Bachelorette Blake Moynes Reveals Why He Won’t Get A Vasectomy

Bachelorette: Blake Moynes Reveals Why He Won’t Get A Vasectomy

The Bachelorette’s Katie Thurston listened to her fiancé Blake explain why he’d never endure a vasectomy. Blake discussed the uncomfortable details.

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Bachelorette Blake Moynes Reveals Why He Won’t Get A Vasectomy

Blake Moynes explained to The Bachelorette’s Katie Thurston why he’ll never get a vasectomy. The couple spoke briefly online before Katie’s season started filming, and in a mid-season surprise, Blake showed up on the set of the show, telling Katie he wanted to see where their relationship might go. Katie was uncomfortable with the thought of upsetting the other suitors who were still competing for her heart, but she decided to give Blake a chance anyway, which became a point of drama in later episodes.

Although the bank marketing manager chose Blake in the finale, she wasn’t sure if Blake would propose to her. The contestant lives in another country (Ontario, Canada) while Katie recently moved to San Diego. In the past, Katie stated it was difficult to navigate living so far apart, especially because it involved international travel. Many fans wondered if this was a sign that the two were headed for a breakup.

But according to Katie’s Instagram Story, she and Blake are still together. The couple is so comfortable, in fact, that they’re discussing the possibility of future medical procedures. Walking shirtless in his fiancée’s new home, Blake told Katie he’s drastically opposed to getting a vasectomy. He explained he doesn’t like the concept of “a knife cutting [him] open for anything, let alone [his] d***.” No matter what, the procedure will always be a “no-go” for this wildlife manager from Ontario.

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As Blake discussed his anatomical parts, Katie’s cat, Tommy, was at his heels. In the Instagram Story, the former bachelorette explained that Blake and Tommy had just met and that Tommy’s purring showed his approval. As viewers of season 17 know, cats are important to Katie. On her first episode as the lead, one of the first guys that Katie kissed was dressed in a full-body cat suit, which showed Katie he appreciated the animal as much as she does. While Blake never donned a cat suit himself, he seemed fairly comfortable around Tommy in the video, which was perhaps a good sign for his fiancée.

Although Blake was medically incorrect (a vasectomy requires an incision in the scrotum, not the penis itself), his words prove he’s willing to go through an uncomfortable conversation about their future as a couple. Children are often a topic of importance in Bachelor Nation because contestants usually live in separate states (or countries). Couples leaving the show together must decide where they want to start their family, or if it’s even worth it. In Bachelor In Paradise, Joe and Kendall recently shared that they ended their two-year relationship because neither of them could abandon their hometowns.

If Blake and Katie can decide on a living situation, their chances of surviving as a couple are high. Many men on The Bachelorette have gotten down on one knee, but only a handful are still living with their significant other. Maybe Katie and Blake will defy the odds and be the first international couple to walk down the aisle in the history of the franchise.

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