Did Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Really Leak Online Before Release

Did Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Really Leak Online Before Release?

Army of Thieves claims that master hacker Korina Dominguez is the one behind the online leak of Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Did that really happen?

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Did Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Really Leak Online Before Release

Netflix’s Army of Thieves referenced d an online Pirates of the Caribbean 2 leak, but did that really happen? A rom-com heist sequel to Army of the Dead, the Army of Thieves centers on a ragtag crew planning to rob Hans Wagner’s safes before their decommissioning. Leading the pack is Gwendoline Starr (Nathalie Emmanuel), an internationally wanted jewelry thief, who notices the potential of Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert/ Ludwig Dieter (Matthias Schweighöfer). Gwendoline’s crew also includes their muscle man Brad Cage/ Alexis Broschini (Stuart Martin) and getaway driver Rolph (Guz Khan). Rounding out the team is the brains of the operation — in the person of Korina Dominguez (Ruby O. Fee).

Since her childhood, Korina has been interested in technology. She is capable of hacking any digital security, allowing the team to pull off five bank heists in four years. Despite her impressive record, perhaps her most sensationalized crime occurred when she was ten years old. Korina’s brother was a big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, so she hacked into the movie studio to leak an early copy of the second film online. The incident quickly became an international news piece, and even Dieter recalled hearing about it. However, in real life, did the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel really leak online?

The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest was released in July 2006 to mixed reviews, praising its special effects, musical score, and acting performances, while its runtime and plot were criticized. Despite that, the film still became the highest-grossing film of that year — all without getting leaked online, leaving Korina’s claim of stealing and leaking POTC 2 fictional. However, hackers did get ahold of the franchise’s fifth entry, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

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A copy of the 2017 hit swashbuckler film was reportedly stolen from a post-production company in Los Angeles. The hackers demanded a ransom and threatened that if left unpaid, they would then release the film in pieces, to be made available on torrent sites. Ironically, the hacking occurred just over a week from the set release date, and Bob Iger, Disney’s CEO at the time, simply shrugged off the cybercriminals’ demands and then turned the issue over to the FBI. Consequently, the hackers went against their own word and released the full POTC 5 on the site PirateBay, along with a copy of Cars 3. Regardless, the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales still earned almost $800 million in the box office.

In that same year, the streaming platform Netflix also encountered a similar situation. A copy of their show Orange is the New Black was also stolen, and the first ten episodes of the show’s season 5 were leaked. Although it sounded intriguing, Korina leaking an early copy of POTC 2 was only used to create a more interesting backstory and establish the level of skills she would be using in the Army of Thieves’ heists. Nevertheless, it was certainly grounded in reality.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/army-thieves-pirates-caribbean-2-leaked-true-story/

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