Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2


Mortal Kombat’s ending sets up a continuation of the movie and a huge new character, but will the sequel happen? Here’s what we know so far.

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Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

Warner Bros’ 2021 reboot of Mortal Kombat may be getting a sequel – or a whole franchise – and interest in the details of what comes next will be at a peak following Simon McQuoid’s take on the iconic combat universe. Already, there’s a strong set-up for more in the Mortal Kombat movie universe, and Mortal Kombat 2 would bring in at least one missing figure who was controversially overlooked for the first chapter.

The reboot of Mortal Kombat became the third live-action movie in the beloved franchise, fixing many of the issues of the original – which has nonetheless become a cult classic – and the more problematic Annihilation sequel from 1997. It delivers on the promised R-rating, sticking to a mostly faithful adaptation model that brings iconic characters to life as well as expanding to the lore with the introduction of new mysterious character Cole Young, whose identity inspired lots of speculation ahead of the movie’s release. With his story now set in place and the lore of the world established, what can come next is expansion into stranger worlds and more of a set-up for the universe-spanning tournament at the heart of this universe’s lore.

So is a sequel happening? There’s certainly potential in the lore of Mortal Kombat to not only expand to one sequel but multiple – not to mention spin-offs, so if it doesn’t, it won’t be for a lack of source material. And luckily for fans of the franchise and Simon McQuoid’s movie, there are hints that there will be more. Here’s everything you need to know about Mortal Kombat 2.

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Is Mortal Kombat 2 Happening?

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

While there’s been no concrete confirmation on a sequel for Mortal Kombat, it does seem likely to happen. While Mortal Kombat 2021 wasn’t a runaway hit in theaters, it did pretty well by pandemic standards, especially for an R-rated movie. Theater grosses probably weren’t enough to rake in profits on their own – although they did make the movie’s budget back and then some – but the fact that Mortal Kombat proved to be a big success on HBO Max surely means a lot to Warner Bros. and New Line.

Mortal Kombat 2 Story Details

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

The end of Mortal Kombat sets up further invasions by Shang Tsung as he seeks to use his Outworld allies to prevent a fair Mortal Kombat tournament from happening and his own inevitable defeat. With that in mind, Cole Young and his fellow surviving Earthrealm champions are sent to round up more champions, beginning with series favorite Johnny Cage, who Young tracks to Hollywood. Shang Tsung, meanwhile, will no doubt retire to his own realm to lick his wounds and bolster his own team, possibly looking to revive his most feared warrior, Sub-Zero, somehow. It is, however, confirmed that an actual Mortal Kombat tournament will be shown in a Mortal Kombat 2 movie, surely pleasing lots of fans who were left bemused by its absence.

Mortal Kombat 2 Cast

Everything We Know About Mortal Kombat 2

Though Mortal Kombat kills off several main characters, Lewis Tan’s Cole Young will return for the sequel alongside Jessica McNamee’s Sonya Blade, Mehcad Brooks’ Jax, Tadanobu Asano’s Raiden, Ludi Lin’s Liu Kang, and possibly Hiroyuki Sanada’s Scorpion. If Joe Taslim is back for multiple sequels, Scorpion likely returns too. And then there’s Chin Han’s Shang Tsung, who will presumably still be the main villain. Meanwhile, WWE star The Miz wants to be the actor to play Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat 2. Ryan Reynolds was also briefly rumored to be in the running to play Cage, only to hilariously turn the rumors into an ad for his Mint Mobile cell phone company. Either way, it’s confirmed that the Hollywood bad boy will indeed be a featured character in the sequel.

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Mortal Kombat 2 Release Date Info

Mortal Kombat took decades to get to the screen and was then delayed by Covid. It’s unlikely a sequel would take as long to get to screen. If the production of the original is anything to go by, a reasonable turnover of a couple of years wouldn’t be unexpected, even allowing for a lengthier post-production period than McQuoid’s initial four-month filming schedule. So perhaps 2023 wouldn’t be out of the question. For what it’s worth, reports now suggest that multiple Mortal Kombat follow-up movies are in development, including sequels and spinoffs. That’s primarily due to the movie’s HBO Max launch being one of the biggest in the service’s history, meaning it’s likely Warner Bros. will make a potential Mortal Kombat 2 a priority.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/mortal-kombat-2-movie-release-date-cast-story/

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