10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers, According To Reddit


Coming of age movies have been specifically catered towards teenage angst but what about quarter life crisis movies that capture adulthood.

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10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Coming of age movies have been a huge sub-genre in the world of cinema for decades but Reddit user optionalhero recently noticed the gap in the market for coming of age movies for older viewers or rather the lack of knowledge about them.

The typical teenage angst movies are great for putting anxiety at bay but what about the quarter life crisis to ease the confusing feelings most face in their twenties whether that be regarding their career, feeling lost or simply just the post-college blues.

Good Will Hunting

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Good Will Hunting was a popular choice within the thread with it being recommended by both Vidzphile and talllongblackhair. The movie is the perfect quarter life crisis film for anyone lacking direction as it centres around a friendship between a maths genius and his therapist. The pair’s friendship is built on wisdom which helps Will to finally open up about his abusive childhood, Sean then helps him to unpack his trauma in a series of raw and honest conversations. Will is eventually able to move on with the film highlighting the common themes of feeling lost and confused in early adulthood as well as the importance of friendship.

(500) Days Of Summer

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

500 Days Of Summer was recommended by Reddit user Vidzphile and goes back in time to tell the story of Tom and Summer’s relationship. The movie not only highlights the struggle of modern day love but also challenges the stereotype of the female believing in love whilst being fooled by the male character.

Summer doesn’t believe in true love whilst Tom falls for her deeper and deeper, the film ultimately focusses on heartbreak and trying to navigate feelings of self-worth alongside unreciprocated love which is often associated with early adulthoods obsession with settling down.

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Reality Bites

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Reality Bites centers around the trials and tribulations of finding love and a career after graduating from college. The movie was recommended by user blucthulhu and highlights all aspects of being thrown into adult life from one night stands to an existential crisis about life. Reality Bites centres around a group of friends and their journey post-college which often ends in a series of hilarious and sometimes emotional moments, not to mention some of the most relatable quotes that came out of Reality Bites to sum up adulthood.

Unicorn Store

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Unicorn Store is a wacky fantasy comedy drama that depicts how easy it is to feel like a failure through the story of Kit, a failing artist who has recently moved back in with her parents and continues to chase after her childhood dream of owning a unicorn. The movie was recommended by Reddit user carsneedle and portrays the real feelings of abandoning life long dreams for a job that pays the bill but also highlights the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.

Garden State

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

This movie recommendation was suggested by both Vidzphile and AliasDave05 suggesting its popularity as a quarter life crisis movie. Garden State is littered with quirky characters who help to tell the story of Andrew and his experience when he returns home for a funeral and ends up with him coming to the realization that he is not to blame for his mother becoming paralyzed. Andrew’s character is weighted down by feelings of detachment and his character highlights important topics that often plague early adulthood like mental health, seeking help and unlikely friendships.

Frances Ha

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Despite being released in 2012, Frances Ha is a black and white movie that was highly popular within the thread with it being recommended by NuffBS , LegitimateLion0 and blucthulhu.

The movie follows a young woman that struggles with belonging whether that be an apartment or a job that fulfils her dream as a dancer, it highlights how confusing it can be to navigate through the world of adulthood but ultimately ends with a positive message of self-love and belief which is why its a great coming of age movie.

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St. Elmo’s Fire

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

St Elmo’s Fire suggested by VideoGuy1X is another movie that perfectly captures the transition from adolescence to adulthood by following the group of 7 close friends. The star studded cast of St Elmo’s Fire explore each character and the problems they face within this transition whether that be commitment issues, sexuality or jobs, the movie explicitly represents the difficulties adulthood can present in what can be a confusing and testing time.

The Graduate

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

The Graduate portrays a young Dustin Hoffman as recent college graduate Benjamin and his struggle with meeting the expectations of other adulthood alongside his lack of direction in life. However, the movie also highlights his indecisiveness when he engages in an affair with his fathers friend’s wife but later becomes torn between her and her daughter. The movie as recommended by papadoubles on Reddit showcases the frustration that comes with feeling a lack of direction in life alongside not meeting expectations upon returning to the family home.

Young Adult

10 Coming Of Age Movies For Older Viewers According To Reddit

Young Adult is about a young woman who returns to her home time in a hope to reunite with her ex-boyfriend but instead finds him married with a child. Young Adult explores the impact of young love, suggested by Vidzphile the movie encapsulates the feeling of falling behind in life in comparison to everyone else. It also tackles the idea that young love can sometimes be mistaken in later life as someone we miss rather than a sign of better times with the film highlighting these emotions and the unhealthy coping mechanisms used so often to mask them.

Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook put forward by Vidzphile features Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper as two adults going through life changes with one becoming a widow and the other struggling with his mental health. The pair meet and seek to try to fix elements of their lives, the movie emphasizes feelings of loneliness when going through a difficult patch alongside the fear of restarting life again after something traumatic resulting in it being a great coming of age film for older viewers.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/coming-of-age-movies-older-viewers-according-reddit/

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