Black Cats Infinity Stones Heist Comes To An End This Fall

Black Cat’s Infinity Stones Heist Comes To An End This Fall

For the past two years, Black Cat has undertaken increasingly larger heists, and this November the biggest of her career will come to an end.

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Black Cats Infinity Stones Heist Comes To An End This Fall

This November, Black Cat’s Infinity Stones heist comes to an end in Giant-Size Black Cat #1. The one-shot, written by Jed MacKay with art by C.F. Villa, will serve as the conclusion to Mackay’s two-year stint on the character. It will also conclude two storylines: “Infinite Destinies,” which has been running through this year’s Marvel annuals, and “Infinity Score,” which just started in the pages of Black Cat’s solo book.

For the past two years, Jed MacKay and his collaborators have chronicled the adventures of Marvel’s greatest thief, sending her up against the King in Black and betraying her mentor to save New York City. Currently, Black Cat and her associates are embroiled in the biggest heist of their careers: stealing the Infinity Stones. The Stones themselves have been through some changes. Adam Warlock, in an attempt to control the Stones, bonded them with people—a move that has not paid off as he wanted. Meanwhile, Nighthawk, seeking to use the Stones to restore the world he lost in Heroes Reborn, has brainwashed Nick Fury into helping him find them. All of these plot lines come to a head in Giant-Size Black Cat #1.

A press release from Marvel details more about the one-shot and offers a sneak peek at its cover. The release states that Black Cat now has three of the six Infinity Stones, which has put her in Nighthawk and Nick Fury’s crosshairs. The release goes on to hint Thanos may be involved as well. MacKay offered his thoughts on the special, saying the character went from one he was only familiar with in passing to one of his favorites. He acknowledged the artists, colorists, and letterers that he worked with on the title, and feels that now, as a result of the book, Black Cat is seen as a heavy-hitter.

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If this was indeed MacKay and his collaborators’ intent, then they succeeded. Through the course of her book, Felicia Hardy has gone up against Dracula, Knull, and now Nighthawk and maybe even Thanos. MacKay has explored the character’s humanity as well, peeling back layers to see what makes her tick. Pitting Black Cat against some of Marvel’s worst villains shows she can indeed “hang with anyone,” as MacKay puts it. These various elements will come together in Giant-Size Black Cat #1. MacKay has remained coy on the story’s final outcome, other than it will have big repercussions for the Marvel Universe.

Black Cat’s Infinity Stone heist will come to an end November 24 in Giant-Size Black Cat #1, and while it may be the conclusion of this Black Cat run, readers can rest assured she will return.

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