Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Avatar: The Last Airbender’s 10 Saddest Moments, Ranked


While Avatar is a children’s show, it deals with heavy and emotional topics, which often leads to viewers feeling extremely sad for the characters.

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Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Avatar: The Last Airbender is an amazingly emotional show. While it often has comedy and fun action, the show is set in wartime, and inevitably viewers will see how the war has tragically affected each of the characters. There are moments where characters die, are abandoned, or deal with the trauma that they have been put through throughout their life.

It’s hard to figure out which moments are the saddest overall, but there are definitely some episodes that have caused viewers to tearbend more than others.

10 When Zuko Yells At The Sky

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Zuko’s life is made up of sad moments, and what makes his life even more heartbreaking is that he tries so hard to withstand the pain he’s gone through, only to crumble under his own anguish. This can be seen when Iroh tries to teach him how to redirect lightning, but because of the inner turmoil he feels, he just can’t do it.

This culminates with him yelling at the sky to strike him, because life has always seemed to throw the worst at him anyway. He keeps yelling, until ultimately he breaks down and cries, unable to take any more of his own anguish, and it is hard to watch.

9 When Sokka Watches His Dad Go To War

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Since the hundred-year war affects every nation in the world, Sokka’s dad Hakoda must leave to fight in the war when Sokka is very young. Sokka wants to go with his dad, so they won’t have to separate, but his father forces him to stay in the Southern Water Tribe. But before he leaves, the two hug, and Sokka begins to cry as his father says how much he is going to miss his children.

This moment is tragic because Sokka is usually the comic relief character, so seeing him so small and vulnerable takes the audience by surprise.

8 When Aang finds Monk Gyatso

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

One of the saddest things about Aang is how his nation was wiped out. In the moment when Aang finds that his temple has been destroyed, he is devastated. He also feels massive guilt, having left just before the attack. This devastation is only heightened by Aang finding Monk Gyatso’s skeleton, surrounded by fire nation soldiers.

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Gyatso is Aang’s father figure in the show, and it’s clear that he and Aang were very close. This is the first real gut-punching moment in the series, and it definitely makes an impact, as after Aang pitifully cries, he flies into the Avatar State due to his heartbreak.

7 When Katara Sees Her Mother In The Swamp

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

This scene is a culmination of Katara’s grief over her mother. But unlike when she talks about it with Zuko or hunts down her mother’s killer, there is no catharsis to this moment. Katara is tricked by the swamp into thinking that her mother is alive, and when she realizes the truth, all she can do is break down and cry. And there is no one to help or comfort her.

This moment doesn’t fully go into what happened to Katara’s mother. But considering how much her mother’s death affected her, the weight of this scene can be felt throughout the series, and it’s easy for viewers to understand Katara’s pain once they have seen this scene.

6 When Zuko Apologises To Iroh

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Zuko betrays Iroh at the end of season two, and that moment alone is sad enough since Iroh had been there for Zuko through thick and thin. But when Zuko redeems himself, he wants to apologize to Iroh, but worries that Iroh will be furious with him. But since Iroh is one of the oldest and wisest benders in the series, he forgives and hugs his nephew, and says that he was never angry. The two cry as they make up, and so does the audience.

This moment is a bittersweet one rather than completely sad, as their reconciliation was something that fans had been longing to see since season two.

5 The Whole Of “Appa’s Lost Days”

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Appa is kidnapped by sandbenders in season two and spends a lot of the latter half of the season missing. It’s already sad seeing how much Aang misses Appa, but the episode “Appa’s Lost Days” fully goes into how much abuse and melancholy Appa has suffered since he was kidnapped, and it’s heartbreaking to watch. He is attacked, captured, and forced to perform in a circus, in just one episode.

It’s always hard to see animals suffer, and Appa is especially beloved by the Avatar fandom. So there’s no doubt that this episode leaves them feeling emotionally drained. Thankfully, Appa is reunited with the Gaang later on in the season, but this episode leaves viewers on an unresolved note, letting the sadness remain for even longer.

4 When Yue Sacrifices Herself

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Yue is one of the first people to die onscreen in the show, and it demonstrated that this series was not afraid to dive into tragic and emotional moments. When the moon spirit is killed by Zhao, Yue, who was touched by the spirit as a baby, gives her life to restore the moon. She dies a martyr and saves the Water Tribe through her sacrifice.

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What makes this moment even sadder is that Sokka, who loves her, just has to sit and watch her give her life away. Yue’s ghost appears, kisses him, and leaves, never to be seen by Sokka again. Yue’s death leaves a mark on the whole Water Tribe, and considering she was so young, it’s tragic that she was taken so soon.

3 When Jet Dies

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

While the show jokes about whether or not Jet actually died, the moment was sad enough to leave an impression. Jet’s death is haunting because he is kidnapped, brainwashed, and then murdered by the city that he had been seeking refuge in. As he perishes, the other characters cry around him, and despite Jet trying to remain strong and telling Katara that he’ll be fine, just like Toph says, “He’s lying.”

Jet’s death is the saddest in the series because, unlike Yue, he is not a willing martyr. He is a victim through and through. Furthermore, Jet was just beginning to turn his life around before he was killed by the Dai Li, so it’s sad to think what happy life he could have lived had they not met him.

2 When Azula Breaks Down And Cries

Avatar The Last Airbenders 10 Saddest Moments Ranked

Azula is arguably the best villain in the entire series. She is cold, cruel, and calculating. So it’s easy to forget that she is a child who is just as wounded as her brother Zuko. This is made apparent by her demise. Before this scene, she has lost her friends, banished everyone out of the castle, and is haunted by images of her mother.

When she loses in a fight with Katara, she starts wailing and rolling around on the floor, the effects of her tragic life finally catching up to her. Katara and Zuko can only watch her pitifully, and despite her being a villain, fans can’t help but feel sorry for Azula too. It’s a crushing ending to an epic fight.

1 When Iroh Mourns His Son

The song “Leaves From The Vine” was burned into every Avatar fan’s mind after watching this scene. Iroh is a beloved character, partly due to how he seems to take everything in stride. He faces life with a smile. So when he celebrates the birthday of his dead son by lighting candles and singing him a lullaby, it completely takes the audience off guard and creates the series’ saddest moment.

Furthermore, it is haunting to see Iroh sobbing, and voice actor Mako Iwamatsu does an amazing job of shaking his voice as he sings in order to create that raw emotion. This episode was also dedicated to the late voice actor, which makes the moment incredibly touching in real life too.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-saddest-moments-heartbreaking-scenes-ranked/

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