 Madame Thénardier (Les Misérables)

10 Helena Bonham Carter Roles Ranked By How Iconic They Are

Once again displaying her talent as a singer as well as an actress, Helena Bonham Carter plays opposite Sacha Baron Cohen in her role as Madame Thénardier, the thrifty innkeeper, in Tom Hooper’s 2012 adaptation of Les Misérables. Bringing her usual demented charm and villainy to the role, Carter gives a memorable performance despite limited screen time as she terrorizes Amanda Seyfried’s Cosette. She also gives an enjoyable number with Sacha Baron Cohen with “Master of the House.” The two have an entertaining and comedic chemistry that gives all of their scenes quite a bit of flavor.

1 Julia Hoffman (Dark Shadows)

Helena Bonham Carter plays Dr. Julia Hoffman in Tim Burton’s 2012 remake of the popular TV soap opera, Dark Shadows. Though the movie as a whole was decidedly lackluster, due to its inconsistent tone and aimless plot, Carter gives a solid performance as always, once again playing off Johnny Depp as the vampire Barnabas Collins. Dr. Hoffman’s fascination with Barnabas’s abilities leads her to manipulate him into making her immortal. Once Barnabas realizes her plan, he swiftly kills her and disposes of her body in a lake. The film closes with a shot of Hoffman’s corpse at the bottom of the lake as her eyes fly open. Had the movie performed well enough to merit a sequel, it’s likely that Carter’s character would have played its vampiric villain.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/helena-bonham-carter-most-iconic-movie-roles-ranked/

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