Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles


The titles of The Witcher season 2 episodes have been revealed, and most of them tease some big details about the stories and their characters.

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Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

The Witcher season 2 finally has a release date, a trailer, and the titles of the episodes were also announced – and here’s what these reveal about this season’s stories. Few book series have had the same popularity as The Witcher, written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The characters from the books branched out to video games and became a big success, and after getting a movie and a TV show in Poland, an English adaptation arrived in 2019 thanks to Netflix. The streaming giant knew what it had with its version of The Witcher, and renewed it for a second season before the first one was released.

Netflix’s The Witcher had a different approach to Sapkowski’s books, as it doesn’t just follow the title character but also two others whose stories take place in different places and points in time, and their paths converged towards the end of the season. These characters are the title witcher, Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill); Yennefer of Vengerberg (Anya Chalotra), a powerful sorceress; and Ciri (Freya Allan), the crown Princess of Cintra who is starting to discover her own powers. After a long wait, in big part due to the coronavirus pandemic, Netflix finally released an official trailer and release date for The Witcher season 2, along with the episode titles which reveal some details about the story.

The streaming giant has made it a sort of “tradition” to reveal the episode titles of some of its most popular TV shows in order to create more anticipation as these can reveal or tease a lot about what’s to come for the characters. The titles of the episodes of The Witcher season 2 are no exception, and those who are familiar with the books will surely catch some of the hints and teases in them. Here’s every hint and reveal from The Witcher season 2 episode titles.

Episode 1 – A Grain of Truth

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

“A Grain of Truth” is the title of a short story from the collection The Last Wish, and it was already teased to be included in The Witcher season 2 when Netflix Queue shared the first page of the season 2 script. “A Grain of Truth” details Geralt’s encounter with Nivellen, a man cursed to live in a monster’s skin, and during which he also came across a dangerous bruxa. Nivellen will be played by Kristofer Hivju and one of the bruxae, Vereena, will be played by Agnes Bjorn, so The Witcher season 2 will begin with a bang as viewers get to meet them and their story, which isn’t a happy nor nice one.

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Episode 2 – Kaer Morhen

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

Kaer Morhen will be one of the most important settings in The Witcher season 2, as it’s a key place in Geralt and Ciri’s stories. Kaer Morhen is the old keep where the witchers of the School of the Wolf were trained, among those Geralt and his mentor, Vesemir. Given what Kaer Morhen represented, as it’s also the place where the witchers’ mutations took place, the keep was attacked by those who considered witchers an abomination and killed most of the teachers and students, with Vesemir being the last known witcher to live there. Now that Geralt and Ciri have found each other and with her life still in danger after the fall of Cintra, Geralt will take the princess to Kaer Morhen, where she will be trained by some of his fellow witchers: Eskel (Basil Eidenbenz), Lambert (Paul Bullion), Coën (Yasen Atour), and Vesemir (Kim Bodnia).

Episode 3 – What Is Lost

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

Episode 3’s title, “What Is Lost”, is more ambiguous as it doesn’t refer to something specific within The Witcher universe, but it might be all about Yennefer (more so as the first two episodes seem to be mostly focused on Geralt and Ciri). By the end of The Witcher season 1, Yennefer had disappeared during the Battle of Sodden Hill, and by the time she’s found in season 2, she will have lost everything she had: her purpose, her fellow sorceresses, and Geralt. However, this title could also hint at everything Ciri has lost, as she no longer has a family, home, nor her kingdom, though she’s about to meet her new family at Kaer Morhen.

Episode 4 – Redanian Intelligence

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

Unlike the previous episode, “Redanian Intelligence” has roots in the books and connects with some of the characters that will be introduced this season. In The Witcher books, the Redanian Secret Services is one of the finest intelligence agencies in the world, and is led by Sigismund Dijkstra (Graham McTavish), who enlisted none other than Dandelion/Jaskier (Joey Batey) into the service – however, when Dijkstra wanted information on Geralt, Jaskier protected his old friend with a lie. This episode won’t just introduce Dijkstra but it can also be the one that sees the triumphant return of the beloved bard (and his catchy songs).

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Episode 5 – Turn Your Back

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

Like the title of episode 3, “Turn Your Back” has no clear connection to the books nor the characters and so it’s open to interpretation – however, the episode’s logo might subtly tease who will be introduced in this episode. The scales are usually associated with justice, and The Witcher season 2 will introduce Codringher and Fenn (Simon Callow and Liz Carr, respectively), who founded the law firm and detective agency that carries their names. Codringher was once tasked by Geralt to find what he could on Rience (Chris Fulton), a mage instructed to find Ciri, and he later made a huge discovery about Ciri’s ancestors. “Turn Your Back”, then, could hint at Codringher’s discoveries being so dangerous that he could either betray Geralt or urge him to leave some stuff behind for his and Ciri’s safety.

Episode 6 – Dear Friend

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

“Dear Friend” is most likely a reference to the letter Geralt once wrote to Yennefer, which he awkwardly started with that sentence. In the books, Geralt wrote to Yennefer to ask her for help in training Ciri, who he took to the Temple School in Ellander to be under Nenneke’s care, but once Yennefer arrived, she took her in as an apprentice and taught her about magic, chaos, and how to control the latter. This might be the episode that sees Yennefer and Ciri meeting, and the beginning of the bond between these two.

Episode 7 – Voleth Meir

Every Hint & Reveal From The Witcher Season 2 Episode Titles

The Witcher season 2 will also see new characters exclusive to the Netflix TV series, such as Violet (Carmel Laniado), Ba’lian (Kevin Doyle), and Voleth Meir, played by Ania Marson. The character has been described (via Redanian Intelligence) as a “very old white-haired woman”, “a demon who roams the land bargaining and preying on people’s deepest and darkest desires”, and is rumored to play an important role in Ciri’s arc. In addition to that, the name Voleth Meir has been interpreted by fans to mean “Deathless Mother” in elven, and with the episode’s logo being a skull, Voleth Meir will surely be one character to look out for.

Episode 8 – UNKNOWN

Of course, there had to be some mystery left when it comes to The Witcher season 2, and Netflix didn’t reveal a title nor a logo for the season finale. Whatever happens in episode 8 is fully open to the interpretation of fans, though with all the hints from the previous episodes and all the new characters arriving this season, it’s a bit tough to predict how season 2 will end.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/witcher-season-2-episode-titles-reveals-hints-clues/

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