Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Most Powerful Dragons, Ranked


Dragons reign supreme in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. However, only a select few can claim to be the strongest.

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Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

Dungeons & Dragons has come a long way since it was introduced in 1974. Today, its popularity and legacy remain a major source of inspiration within the fantasy genre. Paramount Studios is even currently developing a new movie adaptation set to be released in the summer of 2021.

When it comes to D&D, no other creature symbolizes the essence of the game better than dragons. Even among experts, dragons are a living nightmare for any players foolish enough to challenge them without proper preparation. Of course, with their name featured in the title, it makes sense that they can’t be beaten so easily. Here is a list featuring 10 of the Most Powerful Dragons in Dungeons and Dragons.

Updated on March 26th, 2021 by Kristy Ambrose: The Dungeons & Dragons franchise continues to expand, and naturally, that includes the two fantastic elements that make up the title. Players tend to focus more on the dungeons aspect since they see those in the game a lot more often than a dragon, which tends to be a rare and dangerous creature. When a party is fighting a dragon, it’s probably a boss at the end of an adventure or some other important event. Characters will to get an important item or go up a level, provided that they survive the encounter. If it’s one of these dragons, however, they probably won’t.

10 Arauthator

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

His nickname is the Old White Death. Arauthator’s dangerous anyway, as his history of fighting mages and other dragons suggest, but in his natural element in the Sea of Ice, this white dragon nigh-invulnerable.

His past is a tragic one and explains something about his prickly attitude, especially when it comes to spellcasters. He was orphaned as a young dragon when his entire brood was slain by the mage Tulrun, and after that, he dedicated his life to revenge. Not just against Tulrun, but all mages and most humans. His rampage continued until the mage himself met him and made an agreement to let the white dragon live in peace.

9 Klauth

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

When it comes to the ancient dragons, and all of them are lethal, none are more horrific than Klauth. While he may look like an average red dragon, he is a far superior evil compared to the rest of his ancient brethren.

Klauth is most infamous for killing other ancient dragons that rival or threaten to surpass his own power. As a result, he is without question the strongest of all the ancient dragons. He even has the power to cast spells. With the might of a dragon and the wisdom of even the most experienced wizard, Klauth is one of the most feared and brutal creatures in D&D.

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8 Dragotha

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

Compared to other dracoliches, Dragotha stands at the pinnacle of undead dragons. According to the Draconomicon—Chromatic Dragons, Dragotha was once a consort to the evil dragon goddess, Tiamat. After he was killed for slaying one of her offspring, he was later revived as a dracolich by the powerful priest Kyuss.

Dragotha currently resides in the shadow of the White Plume Mountain in the World of Greyhawk campaign. He is level 31 with over 1,400 hit points and has the power to literally drain the life of all living beings that come near him. Even the bravest heroes tremble with fear when faced with Dragotha’s unholy presence.

7 Borys

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

Native to the world of Athas from the Dark Sun campaign, this dragon is somewhat different from the other members of its race. Originally, this dragon was once the Sorcerer King of Ur Draxa, Borys of Ebe.

Following the way of the defilers, Borys fueled his powers by sacrificing the life force of other living creatures. His powers eventually grew to the point where he was able to transform himself into a dragon. By doing so, he not only obtained the power of the ancient dragons but also enhanced his own psionic abilities. Overall, Borys is a powerful foe with the strength of a fortieth-level character.

6 Dregoth

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

The demise of Borys in the Prism Pentad series brought a sense of hope and relief to the inhabitants of Athas. However, their hope was soon shattered following the return of the Undead-Dragon King Dregoth.

In the Dregoth Ascending trilogy, Dregoth spent over two millennia traveling across the multiverse thanks to the powers of the Planar Gate. Over the course of his travels, he discovered the presence of True Gods and studied their divine nature and power. Upon his return, he had become so powerful that he was close to being considered the first true dragon god of Athas.

5 Bahamut

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

Bahamut, also known as the Platinum Dragon or King of the Good Dragons, is one of the nine dragon deities. According to the Draconomicon–Metallic Dragons, he often appears as an old man and searches for players he deems worthy. He is always accompanied by seven gold dragons, disguised as canaries, that he can summon to fight alongside him.

As an old man and a dragon, Bahamut is level 36 with over 1,600 and 1,300 hit points respectively. He is able to teleport, can use several breath attacks, and can summon an aspect of himself to fight players. With such overwhelming power, Bahamut is nothing short of a force of nature.

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4 Tiamat

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

As the goddess of all evil dragons, Tiamat is pretty much the antithesis to her twin brother Bahamut. Tiamat is one of the most powerful bosses in Dungeons and Dragons and appears in several settings, like the Dragonlance.

According to the Draconomicon—Chromatic Dragons, Tiamat possesses several abilities that Bahamut does not. She is level 35 with over 1,600 hit points and possesses more resistance than her brother. Tiamat is also able to roll initiatives five times and can attack players with all five of her heads at once. The worst part is that even if Tiamat is defeated, she will eventually return to spread chaos across the multiverse.

3 The Black Brothers

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

We can’t choose between the Black Dragon twins Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendor, and since they do almost everything as a unit it seems fair that they share an entry. Voaraghamanthar was called the Black Death and his brother, who was the less famous of the pair, nicknamed himself the Rapacious Raider.

These two dragons shared a strong, empathetic bond and it almost seemed like they were one soul inhabiting two bodies. This was a unique ability, even among dragons, and they kept it a secret. All other living creatures were classified as problems to be solved or food to be eaten, the only exceptions being other dragons and adventurers who had proved themselves useful.

2 Capnolithyl

Dungeons & Dragons 10 Most Powerful Dragons Ranked

He looked like a regular black drake, but he was concealing his identity as a vampiric smoke drake who could change his form at will. Also known as Brimstone, Capnolithyl was able to change into a cloud of embers at will and had a magical collar that allowed him to leave his hoard, something vampiric dragons aren’t normally able to do.

The mage Sammaster, who founded the Cult of the Dragon and created the first dragonliches, approached Capnolithyl to help with his initial experiments. He started by turning Capnolithyl into a vampire, but then decided on another course of research and simply discarded the dragon. Eventually, he helped destroy the mage and took over his citadel.

1 Io

Io, also known as Asgorath, is described in D&D lore as the absolute creator of all dragons, including the great wyrms and dragon deities. One myth from the fourth edition states that Io created the dragons after his battle with Erek-Hus, the Primordial King of Terror. Although the battle ended with him getting split in two, both Bahamut and Tiamat were born from the two halves of his body.

Even without his body, Io’s consciousness still remains. He continues to watch over his children and will even personally intervene if the situation demands it. According to the Draconomicon, Io can appear as any type of dragon, including a great wyrm.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dungeons-dragons-most-powerful-ranked/

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