10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda


The Legend of Zelda was a landmark title on the original NES, and its influence has carried over decades, consoles, and generations.

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10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda was a landmark title on the original NES, and its influence has carried over decades, consoles, and generations. Link has saved the kingdom of Hyrule dozens of times, but his hero’s quest isn’t the only one worth exploring. There will always be someone, somewhere, in need of a mystical adventure.

There are Souls-likes, there are rogue-likes, and there are also Zelda-likes. These games often put players in the familiar position of a fantasy character who must solve dungeons and puzzles in either a top-down pixelated world or a fully-realized realm. Either way, adventure is out there.

Collection of Mana

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

While the Mana series isn’t the first Zelda clone to be introduced in the ’90s, it is one that understood the basics but added its own unique flavor. While the golden child of the series is definitely Secret of Mana, the catalyst of the games was truly Final Fantasy Adventure.

“Final Fantasy Adventure” might be the most appropriate phrase because the series is essentially Square’s version of a Zelda game. The original series is available on the eShop, but Secret of Mana is truly the incarnation fans of the series will enjoy the most.


10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

Kamiko isn’t a complicated game, it’s not a long game, and it’s not even an expensive game, but it does scratch that Zelda itch with an additional two characters and playstyles to experiment with. The game knows it’s a Zelda clone, but it’s comfortable enough to still maintain a certain identity with its design and gameplay.

The game is essentially a traditional, top-down Zelda adventure but replaces Link with a trio of cute, anime-styled, magical, female protagonists. Players must defeat a host of demons to save a Japanese-inspired kingdom from certain doom. It’s certainly a great pick-up-and-play title for one’s collection.

Ys: Origin

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

Though easily deeper than the standard Link-led adventure, any title in the Ys series will be a gorgeous fantasy epic. Origin takes more than a few cues from the Zelda games but takes more of an action-focused RPG approach. That being said, Link could be just as comfortable in the towers as he would be in Hyrule’s dungeons.

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Though players have a little more choice in their method of playstyles, choosing between magic-focused or melee-focused combat, the bit-inspired sprites and the top-down perspective are pulled directly from the Nintendo franchise. A horse of a different color, but one RPG and Zelda fans will easily dive into.

Crypt Of The Necrodancer Series

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

Whether fans include the Cadence of Hyrule title or not, there’s still no denying that the Crypt of the Necrodancer games definitely took the Zelda formula and added rhythm-based gameplay. Even just at an aesthetic level, there’s no denying which game influenced this title’s look and overall design.

Descending into a dungeon/labyrinth/crypt loaded with monsters and loot is Zelda 101. The spinoff only further sold the fact with the introduction of Link, Zelda, and other friends and foes from the series joining in on the fun.


10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

There’s a difference between a Zelda-like and a Zelda clone, Oceanhorn is the latter. Oceanhorn isn’t just a copycat of the more successful series, it’s a shameless, mobile imitation of the classic adventure-puzzler formula. With that in mind, that’s not to say that the game isn’t a good time.

To put it bluntly, Oceanhorn is just Zelda painted a different color. Taking obvious inspiration from Windwaker and possibly A Link to the Past, the game will have players sailing tropical islands in search of adventure and loot. A bit rinse-and-repeat, but not an awful game by any means.

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

An oddball among Zelda-inspired games to be sure, but make no mistake: Darksiders is more than worthy of mentioning. While the art style and action are definitely more inspired by the likes of God of War or Devil May Cry, the environmental puzzles, dungeons, temples, and explorable levels are all 100% Zelda.

Players must explore dungeons, find keys, disable traps, and defeat bosses with an array of weapons that are hidden in various points of interest. This game is one water temple away from being an Ocarina of Time clone. Though more violent than a jaunt through Hyrule, it’s familiar enough to warrant a playthrough.

Swords of Ditto

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

If the swords-and-sorcery motifs of Link to the Past were exchanged for a ’90s-inspired Adventure Time aesthetic, the result would be Swords of Ditto. This is a roguelike that utilizes the traditional formula seen in classic adventure games on the SNES, but adds in a time limit, a changing world, and a host of toy-based weapons and gizmos to take on an evil witch.

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What separates this title from the others is the replay value. Each new game sees a new hero with their own advantages and disadvantages, allowing for multiple ways to take on the quest.

Hyper Light Drifter

10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

Not all Zelda-likes have to take the fantasy route, sometimes a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk dystopia will do just fine. Hyper Light Drifter is one of those rare modern titles that love the 16-bit graphics of the ’90s. What it lacks in narrative, it more than makes up for in action and intensity.

The game feels like a Zelda-like but doesn’t hold the player’s hand by any means. It’s challenging, enigmatic, and certainly one of the deepest experiences on the Switch. Players just have to pick this one up for themselves to truly understand it.


10 Great Nintendo Switch Games Like The Legend Of Zelda

Similar to Hyper Light Drifter, CrossCode is another retro-inspired title that would fit right in with the days of the SNES and the Genesis. Taking a more futuristic-anime approach, this adventure has players entering a fictional MMORPG and taking up the role of Lea, a mute protagonist exploring a beautiful 16-bit world. That certainly sounds familiar.

While it features the overworld and style of a traditional NES Zelda title, its combat, puzzles, and action elements definitely feel more at home in something like Secret of Mana. Fans of modern and retro adventures alike will easily find something to enjoy with this indie darling.

Blossom Tales

Blossom Tales takes the traditional Zelda formula but changes the narrative to where the princess is the one saving the kingdom. With that one change, it’s honestly quite remarkable how the title is able to stand out from all other would-be clones and tributes.

Blossom definitely jumps through a few similar hoops Link had to during his SNES days, but she does so in a way that isn’t blatantly derivative. It might look like a Zelda game, but Blossom Tales maintains an original fairytale and fantasy game experience with only winks and nods to its inspirations. Unlike some, it has its own identity without leaning too heavily on nostalgia to complete its quest.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/nintendo-switch-games-like-legend-zelda/

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