Corey Hawkins & Melanie Laurent Interview 6 Underground

Corey Hawkins & Melanie Laurent Interview: 6 Underground

What’s it like to work with Michael Bay and Netflix? We sat down with Corey Hawkins & Melanie Laurent for 6 Underground to find out.

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Directed by Michael Bay, Netflix’s 6 Underground is an explosion-heavy action movie that follows six “ghosts”, highly-trained individuals with specific sets of skills. Two of the team are Two (a former CIA spook) and Seven (a sharpshooter), played by Melanie Laurent and Corey Hawkins.

Screen Rant recently caught up with the actors to discuss working with Bay, Netflix, each other, and where the franchise could go next.

This is Netflix’s big Christmas movie. Did knowing it was going to a streaming service, where most people are going to watch it on their TV rather than on the big screen but that it’s gonna be be seen by so many more people, make it easier or harder to sign on?

Corey Hawkins: I just hope people have like big TVs. I mean, I think big TV and really good sound systems too. I mean, the editing is, it’s just crazy man. But no, it definitely made it cooler to sign on because it is such a worldwide, globe-trotting crazy adventure. So it was fun in that respect.

Melanie Laurent: Yeah. And you can feel like Netflix is changing the world now: the way they make movies and the way they just put money on crazy projects and how they just want to give some directors just the opportunity of making the movie they always dreamed of. And being part of that big dream, because that was kind of like… Michael Bay was really wanting to make a movie back to characters and back to real action scenes instead of having those gigantic robots everywhere. So he was like having so much fun going back to actors and scenes and sense of humor and also emotions… and suddenly you have Netflix kind of like, “hi, what do you need from us?” And it’s pretty magical.

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With Michael, he is returning to his old style with this and away from Transformers. What was he like on set, how happy was he to be able to be sort of in this environment again and what was his biggest challenge?

CH: He was like a kid in a candy shop.

ML: Too much sugar.

CH: I guess his biggest challenge was having actors be like, “we have to do what?” You know, it was just executed, like she said, it’s exciting to see a director who’s been doing this for so many years, who’s known for such a very unique style, be able to like find the joy in it again, and to see that in him you know it’s exciting. And, as crazy as it was, it’s exciting to see.

The film maybe does set up some sequels – there’s nine files on the wall. Where would you like to see your characters go in future movies?

ML: Well, we really hope we’re gonna do a sequel. We just fell in love like to each other and that was really, really special. In one minute, when you like you’re gonna be a great adventure.

CH: Yeah, it literally can go anywhere, but I’d really love to see what other like locations that we can go to. We got to travel so much during this movie

ML: We were because Italy was like a dream.

CH: Italy was amazing, it was so beautiful. I mean, literally driving through Florence and Siena and Rome in these ancient… and blowing stuff up and having people run down the top of the Duomo – people actually did that and it’s never been done before.

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You were Houston Brooks in Kong: Skull Island. That role was recast – Joe Morton played it in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Have you seen Godzilla 2 and what did you think of that old recast?

CH: I thought it was so cool, man. I was like, how are they going to continue the storyline and to have him play the older version of me was… I was like, “oh my god.” And I’m excited to see where they continue it and if there’s any flashbacks.

Screen Rant’s Managing Editor, Alex Leadbeater has been covering film online since 2012 and been a permanent fixture of SR since 2016. Based in London, he oversees a global news & features team based in NY, LA and beyond. You may have also seen/heard him on the Total Geekall podcast, unaffiliated YouTube channels, BBC Radio and CBC News. Growing up in the English countryside on a mixture of Star Wars, The Simpsons and Aardman, Alex is a lifelong movie obsessive. Despite a brief jaunt in Mathematics at Durham University, film writing was always his calling. He’s covered a wide range of movies and TV shows – from digging out obscure MCU Easter eggs to diving deep into deeper meanings of arthouse fare – and has covered a litany of set visits, junkets and film festivals. He once asked Tom Cruise about his supposedly fake-butt in Valkyrie (he swore it was all real).

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