Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Doctor Who: Every Finale, Ranked By IMDb Score


Every Doctor Who series since 2005 has had a big finale. Some have been better than others, however. Here’s how they compare, according to IMDb.

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Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Despite the last two series’ of Doctor Who somewhat polarizing fans, season 13 is scheduled to premiere in 2021. Jodie Whittaker’s involvement in the franchise is currently up in the air but, with British comedian John Bishop set to appear for the first time, fans are eagerly anticipating the Time Lord’s next adventure.

With every series since 2005, there’s been a big finale. Some have been better than others, however. Here’s a look at IMDb to determine which one comes out on top. Alonsy-y, as the Tenth Doctor would say…

12 Series 12: The Timeless Children (5.1/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Jodie Whittaker’s version of the Doctor is forced on a trip down memory lane in Series 12, with The Master persuading her to enter The Matrix after their paths had crossed once again. The Thirteenth Doctor goes back to Gallifrey and learns from her fierce adversary that she is the ‘timeless Child’, with Time Lords previously being unable to regenerate after their twelfth attempt. It’s a cool twist, shedding new light on how fans view the Doctor.

There are flashbacks galore too, with former regenerations of the Doctor and several additional faces coming back to the small screen. But, for all this nostalgia, it ultimately sits bottom of this list. Or joint-bottom, to be precise.

11 Series 11: The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos (5.1/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

The final episode of series 11 sees Tzim-Sha, who had previously appeared in the premiere The Woman Who Fell To Earth, come back. The Doctor, Ryan, and Graham all then embark on a dangerous quest, attempting to track down the location of nine different distress calls. When they do this, they ultimately learn that Tzim is the one responsible – with Samuel Oatley’s character desperate for revenge.

It’s a rather emotional affair, with Graham and Ryan getting closure on the death of Grace O’Brien, the latter’s grandmother. Despite that, however, its lowly rating suggests fans weren’t impressed.

10 Series 8: Death in Heaven (7.8/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Peter Capaldi had a strong first season as the Doctor, with the Scot breathing new life into the character after replacing Matt Smith. The finale of his debut term as the iconic Time Lord is entitled Death in Heaven and sees him face off against old foes the Cybermen. It’s jam-packed full of action and also reveals that Missy has been orchestrating things behind the scenes, giving Clara the TARDIS phone number in The Bells of Saint John and ensuring the pair come together in Deep Breath.

A score of 7.8 out of 10 is definitely nothing to be sniffed at. And it speaks volumes about the strength of the show that it comes as low as 10th on the list.

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9 Series 3: The Last of The Time Lords (8.4/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

The Tenth Doctor’s world is thrown into chaos in The Last of The Time Lords, when John Simm’s evil Master wrecks havoc around the world. He enslaves the human race, turns the Doctor into an old man, keeps Martha Jones as his prisoner, and, most devastatingly, does this all with a big smile on his face.

The Doctor is eventually able to get the better of his adversary, who is then killed by girlfriend Lucy in a twist few saw coming. That seemed to be the end of Simm’s character but it wasn’t to be, with the Life on Mars actor reprising his role several times in the years since.

8 Series 6: The Wedding of River Song (8.5/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Narrowly edging out the series three finale to take the eighth spot on this list is The Wedding of River Song. River is first introduced in the fourth series but ends up returning, becoming a major character within the series. The last episode of season six takes a major gamble by mixing things up with its stance on fixed time points, but this pays off with the entry getting a strong rating of 8.5 out of 10.

It gives closure on the relationship between the Doctor and River, while also planting the foundations for what’s to follow. It’s brilliant to see Simon Callow as Charles Dickens, who had previously appeared in season one’s The Unquiet Dead.

7 Series 9: Hell Bent (8.6/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

When fans think of Hell Bent, they can’t help but feel a little sad. It’s the final time we get to see Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald, with the Doctor arranging for her to be extracted from time using his Time Lord technology. Both Coleman and Capaldi had such great chemistry, arguably the best since David Tennant and Billie Piper as the Doctor and Rose Tyler, so it’s all rather tragic.

But what an episode for Clara to bow out on. The Time Lords return as antagonists and put up one almighty fight on his home planet of Gallifrey, the Doctor’s iconic sonic screwdriver returns and Capaldi arguably produces his finest performance in the role so far.

6 Series 10: The Doctor Falls (9/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

Typically, as with just about every version of the Doctor, The Doctor Falls sees the Time-Lord facing off against the Cybermen. No matter how many times he defeats them, they always seem to find a way to come back. This time, Capaldi finds out close friend Bill has been turned into one of the metallic soldiers, and, with Missy in the picture, saving the day is far from straightforward.

This episode ends on a rather poignant note, with Bill going off to travel with Heather and the Doctor left all alone. He’s about to regenerate but, for the first time ever, is actually able to stop the process from happening. That’s refreshing to see and may explain why it ranks in the top six (or joint-fifth).

5 Series 7: The Name Of The Doctor (9/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

The Doctor is forced into a dilemma in The Name of the Doctor. The Great Intelligence threatens to kill all of his allies unless he reveals his name, which holds the key to unlocking the TARDIS. If it was us, we’d probably prize our friends above a time machine. Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that.

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The Doctor, with a little help from Clara, is able to team up and save the day in true Doctor Who style. The Doctor ends up facing off against a past incarnation of himself, named the War Doctor, who fought during the great Time War. It’s refreshing to see the battle covered in more depth, with fans having to rely on tidbits of information in the years previously, and was one of the biggest TV events of 2013.

4 Series 5: The Big Bang (9.1/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

This entry is actually joint-third with an impressive IMDb rating of 9.1/10.

With the Doctor trapped in the Pandorica, and the TARDIS in danger of falling into the hands of the Daleks, Amy Pond plays the role of hero. She goes on a deep journey throughout her past, learning the truth about her relationship with River Song and eventually helping to stop the Daleks from painting the universe in their image. Thank goodness, because a world of everybody saying ‘Exterminate’ wouldn’t have been much fun at all.

3 Series 1: The Parting Of The Ways (9/10)

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

It was a substantial gamble to bring Doctor Who back to the small screen back in 2005, especially given how a reboot had failed back in 1996. But all’s well that ends well and, with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper signing on as the Doctor and Rose Tyler, they both formed a terrific double act within the series.

The finale, The Parting of the Ways, is epic. Having survived some skirmishes on warped reality tv shows, the duo is able to stop the Daleks from rising to power with Captain Jack Harkness also playing a starring role. The Doctor stops Rose’s mind from melting after she peers inside the heart of the TARDIS, prompting his transformation into David Tennant.

2 Series 4: Journey’s End

Doctor Who Every Finale Ranked By IMDb Score

The finale of series 4 is another belter of an episode. This time, the Doctor can’t stop the Daleks and Davros alone. Instead, old friends such as Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, and Captain Jack all return to help him out.

As ever with the Doctor, however, things don’t end on a resoundingly positive note. Donna is forced to forget all the amazing things she’s done because, if she remembers, she’ll go insane. The Doctor regenerates after this and fans have yet to see any of the famous quartet, barring Captain Jack, in the show again.

1 Series 1: Doomsday

Ah, Doomsday, a truly heartbreaking episode. All is well in the lives of the Doctor and Rose until they travel back to London. There, Cybermen are invading – and the Daleks join the fray too. Because, why wouldn’t they? It’s something of a tradition.

Thankfully the Doctor is able to stop humanity from dying out – but he tragically loses Rose. The pair are deeply in love but he’s unable to tell her this when they say goodbye, with his brief message to her fading before he can finish. Honestly, where are the tissues? Piper and Tennant were arguably one of the finest double act in Doctor Who history and they made the rebooted show so special during its early stages.

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