Breakwaters Preview A Survival Game With Potential

Breakwaters Preview: A Survival Game With Potential

Breakwaters is a rough-around-the-edges survival game, but as it continues to receive updates, it’s certainly worth keeping an eye on.

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Breakwaters Preview A Survival Game With Potential

Breakwaters is a third-person survival game with more potential than it seems equipped to fulfill – at least for now. Although Breakwaters runs smoothly on PC overall, displaying gorgeous, stylized environments of remote islands and captivating flora, the gameplay itself often feels unfinished. There’s room for Breakwaters to grow, and with the number of updates the development studio has pushed since its release, it seems like that growth is a very real possibility, but as the game currently stands, it’s a little too rough around the edges.

With its procedurally generated worlds, Breakwaters, in theory, offers the replayability and random changes that survival fans desire. It’s not about sailing through the same four or five maps over and over, hoping to get further than last time. Instead, Breakwaters focuses on the player’s ability to craft items, level up skills and explore the islands around them.

Unfortunately, Breakwaters makes it difficult for players to learn how to actually do any of the necessary actions to survive in their procedurally generated worlds. There’s no legitimate tutorial, and the game’s user interface contains no clues regarding any of the controls. The process of even the simplest of tasks, like opening menus and using weapons, is entirely trial and error. While survival is the point of the game, there’s a difference between fun and challenging mechanics and being beaten halfway to death by an angry crab in the first half-hour because the game doesn’t mention how to properly control the character.

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Breakwaters Preview A Survival Game With Potential

However, the actual survival video game mechanics in Breakwaters show potential, even though there’s room for the developers to expand on their effectiveness. Like most survival games, the player has two meters displaying their thirst and hunger levels. Exploring the island requires the player to keep their character alive, either by foraging for materials or hunting animals for sustenance. The meters feel well-balanced, which is a true gift in a survival game – it’s important to keep an eye on the two stats, but it’s not necessary to spend all of one’s time exclusively drinking and eating to stay alive. Instead, there is a bit of spare time that allows players to gather crafting items, which is where Breakwaters shines.

In Breakwaters, there are a plethora of craftable resources, ranging from weapons and armor to building materials to decorations. Throughout the game, players can use boat flares to travel to new parts of the world or even fight enormous monsters, but the real appeal of living on Breakwaters’ islands is the ability to create a homestead. Of course, there are limitations regarding how in-depth the buildings can be – it’s not Minecraft, after all – but because Breakwaters is procedurally generated and doesn’t technically have a main story to beat, establishing a small settlement and upgrading it over time is the best indication of progress.

Crafting isn’t as easy as it should be, though. Inventory space in Breakwaters is frustratingly limited. It feels almost impossible to carry around food, water and two or three items for crafting, forcing the player to spend every five minutes managing their inventory. One of the upgradable skills allows an inventory expansion, but the leveling up process isn’t fast enough to fix the issue, especially when there are other important skills to upgrade as well, like health and stamina. Some items can be crafted from the main inventory menu, but most of them, including any relating to weapons, armor or structures, needed to be created at a specialized bench that the player drops somewhere on the island. Because of that, and the lack of inventory space, the game does start to feel like a slog at times, requiring backtracking from collected items and the bench in order to accomplish anything substantial.

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Breakwaters has enormous potential outside of these problems, however, and the development team has been pushing updates at an impressively rapid pace over the past week, which could signify a bright future for the game. At its core, there is a competent, shining gem of an indie survival game in Breakwaters, but the execution needs work. The worlds and art direction are beautiful, exploring the islands is fun and the crafting system is extremely rewarding, especially once players are able to create their own personalized living spaces. It may not be where it needs to be right now, but Breakwaters is certainly a game to keep an eye on as it exits early access and continues to receive updates.

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