10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

10 Best Batman Comic Villains, Ranked


When it comes to the comics, Batman has had to face some extremely powerful and iconic adversaries, including Bane, Two-Face, and The Joker.

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10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

It has been said that a hero is only as good as their enemies. If this is true, it is no secret as to why Batman has become such an icon in pop culture. The Dark Knight has one of the best-written and beloved rogues galleries in the history of comics. Even those who have never read a comic book will recognize most of Gotham’s most sinister, as some of the most prolific comic baddies prowl the dark streets of Gotham City.

From his inception in Detective Comics #27 in 1939, Batman has remained one of the best received costumed heroes of all time, and he has villains to thank for half of his success. There are plenty of choices for the best baddie, and has been a debate among comic fans for years, and will continue to be for decades to come.

10 Bane

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

While Batman has been defeated countless times, one of the most brutal and iconic was during his first encounter with Bane. During the Knightfall story arc, Batman has his back broken by Bane, causing Gotham to succumb to evil as he recovered from the attack. This devastating moment sent a shockwave through the comic book community and is still referenced to this day.

Most versions of Bane are simple. He is an incredibly strong man who is powered by a toxic chemical that makes him nearly indestructible. and he has his sights on Gotham. While Bane has ranged from a luchador to a mercenary, many fans agree he is one of the best villains Batman has ever faced.

9 Mr. Freeze

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

While the infamous Batman & Robin did him no favors, Mr. Freeze remains one of the most tragic villains in the rogues gallery. While existing for decades beforehand, his modern story originated in Batman: The Animated Series.

Victor Fries was a scientist desperate to save his terminally ill wife. While working on a cure, he falls victim to an accident that requires him to be in sub-zero temperatures to live. While Freeze will not hesitate to steal or even kill, he does it all as a hopeless man longing for his wife to return to him. Tragedy is key in a successful Batman villain, and Mr. Freeze is a prime example of this.

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8 Court Of Owls

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

While they are much newer, having debuted in 2011, the Court Of Owls has already made a huge impact on Batman’s history. Gotham City has always been shown as corrupt, but an elite society who have secretly run the city to their liking has surprisingly never been done before.

The Court Of Owls targets Gotham’s wealthy and this, of course, includes Bruce Wayne. The story arc is one that helped define DC’s New 52 series, and helped cement Scott Snyder as an iconic Batman writer. The Court has yet to be portrayed in a live-action movie, and many fans agree this is long overdue.

7 The Penguin

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

Oswald Cobblepot (aka the Penguin) is certainly one of the villains that stands out. While his backstory varies, the typical characterization is a man who has become wealthy by selling illegal weapons in Gotham’s black market.

Often, Cobblepot uses Gotham’s corrupt system to his advantage, being less than subtle about his dealing in his ritzy nightclub, The Iceberg Lounge. There have been plenty of iconic portrayals, from Burgess Meredith to Danny Devito, but many fans agree he is at his best in the pages of the comics, where there is no limit to his disgusting and violent dealings.

6 Harley Quinn

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

There are plenty of things that make Harley Quinn unique among the Batman villains. Chief among them is the fact that she didn’t originate in the pages of DC Comics. Instead, she made her debut in Joker’s Favor, an episode of the groundbreaking Batman: The Animated Series.

Harley was nothing more than a one-shot henchwoman but has since become a fan-favorite character. After she separated from the Joker, many fans have felt that Harley truly shines in her own right.

5 Two-Face

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

Harvey Dent/Two-Face is one of Batman’s oldest foes. The once-great District Attorney tuned villain is easily one of the most recognizable characters in comics. Batman: The Animated Series once again proves how important it is to the Dark Knight’s lore, as it gives the character a new, tragic backstory that has stuck with the character ever since.

In the comics, fans had also been intrigued by the history between Harvey and Bruce, where they had been close friends. While Bruce blames himself for what happened, these former friends have tried to take each other down more than once.

4 Scarecrow

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

Fear has been a key ingredient in the Batman comics for decades. The entire reason Bruce dresses as a bat is to strike fear in the hearts of criminals. One of the best uses of fear in the comics is the terrifying Scarecrow. While Batman uses the idea of fear as a weapon, Scarecrow has literally weaponized fear in the form of a toxin he injects into his enemies.

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Whether on paper or on the screen, a story featuring Scarecrow is almost guaranteed to include some of the scariest imagery connected to Batman. Batman does what he does in the memory of his parents, and Scarecrow always shows a deep dive into Bruce Wayne’s psyche to show exactly the impact his parents have on him.

3 Catwoman

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

While usually portrayed as an anti-hero of sorts, Selina Kyle is a thief at heart. Catwoman is one of the most used love interests of Bruce Wayne, and this is no surprise. While Bruce doesn’t appreciate her criminal ways, they both share similarities in that they have secrets alter egos that prowl the rooftops of Gotham at nightfall.

There are plenty of versions of Catwoman to choose from, but her comic appearance continues to be the best-regarded. Catwoman has become a fan favorite for years, and she remains one of the most important people in Batman’s life, even if he is constantly attempting to take her to jail.

2 Red Hood (Jason Todd)

10 Best Batman Comic Villains Ranked

One of the most shocking moments in comic book history is when Jason Todd’s Robin is seemingly killed by the Joker. Equally shocking is when the new Red Hood is revealed to be Jason, who survived Joker’s torture.

Jason vowed revenge against Batman for leaving him to die, although he later comes to understand his reasoning. In the years following his first appearance as Red Hood, Jason has become a valued member of the Bat-family, although is more of an anti-hero as he will not hesitate to kill a person, even if it’s against the wishes of his mentor.

1 The Joker

There are plenty of iconic villains in comic books. Arguably the most iconic and well-known, is Batman’s legendary foe, The Joker. Joker is Batman’s opposite, being loud and colorful as opposed to dark and brooding. What makes the Joker so frightening, is he has no endgame.

He couldn’t care less about fame or wealth. His only goal is to cause carnage and chaos until the day he dies. Joker kills because he enjoys it, and he is much too intelligent to remain behind bars, meaning the only true way to stop him is to kill him. Most versions of Batman have a no-killing rule, and Joker knows that as soon as he crosses that line, Bats is no better than the Joker. He constantly tries to make Batman cross that line, and remains, to most fans, the greatest comic book villain of all time.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-batman-comic-villains-ranked/

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