Dune Proves Its Biggest Controversy Was Always Dumb

Dune Proves Its Biggest Controversy Was Always Dumb

The spectacle and imagery of Dune immediately won over audiences, showing once and for all that the film’s biggest controversy was silly.

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Dune Proves Its Biggest Controversy Was Always Dumb

Dune dazzled audiences with its imagery and spectacle, immediately proving its most considerable controversy was incredibly dumb. Dune is a complicated epic about the dangers of politics and prophecies. The new film tells the story of three major groups: House Atreides, House Harkonnen, and the Fremen. In the movie, House Atreides assumes stewardship of Arrakis, the home of the Fremen, due to a royal decree. However, House Harkonnen, an ancient enemy of Atreides, was previously in charge of the planet and its lucrative spice supply, so a conflict was inevitable. After the Harkonnens attack, Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) and Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) escape into the dangerous deserts of Arrakis. Thankfully, Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa), a swordmaster in service of House Atreides, and the Fremen could help them along the way.

Director Denis Villeneuve achieved what many filmmakers thought was impossible, bringing a successful adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune to the big screen. With such dense material and in-depth lore, Villeneuve gambled on making a movie that only told half of Herbert’s first novel, thinking the fan response would be enough to warrant a sequel. The director’s gamble immediately paid off, as Warner Bros. approved another Dune film within days of its release. According to Villeneuve, he wants to create a Dune trilogy to capture Herbert’s sprawling story.

One of the most significant controversies of Dune was that the film wouldn’t be any fun, which the movie proves is a terrible criticism. The controversy came from Dune’s first images, showing a muted color palette, militaristic imagery, and an abundance of frowning. Fans immediately worried about whether the film would genuinely capture Herbert’s work and if it would have any joy or fun. However, after the movie’s release, it’s clear that criticism is ridiculous.

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Dune isn’t a slapstick comedy. The film features breath-taking visuals of Arrakis, giant sandworms, detailed costuming, and impressive effects. It doesn’t need constant jokes to be an exciting adventure story. The militaristic garb and colors make sense within the film’s context, and there are enough action sequences to put smiles on fans’ faces, regardless of whether the characters are stoic or not. There’s much more going on beneath the surface of Dune than a typical science fiction blockbuster, and Villeneuve brilliantly fits extensive backstory and Dune world-building into a new kind of space adventure film.

The film’s fun even extends off the screen. It’s hard not to have fun while Jason Momoa is having a blast playing Duncan Idaho. His bear hug with Chalamet’s Paul Atreides seems like a genuine embrace between friends having a great time. However, the film’s fun even extends into the real world. Dune has inspired countless memes and jokes from viewers who can’t help but enjoy the unintentional silliness of the film. Chalamet’s odd sand walk to avoid giant worms is a fan-favorite moment, and viewers also can’t get over the fact that Momoa’s character, a seasoned space warrior loyal to House Atreides, is hilariously named Duncan Idaho. The film is fun even when it’s not trying to be.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dune-movie-2021-fun-controversy-dumb-wrong/

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