Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

Falcon & Winter Soldier: Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU


WHiH World News broke a shocking story on Falcon & The Winter Soldier. Here’s every appearance the fictional news channel has made in the MCU.

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Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has been making real-life headlines with the recent introduction of a new Captain America on the MCU’s in-universe news network, WHiH World News. Believing that Steve Rogers is the only one who should wear the mantle, Sam gives up Captain America’s shield. He is understandably distraught, then, to find that the government, after seemingly accepting his decision, is introducing a brand-new Captain America. Audiences reacted with similar, if not more outspoken shock, doubting the newcomer’s intentions and pointing out how Sam is much more fit for the role. While the news itself was of more note than the vehicle on which it appeared, longtime fans may recognize WHiH from elsewhere in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

WHiH World News is a longtime staple of the MCU, having appeared in more than 10 different Marvel films and TV shows over the past decade. It’s one of the primary fictional news sources to appear within the canon, and even ran several social media accounts as part of the marketing for 2015’s Ant-Man and 2016’s Captain America: Civil War under the moniker of WHiH Newsfront. As such, the fictional news channel has a Twitter account that has been inactive since 2016, a Google+ profile which has since become inaccessible due to the platform’s shutdown, and a now-deleted Youtube channel. Marvel produced a WHiH Newsfront web series which included interviews with central Ant-Man characters like Scott Lang and Darren Cross. WHiH Newsfront also featured commentary from in-universe reporters Christine Everhart (as seen in both Iron Man and Iron Man 2) and Will Adams, often reflecting discussions had among Marvel fans.

WHiH World News (as well as its companion WHiH Newsfront) seems to represent citizen interest, and as such, does not always paint Marvel heroes in a positive light. The news channel provides interesting and important insight on the relationship between superheroes and the public, and often highlights the ways villains manipulate power and connections to gain popular approval. Some WHiH appearances indicate a narrative triumph, but the news channel often reveals just how little the world knows about its heroes. At other times, WHiH simply conveys facts and reports on significant events such as the Sokovia Accords, but all in all, it is a very clever and direct way to gauge the sentiments of the general public and the extent of their knowledge. Here’s every MCU movie and TV show it’s appeared in.

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The Incredible Hulk

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

One of WHiH’s earliest MCU appearances is in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. In the aftermath of Bruce Banner’s confrontation with Emil Blonsky, aka Abomination, at Culver University, a reporter comments on the damage done, and two students who witnessed the events inadvertently coin a name for Dr. Banner’s titular alter-ego, describing “an incredible hulk.”

Iron Man 2

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

WHiH appears in Iron Man 2 when a reporter is covering the Stark Expo, a flashy event focused on advancements in Stark Tech. While superheroes don’t always fare well on WHiH, Tony Stark is a media darling, and doesn’t draw much negative attention from the network. WHiH also appears later in the film, covering Ivan Vanko’s attack on Tony during the Monaco Grand Prix.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

WHiH appears often over the course of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’s seven-season tenure, often reporting relevant incidents in the world of the series. Because the show had such a long run, and several major events in the MCU would inevitably affect S.H.I.E.L.D, WHiH often serves as a helpful tool to reference the events of larger projects like Captain America: Civil War and the Sokovia Accords. WHiH, however, also comes into conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D, sometimes reporting misinformation about presumed corruption within the organization, often when villains are using S.H.I.E.L.D as a scapegoat for their own actions.


Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

WHiH famously gives a platform to villain Wilson Fisk in Daredevil’s first season, swaying public opinion highly in his favor and condemning the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Matt Murdock is initially known by the aforementioned nickname, or sometimes “the Man in the Mask,” and is often portrayed in a bad light by any and all news outlets. WHiH is no exception and, in fact, sheds quite a bit of light on the way the general public can be manipulated by powerful individuals like Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin. WHiH highlights the complicated relationship the media and the masses often have with superheroes and vigilantes.

Jessica Jones

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

As a private investigator, Jessica Jones often gathers information on her own, but WHiH does make a few appearances in her Netflix series. When Kilgrave takes Jessica to her childhood home and uses mind control on the family that lives there, WHiH covers the story, reporting that a man is holding his own family hostage. WHiH also appears in Jessica Jones season 3 when Jeri Hogarth announces the arrival of a new masked vigilante, and offers a reward for anyone who identifies them. While WHiH is present at Jeri’s press conference, audiences see TV coverage of the event from WJBP, another MCU news organization that appears frequently in other Marvel Netflix series.

Luke Cage

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

WJBP appears more prominently in Luke Cage, but WHiH is still present and getting the scoop. When Misty Knight addresses the violent events known as “the Rum Punch Massacre,” multiple news outlets are present, including WHiH. This scene also features a brief reference to Daredevil’s Karen Page, a skilled investigative journalist who appears throughout the Defenders universe.

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Iron Fist

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

WHiH only makes a brief cameo in Iron Fist, appearing as one of many news stations covering a Rand Enterprises press conference. The company announces Danny Rand’s return to Rand Enterprises following a 15-year disappearance during which he was presumed dead.


Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

Because so much of Marvel’s Inhumans takes place in another world, Earth-bound news stations don’t appear too often. When they do, however, WHiH is on the scene. Several reporters question police captain Peña in episode 3 about an individual who severely injured two police officers, and refer to a “cow-dog,” whom audiences know to be Lockjaw, the Inhuman royal family’s dog.

The Punisher

Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

The Punisher continues the WHiH World News trend of giving a platform to villains when Anvil CEO Billy Russo gives a sinister interview regarding Frank Castle. The news channel also announces other key events, such as the Punisher’s return, and Billy Russo’s eventual escape from police custody in season 2.


Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

Marvel’s Runaways provides a key example of the social and political power held by many Marvel villains, as members of PRIDE and the Church of Gibborim frequently appear on WHiH, falsely painting themselves as heroic and honorable. Similar to other misunderstood heroes, the Runaways are blamed for the death of Destiny Gonzalez and accused of kidnapping team member Molly Hernandez. Though it isn’t fair to blame the news channel itself for the misinformation it broadcasts, Runaways provides another example of the ways in which superheroes are often misunderstood and distrusted by the general public.


Falcon & Winter Soldier Every WHiH World News Appearance In The MCU

Perhaps one of the most controversial Avengers, Wanda Maximoff receives quite a bit of negative attention from the general population, including WHiH World News. Despite her guilt and genuine regret over the disaster in Lagos that occurs at the beginning of Captain America: Civil War, Wanda is branded by WHiH as ‘a terrorist on the loose,’ and the news coverage is brought up during a S.W.O.R.D debrief in WandaVision. Other relevant news coverage appears on WHiH throughout the series, often providing context to the series that viewers may have missed from other Marvel properties.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

WHiH World News makes its most recent appearance in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier with the announcement of a new Captain America, despite Sam Wilson’s attempt to retire the mantle. Sam explains that the world needs new heroes, and that by turning in Cap’s shield to the Smithsonian, he is both honoring Steve’s legacy and paving the way for a new future. Though WHiH is not responsible for this flagrant contradiction of Sam’s (and therefore Steve’s) wishes, it is the harbinger of bad news, once again highlighting the struggle between superheroes and the larger public they seek to protect.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/mcu-whih-world-news-movies-tv-shows-appearances/

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