Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Disney: 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Don’t)


The best CGI effects can stand the test of time while others just stick out like a poorly rendered 3D thumb.

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Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Since the late 1920’s, Disney has always been a pioneer of the animation industry, creating magical marvels like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia, and The Lion King. Not only were they one of the first companies to perfect traditional ink-and-paint animation, but CGI techniques as well.

As much of an animation powerhouse as they are, Disney’s techniques have not always been perfection when it came to the early days of computer animation. Granted, when they were good, they were absolutely incredible. Even as early as the ’80s, Disney was breaking barriers, some were just easier than others.

10 GREAT: Big Ben (The Great Mouse Detective)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

The adventures of Basil of Baker Street make for one of the most underrated animated outings in Disney history, but it’s the climax in the clocktower of Big Ben that really shines in this 1986 detective story.

Cited as one of Disney’s first uses of CGI animation, the gears and mechanisms whirling and grinding in the clock come together to create one of the most intense backdrops for a climactic fight scene.

9 AWFUL: The Horned King’s Spell (The Black Cauldron)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Ah, The Black Cauldron, an oft forgotten Disney movie that fans both love and hate to talk about. After all, it’s a Disney flick so violent and scary that it almost warranted an R-rating and notoriously had 11-14 minutes cut out by Jeffery Katzenberg. But that’s not the only thing that stuck out in the movie.

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Although the filmmakers tried their hardest to make it look appropriately haunting and nightmarish, the still-developing CGI effects for the Horned King’s magic do not hold up today by any means. His Cauldron-Born army won’t be getting any Pixar scholarships soon.

8 GREAT: The Ballroom (Beauty & the Beast)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Jumping forward about a decade, it may come as some surprise to know that one of the most romantic scenes in Disney history was created through some seriously brilliant CGI work.

The grand ballroom of the Beast’s castle has such impressive depth and design, it becomes a sweeping vista as the pair waltz across its marble floor. The original Beauty and the Beast could have won an Oscar with its visuals alone.

7 AWFUL: The Human Characters (Toy Story)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

To be fair, Pixar’s Toy Story was a feat all its own that forever changed the way studios made animated movies. That being said, the human characters in the original film are nowhere near the fine quality they are today.

At the time, animating human characters was more labor-intensive and expensive, so character models were used and reused to save time and money. It still didn’t help that they were more than a bit freaky and simply uncanny.

6 GREAT: The Toons (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Honestly, the entirety of this movie could be considered the gold standard for CGI animation. Often considered by many to be Disney’s one perfect movie, the blend of traditional animation and CGI is so seamless and remarkable that it makes the characters seem more alive.

Although Roger Rabbit and his Toontown crew are unmistakably animated, the CGI gives them weight, depth, and realistic presence.

5 AWFUL: The Crowds (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

As hard as it is to find something not absolutely astounding about The Hunchback of Notre Dame, if there’s one thing that sticks out farther than Frollo’s nose, it’s the graphics used for the crowds.

It’s not too noticeable, but once these creepy crowd members are seen, it’s hard to look away. While the traditionally animated characters are all perfectly natural, these digitally rendered guys definitely need a facelift or at least some form of human emotion that’s more than a copy/pasted face.

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4 GREAT: Notre Dame (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

Now that The Hunchback of Notre Dame has been called out on its flaws, let’s talk about something it does 100% right. Of all the Disney setpieces in their animated library, there is no setting more breathtaking, beautiful, or inspiring than the Notre Dame Cathedral itself.

From the stoic stone statues to the kaleidoscopic stained glass of the Rose Window, the animators had this famous location drawn to a T.

3 AWFUL: The Cave of Wonders (Aladdin)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

For its time, the Cave of Wonders was a very impressive setting and escape sequence that enraptured viewers in theaters everywhere. Unfortunately, the sands of time have not been favorable to this giant tiger head in the desert.

At best, the cave’s graphics resemble something out of a PlayStation 2 game and it stands out from the rest of the traditionally animated movie. It’d take a lot more than Genie’s magic to clean that mess up.

2 GREAT: The Wildebeest Stampede (The Lion King)

Disney 5 CGI Scenes That Still Look Great (& 5 That Dont)

This incredible and intense scene has to be given the highest of props. Not only did it take almost three years to create, but Disney had to create and develop a new computer program that would allow the animated animals to behave like their real-world counterparts.

The result was a stampede that was incredibly realistic and threatening that’s still rightfully admired and awe-inspiring today.

1 AWFUL: Eliot (Pete’s Dragon)

Good gravy, is this one bad. Of all the films for Disney to remake, Pete’s Dragon really got the short end of the stick. Eliot, one of the most delightful dragons to ever be put to paper and onscreen, deserved better than this mass of moss green mess.

In no plane of the multiverse does this movie have anything that connects with the original, one would think that the filmmakers would at least get the dragon part of that title right.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/disney-5-cgi-scenes-that-still-look-great-5-that-dont/

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