Failed Power Rangers Video Game Concept Art Revealed Online

Failed Power Rangers Video Game Concept Art Revealed Online

The former head of the Power Rangers franchise has revealed information and concept art for a scrapped co-op Batman Arkham-style game on Twitter.

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Concept art for a co-op Power Rangers video game in the style of the Batman Arkham series has been revealed online. The Power Rangers have been the subject of numerous video games over the years, with most of them being brawlers or platform games, except for the notable exception of a Power Rangers kart-racing game on Super Nintendo.

The Power Rangers franchise became an international hit in the ’90s. As such, the license was quickly adapted for video games, which were released alongside the new iterations of the show. The most recent Power Rangers video game was Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, which includes characters from the history of the franchise. The title also features Chun-Li and Ryu from Street Fighter, who appeared as paid DLC.

There was a time when another big Power Rangers game could have hit the market. Jason Bischoff, the Former Director of Global Franchise Creative for the Power Rangers has revealed on Twitter that there were plans for a triple-A video game that would have been similar to the Batman Arkham games, except with a focus on co-op. Oddly enough, Warner Bros. would later announce Gotham Knights, which is an upcoming game inspired by the Arkham franchise and centered around co-op, just like this title would have been.

Let’s talk about the 2016 AAA #powerrangers game that never was: PROJECT NOMAD! ⚡️ #powerdown 1/6

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The game (dubbed “Arkham Rangers” by Bischoff) was referred to as Project Nomad. The premise of the game involved Eltar (Zordon’s homeworld) being occupied by an unknown enemy force, prompting Power Rangers from around the universe to gather in order to free the planet. It wasn’t given a budget to be produced by Hasbro, but Bischoff was able to pitch it to various studios, and his team received a positive response. The project never got off the ground, however, thanks to behind-the-scenes issues. All that remains of the game is concept art that was used for the pitch, which can be seen on Bischoff’s Twitter page.

The Power Rangers franchise has a ton of lore that can be used for games, yet most of the titles based on the series have been low-effort cash-ins. A massive triple-A game that let teams of players work together and fight like the Power Rangers using an Arkham-style combat system could have had considerable potential, especially if it also featured some of the franchise’s massive robots clashing with colossal kaiju. Alas, Project Nomad never came to pass, and all that remains is some gorgeous concept art, showing a glimpse at an awesome Power Rangers game that no one will get to play.

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