Check Out the Poster for Syfys Sharknado 5 Global Swarming

Check Out the Poster for Syfy’s Sharknado 5: Global Swarming


A new poster for Syfy’s Sharknado 5: Global Swarming shows the main characters airborne while dodging sharks and famous monuments.

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Check Out the Poster for Syfys Sharknado 5 Global Swarming

It’s getting closer to the Sharknado season, so it only seems right that we get some brand new artwork and promo material for the next installment of the so-bad-it’s-good franchise. Sure enough a new poster for the upcoming Sharknado 5: Global Swarming has surfaced online and shows our heroes in peril from not only airborne sharks, but national monuments as well.

The fourth sequel to the schlocky-comedy-action movie Sharknado is now only a few weeks away from screening on Syfy. It’s highly probable that nobody involved in the 2013 original realized the lightning-in-a-bottle and cult appeal that they had captured. The first film told the ridiculous story of freak cyclones hitting LA and causing hordes of man-eating sharks to be scooped up in water spouts and obliterate the city in various ways. The cheap CG effects and sheer lunacy of the events seemed to hit a collective nerve with audiences, and the annual appearance of increasingly madcap sequels is now something of a tradition. Each film stars Ian Ziering and Tara Reid as Fin and April Shepard, respectively, the husband and wife who continue to encounter different forms of sharknadoes in each film. By now the ‘nados have hit New York, followed the Florida coast, reached outer space, and gained elemental powers. Fin relies on a trusty chainsaw, and April is now a cyborg, having been brought back to life by Gary Busey in Sharknado 4: The Fourth Awakens.

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For this next chapter, the emphasis is on Sharknadoes “touring” global hot-spots and creating havoc as they go. This is highlighted on the new poster which has just been unveiled by E! News.

The new artwork shows Fin in the eye of a storm, chainsaw at the ready. He’s accompanied by April and action-heroine Nova Clarke, played by Cassandra Scerbo, who previously appeared in the original film and Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! Of course they’re surrounded by snarling sharks, but the difference here is that amid the flying debris is London’s Big Ben clock tower, the Sphinx from Egypt, and chunks of Rome’s Coliseum. This follows the story for the film, which sees the Shepards chase a Sharknado around the world after it sweeps up their son and vanishes with him.

As with the previous films, a number of unlikely celebrity cameos have been confirmed for this entry. This time we can expect to see Olivia Newton-John (Grease) as a scientist, skateboarder Tony Hawk as a weapons expert, Gilbert Gottfried as a storm chaser, UK Olympic diver Tom Daley as an art-thief, and many others who will inevitably become shark-fodder at some point. Even actor Ross Mullan, who plays a Game of Thrones’ White Walker, will be appearing as a mad scientist. As with all the previous films it has been directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, who pretty much has the formula and the expectations from the audience mapped by now.

The Syfy channel confirmed its usual August premiere date earlier this year, and screenwriter Thunder Levin has already stated that he has an arc planned for at least two more films after part 5. So unless viewing figures and interest drop dramatically this year, the sharks will be flying for some time to come.

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Sharknado 5: Global Swarming will be premiere August 6th on Syfy.

Source: E! News

David Stephens is a longtime film fan and regular contributor to the news articles on the site. After a career in the IT sector, he has been writing professionally for an independent UK site for over 6 years, providing reviews and blogs. Based in London, he has been quoted on International film posters and enjoys being part of the media community. He became a fan of the horror genre after being introduced to the Universal monster pictures at an early age. But he is also equally passionate about all kinds of films and TV shows, from blockbuster superhero films to Indie character studies. He keeps his ear to the ground for the latest gossip and is proud and honored to be part of the ScreenRant team.

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