10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

10 Best Films Set at Sea, Ranked According To IMDb


The sea has always been a mysterious setting and is in some of the greatest films ever made. Here are the best films set at sea, according to IMDb.

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10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

The sea remains one of the last remaining places on Earth that hasn’t been fully explored and still holds many secrets. The alien depths below remain a mystery and the unknowable landscape is beyond our means of exploration.

The dangers and secrets of this vast setting make it an excellent location for a story to take place in. The claustrophobic and often life-threatening power of the ocean ramps up any tension or stakes already present. For the average Joe, whether on the surface or deep below, movies are the only exposure we will receive to the mysteries of the ocean. With this in mind here are the 10 best films set at sea.

10 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (7.2)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Based upon the iconic novel of the same name, the 1954 adaptation of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea used the best available technology at the time to bring this legendary adventure to life.

Despite its age, the film still holds up today and offers plenty of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. The film explored the depths of the ocean like never before, dazzling audiences with the strange and terrifying creatures they discovered.

9 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (7.3)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

From the mind of acclaimed filmmaker Wes Anderson, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou flopped at the box-office upon its release in 2004. However, since then, the quirky nautical adventure comedy has gained a cult following and remains one of the greatest films set at sea.

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The film sees Captain Steve Zissou set out to seek revenge upon a shark that killed his best friend. The all-star cast, lead by Bill Murray, brings this zany comedy to life, featuring some of the best performances of their careers.

8 The Abyss (7.6)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

The Abyss dared to explore the unknown depths of the ocean like never before. Directed by James Cameron, the film features groundbreaking special effects that render the mysteries and monsters from below with stunning realism.

The film went on to win an Oscar for its visual effects and received several other nominations. The Abyss has gone on to become infamous for its difficult production. Largely due to the many underwater scenes, many actors were pushed to their limits and put in uncomfortable positions.

7 Moana (7.6)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

2016’s Moana featured all the fun and excitement audiences have come to expect from a Disney movie, this time with a Polynesian twist. The animated musical featured an all-star voice cast, including Dwayne Johnson as the shapeshifting demigod, Maui.

The film was a big hit, largely in part to its excellent soundtrack, which went on to be nominated for Best Original Song. Moana’s adventure across the ocean is one of Disney’s best efforts and is rendered in stunning detail with the best available technology.

6 Captain Phillips (7.8)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Based upon actual events Captain Phillips sees the titular Captain’s ship hijacked by Somali pirates. Tom Hanks delivers one of the greatest performances of his career in the pulse-pounding thriller, as he and his unarmed crew are taken hostage at gunpoint.

The hijacking of the cargo ship was historic and marked the first time in 200-years an American cargo ship had been hijacked. The unprecedented event remains one of the darkest days in recent history and provides a rare look at modern pirates.

5 Life Of Pi (7.9)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Adapted from the best selling book of the same name, Life of Pi marks one of the greatest visual spectacles modern movies have offered. The films see a young man and a tiger cast adrift on the vast ocean.

The surreal and beautiful imagery featured throughout the film is like nothing seen before. Life of Pi went on to win an Oscar for its Visual Effects, which stunned audiences. The film offers a different representation of the sea, rendering it with larger-than-life color and style.

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4 Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (8.0)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Despite being based upon a theme park ride, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Peal remains one of the greatest pirate movies of all time.

Featuring an excellent performance by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, the film’s tremendous action and humor proved to be a huge hit with audiences. The film went on to spawn four sequels, but the franchise’s first effort undoubtedly remains its greatest.

3 Jaws (8.0)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Upon its release in 1975, Jaws terrified audiences like nothing before and has a legacy unlike any other movie. Despite featuring only a few minutes of the man-eating shark onscreen, Jaws managed to make the creature infamous for an entire generation.

Beyond the creature, it is the soundtrack of the film which has gone on to gain a life of its own. And to this day, it remains one of the most chilling and recognizable compositions in film history.

2 Finding Nemo

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

2003’s Finding Nemo provided a look at the ocean from a perspective rarely seen. Clownfish Marlin traverses the ocean in a desperate search for his missing son, Nemo.

This massive adventure took him across the sea and provided a glimpse at the many strange creatures and locations that dwell beneath. The cutting-edge animation brought the underwater world to life and Finding Nemo went on to win an Oscar for Best Animated Film.

1 Das Boot (8.3)

10 Best Films Set at Sea Ranked According To IMDb

Das Boot transports audiences into the tense and claustrophobic setting of a German WWII U-boat. The critically acclaimed drama went on to be nominated for six Oscars and portrays the realities of living in the cramped and gloomy location with stunning realism.

It’s a world not often portrayed in films and is without a doubt one the darkest and most psychologically demanding experiences anyone can go through. Das Boot remains one of the greatest movies the genre has to offer and proves to be just as thrilling almost 40 years after its release.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-films-set-at-sea-ranked-according-to-imdb/

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