Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Disney: 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)


Occasionally Disney will create good characters who are unlikeable and villains who are beloved. These are some of the most notable.

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Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

The interesting thing about Disney characters is that they’re rarely as cut-and-dry as they seem. There are positive characters who are often disparaged by viewers, even though they have done nothing clearly antagonistic. Similarly, there are villains who the audience adore, in terms of relatability, motivation, or simply their overwhelming panache.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that the good characters can be placed in the opposing category, or that the antagonists are offered a reprieve for the crimes they commit. The only point this comparison highlights is that characters can be loved or hated by their fans for very subjective reasons that have nothing to do with their actions.

10 Hated Good Character: The Elephant Matriarch (Dumbo)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Dumbo’s mother, Mrs. Jumbo, is initially shown to be living with a few other elephants in her traveling circus, the unofficial leader of whom is only known as the Elephant Matriarch. She is quite strict, not to mention puritanical, like when she balks at the very thought of being mistaken for the pregnant elephant.

While she has a habit of going slightly back and forth with her emotions, like being happy when Dumbo is born, the Elephant Matriarch has the gall to ostracize a child after he’s been separated from his mother. It’s not easy to sympathize with a character like this.

9 Loved Villain: Hades (Hercules)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Hades is not exactly a classic villain in that he’s not all doom, gloom, and destruction — there have been many instances in which he has displayed his lighthearted, sarcastic sense of comedy.

The God of the Underworld is smart, manipulative, very quick to anger, but, most importantly, hilarious. There is never a dull moment when he’s around, regardless of whether he’s torturing poor souls or making witty observations. Hades is nothing less than a blast.

8 Hated Good Character: Kuzco (The Emperor’s New Groove)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Granted that the movie is supposed to be Kuzco’s journey from a horribly spoiled brat to a somewhat mature Emperor, the way he acts, in the beginning, is despicable to say the least. He subjects everyone to his whimsy, like when he has an old man defenestrated because the latter allegedly “throws off [Kuzco’s] groove.”

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The Emperor used to believe that he was the greatest human alive, or something along those lines, and acted that way most of the time. It’s not something that depicts Kuzco in a kindly light, that’s for sure.

7 Loved Villain: Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Yzma’s overt malevolence only offers a one-dimensional view of the character — she is a lot more than simply ambitious; she is intelligent, crafty, and has been responsible for raising the young Emperor from childhood. This is partly why she is intensely offended when Kuzco outright fires her, after telling the audience that she has been “running the country behind [his] back.”

To be fair, the Emperor is doing such a horrible job of it that he should have just let the more experienced Yzma do the job for him. All this aside, one reason fans really love her is because there aren’t many people who can wear a reptilian-themed outfit and look that stunning.

6 Hated Good Character: Zazu (The Lion King)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Zazu’s heart is in the right place, for sure, and his knowledge about the politics and hierarchy of the Savannah is second to none. He is also protective of Simba and Nala, shown when he is tasked to “chaperone” them on an outing to the water-hole.

However, Zazu takes his role a bit too seriously, often to the point of lapsing into an annoying form of pomposity. It can be argued that the poor bird only acts so bizarrely because of all the career risks he has to face, but he truly should try lightening up a little.

5 Loved Villain: Jafar (Aladdin)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

In terms of pure morality, Jafar is one of the most despicable villains ever produced by Disney. He is greedy, scheming, and, worst of all, not at all coy about using extremely brutal methods to get his way (like trying to drown Prince Ali/Aladdin).

Still, Jafar’s flair for the dramatic absolutely cannot be denied — although his act of making Jasmine and the Sultan his thralls reeks of oppressive overtones, his consecutive transformations into “a sultan,” “the most powerful sorcerer in the world,” and “an all-powerful genie” are visually and thematically spectacular. Jafar falls into the love-to-hate category.

4 Hated Good Character: King Triton (The Little Mermaid)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

King Triton is clearly not the kindly father he sometimes appears as, because it has been revealed that the death of his wife has caused him to overdo the discipline when it comes to his children. This turns out to be a serious problem with the rebellious Ariel, especially since she has a fascination for human beings that Triton cannot abide.

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In fact, the King responds callously when told of Prince Eric’s precarious situation, saying that it would be “one less human to worry about.” It gets a lot worse when Triton decides that the only way to reconnect with Ariel would be to destroy her precious human treasures (along with a statue of Eric). Dads who resort to violence will never be able to bond with their children.

3 Loved Villain: Ursula (The Little Mermaid)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Before she was exiled, Ursula once spent her days in Atlantica’s royal palace, on excellent terms with King Triton. However, her apparent dark magic habits lead to her ultimate banishment, so she spends her time tricking unlucky merpersons who seek out her help.

On the other hand, the quasi-maternal affection she has displayed for Jetsam and Flotsam, her moray eel lackeys, has made it evident to viewers that Ursula’s heart isn’t all hate. Also, she might be a human-octopus hybrid, but there is no dearth of style to this character.

2 Hated Good Character: Anton Ego (Ratatouille)

Disney 5 Good Characters Fans Hated (& 5 Villains They Loved)

Anton Ego, despite his coffin-shaped workspace and skull-themed typewriter, is not a bad person as such. He doesn’t “like food,” because he “loves it,” but the fact that he doesn’t actually swallow dishes he hates makes him come off as horribly snooty and overly demanding.

The truth is that Ego is definitely one of the greatest food critics in Paris (if not all of France), so his words are of utmost value to any restaurateur hoping to expand their horizons. It’s truly sad that Ego denies most of them this chance, presumably due to his unnecessarily high standards. In the end, it falls to a literal rat to expose the errors of his perspective.

1 Loved Villain: Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty & Maleficent)

Maleficent calls herself “the mistress of all evil,” but is she, really? She does exhibit several unforgivable tendencies, like cursing a baby or playing mind games with Prince Phillip, but it’s important to observe the overall situation from her point of view.

Maleficent doesn’t get an invitation to what she calls “quite a glittering assemblage,” and Merryweather adds insult to injury by saying that she wasn’t “wanted.” Of course, this doesn’t absolve her of everything she proceeds to do, but her treatment has been deemed slightly unfair — especially considering that it is Stefan’s betrayal that converts her into a villain in Maleficent (2014).

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/disney-good-characters-fans-hated-villains-loved/

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