Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)


There have been few movies to do found footage horror as well as The Blair Project and Paranormal Activity but which franchise did best with critics?

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Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

In the genre of found footage horror movies (which are presented as real-life documentary recordings), there are no two bigger names really than the Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch series.

From very small beginnings, both utilized the strengths of the genre to spin massive media franchises though neither was immune to some of the bigger pitfalls that come with the territory, resulting in some entries being more well-regarded than others. To paint a clearer picture of both series for a newcomer to either one, here are all of the movies ranked by their score on review aggregate site Metacritic.

9 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (15)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Book of Shadows breaks the cardinal rule of found footage sequels and ditches the found footage format, its lowly score reflecting its abysmal rating by both critics and fans.

It is, however, still occasionally discussed as an interesting horror movie sequel, partially due to speculation on what the commentary of the movie’s story was intended to be and for some odd choices that still remain within it. Blair Witch 2 is still technically a movie about found footage but is presented as a standard drama set in a version of reality in which the original movie is still a work of fiction. As cerebral as the setup sounds, however, the delivery is as boilerplate as horror movies of that came in.

8 Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (30)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

The final Paranormal Activity movie, so far, is the lowest-rated amongst both fans and critics. Though it continues the series’ dedication to constantly expanding and explaining the lore and reasoning behind the plots of the franchise, the narrative had clearly become far too convoluted and repetitive to evoke much enjoyment from audiences.

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A planned seventh movie in the series has been in development for some time and it remains to be seen whether fans will be receptive to any further developments in the continuing saga or if producers will try for more of a reboot.

7 Paranormal Activity 4 (40)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

The fourth Paranormal Activity movie offered fans much of the same as the previous installments in terms of overall setup, characters, and execution and, while its box office success was still slightly dwindling, the reaction was enough to carry the series for two more movies.

Critics, on the other hand, showed a sharper decline in enthusiasm, and the image of fatigue began to stick to the franchise as a whole despite it only really existing for 3 years at that point.

6 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (42)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Showing a slight improvement over the previous installment, the fifth Paranormal Activity movie made some changes to the basic formula as teased in a post-credits sequence from the fourth movie.

The Marked Ones was the first–and, so far, only–of the sequels to miss out on the Halloween boost to box office and that no doubt didn’t help with the franchise’s dwindling returns.

5 Blair Witch (47)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Though by no means received with positivity, Adam Winger’s direct sequel to the original Blair Witch movie fared much better with critics and fans than Book of Shadows.

Returning to the standard found-footage style, with contemporary updates, the third movie in the series delivered some much-missed intensity through its style but ultimately seemed too derivative 17 years after the release of the first movie.

4 Paranormal Activity 2 (53)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Delivering audiences much of the same from the first movie, but with a greatly increased budget, Paranormal Activity 2 wasn’t quite the sensation of the original for critics.

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Beginning the franchise down a long path of complicated family history, the story marked the introduction of co-writer Christopher B. Landon, who would go on to be the sole credited screenwriter on the next three Paranormal Activity movies as well as directing The Marked Ones.

3 Paranormal Activity 3 (59)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

Similarly to Paranormal Activity 2, the third movie in the franchise was a prequel to the original movie but set its events far further in the past than any entry in the series before it or since.

Taking place mostly in the 1980s, Paranormal Activity 3 was the biggest hit at the box office of the entire franchise and sits as the second-best in critical rankings behind the first movie perhaps as a result of clearer writing from Landon and the documentary skills of new directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who were coming fresh off the success of their original Catfish movie. Though the team would have less success when they reteamed for Paranormal Activity 4.

2 Paranormal Activity (68)

Every Blair Witch & Paranormal Activity Movie (Ranked By Metacritic)

The original Paranormal Activity movie was a gamechanger in the field of low-budget horror movies, dethroning the incumbent Saw franchise from the top of the coveted Halloween box office top spot.

Its success was not instant, however, with its humble origins and populist approval becoming a big part of its marketing image. The effectiveness of its simplicity speaks for itself and it remains one of the biggest landmarks of the found footage genre to date.

1 The Blair Witch Project (81)

Sitting comfortably far above the other entries on this list is the original Blair Witch Project which began the franchise and, arguably, the entire genre of found footage horror as audiences now know it.

Extremely low-budget and remarkably resourceful as a result, the first movie in the franchise was no fluke despite its magic never really being recreated successfully.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/every-blair-witch-paranormal-activity-found-footage-movie-ranked-metacritic/

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