Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses


The characters of Bates Motel are definitely unique, dramatic, and different, but which Hogwarts houses would they be in?

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Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

As anyone with even a passing knowledge of pop culture would realize, although the characters of Bates Motel might seem like normal small town folks on the outside, the reality is much stranger and scarier than any motel guests just passing through might realize.

The show was a little bit horror and a bit more family drama, with some mystery and intrigue sprinkled in. And although Norman Bates is a notorious weirdo, the townspeople are oddities in their own right. But if these characters found their way to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which house would they all wind up in?

10 Zack Shelby – Slytherin

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Zack Shelby is a police officer, and at the start it at least seems like he’s a good man, but ultimately his appearance doesn’t match the person within. He does care for people and he looks out for his own, but he is more than willing to cross the line if that’s what needs to be done (or if he just wants to).

He also doesn’t react well to betrayal, and he seems to think that he’s above the law and can do things others can’t.

9 Blaire Watson – Hufflepuff

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Miss Watson’s relationship with Norman was odd to say the least, but the way in which she treated him and all of her students made it clear that she was a tried and true Hufflepuff.

Instead of avoiding or outright rejecting her most unusual student, she encouraged Norman to get more involved with the town and she did her best to help him, which is exactly what any badger would do.

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8 Marion Crane – Slytherin

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Although her appearance on Bates Motel is actually relatively brief, Marion Crane is undeniably the most iconic character in the Psycho universe besides Norman Bates himself.

And it should come as no surprise that this thief and adulterer wound up in Slytherin. Like most snakes, she is cunning and ambitious, and she is ultimately interested in self-preservation and self-fulfillment more than anything else.

7 Caleb Calhoun – Slytherin

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Caleb Calhoun seems like the kind of person that everyone expects Slytherins to be. Although he is capable of pretty monstrous and selfish behavior, like most people, he’s not entirely evil.

At times he can seem downright sympathetic, but the fact that he has done such terrible things makes him pretty hard to stomach. He’s capable of positive behaviors like love and loyalty, but he ultimately does what is in his best interest.

6 Alex Romero – Hufflepuff

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Alex Romero is the sheriff of White Pine Bay, but he’s a somewhat unusual town cop. He looks the other way on certain White Pine Bay crimes (namely it’s drug trade) because looking the other way benefits the town as a whole. But he does have a strong sense of morality, and when really bad things start happening he wants to get to the bottom of it.

His ability to look out for the greater good makes him a quintessential Hufflepuff.

5 Bradley Martin – Gryffindor

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Bradley Martin is a troubled girl who seems to come in and out of the lives of the Bates family, and she exhibits a lot of personality traits that are pretty typical Gryffindor behaviors.

Bradley is bold and a little brash, and she is always someone who likes to take charge of a situation. She is also prone to acting before she thinks, and her impulsiveness gets her in over her head often.

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4 Emma Decody – Ravenclaw

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Emma Decody is the adorable weirdo who befriends Norman and Norma, and eventually starts up a relationship with Dylan. Although the Bates family is a very odd clan, Emma fits right in with all of them and seem to enjoy the unusual nature of their familial dynamic.

Emma is clever and isn’t afraid to be herself, which makes her a good fit for house Ravenclaw. It’s easy to imagine her becoming best buds with Luna Lovegood if she wound up at Hogwarts.

3 Dylan Massett – Gryffindor

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Dylan Massett had the incredible misfortune of being born into a terminally dysfunctional family, but as far as being well adjusted and independent goes, he’s far ahead of the rest of his pack.

Dylan would definitely have wound up in Gryffindor, because his boldness and willingness to strike out on his own or try something that most people wouldn’t is what defines him as a person.

2 Norma Bates – Hufflepuff

Bates Motel Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Norma Bates is truly a picture perfect Hufflepuff. The world has really treated her monstrously, but that doesn’t diminish her inner goodness and doesn’t make her any less likely to be kind and generous to the people around her.

She relies a lot on her son Norman, as well as the other people who come into her life, and her need to be a part of a group is pretty standard Hufflepuff behavior too.

1 Norman Bates – Slytherin

Although Norman Bates seems like the softest, squishiest Hufflepuff in the world on the outside, that image that he projects to the world is actually all a part of his Slytherin cunning.

It seems strange to say that a serial murderer is someone who has a lot of good traits, but Norman is a perfect Slytherin in that sense as well. Despite the fact that he has an incredible darkness to him, he has a lot of great qualities as well.

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