Batmans BIG Weakness Exposed by Deadshot in Suicide Squad

Batman’s BIG Weakness Exposed by Deadshot in Suicide Squad

Batman’s biggest weakness was exposed in his recent battle with Deadshot, as the longtime Suicide Squad member used an animal to slow things down.

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Batmans BIG Weakness Exposed by Deadshot in Suicide Squad

Fighting against Batman is usually an uphill battle, even for someone as talented as Deadshot. However, when things get tough, one way to stop the Caped Crusader is to find an adorable dog – just like Floyd Lawton did in the latest issue of Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad #6 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbot features the former Task Force X members on the run with a heavy $24,000,000 bounty placed on the group’s head. After getting the bombs in their neck removed and almost getting poisoned by a back-alley surgeon, the squad learns that Batman is chasing after them. Chaos Kitten decides to grab a dog in the alleyway, as the team departs. But, the team is chased by both assassins and Batman.

As Deadshot and Harley learn that they were officially pardoned and were used by Task Force X despite being unknowingly freed from their duties, the assassins attack. Zebra-Man summons a shield as a bomb is about to hit their vehicle. When the team goes out to fight, all of the assassins are on the ground, beaten up. That’s when Batman appears and tussles with the squad. Deadshot unloads a few non-lethal bullets at Batman, before revealing he’s done with the team as a free man. Batman and Deadshot exchange bullets and Batarangs, and as the Dark Knight is about to pummel Lawton, he pulls out the dog. “I’m holding a dog! Truce!”

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Putting the dog in front of Batman actually manages to stop him. It allows him to pause as Deadshot lets him know that he’s been pardoned and that he could have shot the hero in the part of Batman’s mask that isn’t bulletproof. In one of the funniest moments of the series, Batman, Deadshot, and the dog stand awkwardly beside each other as the Batmobile is missing as Wink decided to take for a joy ride. Lawton asks Batman if he can call him an Uber, to which he responds “you want me to call an ambulance?” Deadshot says “good talk” as both he and the dog depart.

Deadshot’s new dog is not only adorable, but it proved to be the perfect solution to stop Batman from pummeling Deadshot. Batman would never punch a little dog in the face and Deadshot used the animal’s cuteness to stop the fight dead in its tracks. Hopefully, Deadshot and the dog have more adventures going forward – although, Lawton should be extra careful to keep the dog out of harm’s way.

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